reflim <- function(x, lognormal = NULL, targets = NULL,
perc.trunc = 2.5, n.min = 200, apply.rounding = TRUE, = TRUE, plot.all = FALSE, print.n = TRUE,
main = "reference limits", xlab = "x"){
xx <- na.omit(x)
result <- list(stats = c(mean = NA, sd = NA, = NA, n.trunc = NA),
lognormal = lognormal,
limits = c(lower.lim = NA, upper.lim = NA,
lower.lim.low = NA, lower.lim.upp = NA,
upper.lim.low = NA, upper.lim.upp = NA),
targets = c(lower.lim = NA, upper.lim = NA,
lower.lim.low = NA, lower.lim.up = NA,
upper.lim.low = NA, upper.lim.upp = NA),
perc.norm = NA, = c(lower.lim.low = NA, lower.lim.upp = NA,
upper.lim.low = NA, upper.lim.upp = NA,
n = NA),
interpretation = c(lower.limit = NA, upper.limit = NA),
remarks = NA)
warning("x must be numeric. Non-numeric values removed.")
xx <- as.numeric(xx)
xx <- na.omit(xx)
result$remarks <- "Non-numeric values removed"
if(min(xx) <= 0){
warning("Only positive values allowed. values <= 0 removed.")
xx <- xx[xx > 0]
result$remarks <- "Values <= 0 removed"
targets <- na.omit(as.numeric(targets))
if(length(targets) != 2){
warning("targets must be a vector with length 2. NA not allowed. Targets removed.")
targets = NULL
result$remarks <- "Unsuitable target values removed"
if([1]) |[2])){
warning("Targets must be numeric. NA not allowed. Targets removed.")
targets = NULL
result$remarks <- "Unsuitable target values removed"
if(targets[1] >= targets[2]){
warning("The upper target limit must be greater than the lower target limit. Targets removed. ")
targets = NULL
result$remarks <- "Unsuitable target values removed"
if(targets[1] <= 0 | targets[2] <= 0){
warning("Only positive target values allowed. Targets removed.")
targets = NULL
result$remarks <- "Unsuitable target values removed"
n <- length(xx)
if(n < 40){
warning(paste("n = ", n, ". The absolute minimum for reference limit estimation is 40. NAs returned."))
result$stats[3] <- n
result$remarks <- "Total n < 40"
if(n < n.min){
warning(paste("n =", n, "where a minimum of", n.min, "is required. n.min has been set to 40 at a potential loss of accuracy."))
result$stats[3] <- n
result$remarks <- "Attention: low n."
n.min <- 40
digits <- adjust_digits(median(xx))$digits
plot.logtype <- TRUE
lognormal <- lognorm(xx, = FALSE)$lognormal
} else {
plot.logtype <- FALSE
res.lognorm <- lognorm(xx, = FALSE)
res.trunc <- iboxplot(xx, lognormal = lognormal,
perc.trunc = perc.trunc,
apply.rounding = apply.rounding, = FALSE)
n.trunc <- length(res.trunc$trunc)
if(n.trunc < 40){
warning(paste("n = ", n.trunc, "after truncation. The absolute minimum for reference limit estimation is 40. NAs returned."))
result$stats[3] <- n
result$stats[4] <- n.trunc
result$remarks <- "n < 40 after truncation."
if(n.trunc < n.min){
warning(paste("n.trunc =", n.trunc, "where a minimum of", n.min, "is required. n.min has been set to 40 at a potential loss of accuracy."))
result$stats[3] <- n
result$stats[4] <- n.trunc
result$remarks <- "Low n after truncation."
n.min <- 40
res.qq <- truncated_qqplot(res.trunc$trunc, lognormal = lognormal,
perc.trunc = perc.trunc, n.min = n.min,
apply.rounding = apply.rounding, = FALSE)$result <- conf_int95(n = n,
lower.limit = as.numeric(res.qq[3]),
upper.limit = as.numeric(res.qq[4]),
lognormal = lognormal, apply.rounding = apply.rounding)
if(res.qq[3] > 0){
res.pu <- permissible_uncertainty(lower.limit = as.numeric(res.qq[3]),
upper.limit = as.numeric(res.qq[4]),
apply.rounding = apply.rounding)
} else {
warning("Estimated lower limit <= 0. No tolerance limits calculated. No graphics produced.")
res.pu <- rep(NA, 4)
targets = NULL
result$remarks <- "Lower limit <= 0"
res.lim <- c(as.numeric(res.qq[3 : 4]), as.numeric(res.pu))
names(res.lim) <- c("lower.lim", "upper.lim", "lower.lim.low", "lower.lim.upp", "upper.lim.low", "upper.lim.upp")
if(apply.rounding){res.lim <- round(res.lim, digits)}
res.tar <- c(lower.lim = NA, upper.lim = NA,
lower.lim.low = NA, lower.lim.up = NA,
upper.lim.low = NA, upper.lim.upp = NA)
dev.lim <- c(lower.limit = NA, upper.limit = NA)
ip <- interpretation(res.lim[1 : 2], targets)
res.tar[1 : 2] <- targets
res.tar[3 : 6] <- ip$tol.tar
if(apply.rounding){res.tar <- round(res.tar, digits)}
dev.lim <- ip$dev.lim
if(res.qq[3] > 0){
if(plot.all){ <- TRUE}
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
rh <- ri_hist(xx, lognormal = lognormal, stats = res.qq[1 : 2],
limits = res.qq[3 : 4], targets = targets,
perc.norm = res.trunc$perc.norm,
main = main, xlab = xlab)
legend("topright", legend = paste("n =", n.trunc, "after truncation"),
bty = "n", cex = 0.75)
lognorm(xx, main = "Step 1: Bowley skewness", xlab = "", plot.logtype = plot.logtype)
iboxplot(xx, lognormal = lognormal, perc.trunc = perc.trunc,
apply.rounding = apply.rounding,
main = "Step 2: iBoxplot", xlab = "")
truncated_qqplot(res.trunc$trunc, lognormal = lognormal,
perc.trunc = perc.trunc, n.min = n.min,
apply.rounding = apply.rounding,
main = "Step 3: Q-Q plot", xlab = "", ylab = "")
result$stats = c(res.qq[1 : 2], = n, n.trunc = n.trunc)
result$lognormal = lognormal
result$limits = res.lim
result$targets = res.tar
result$perc.norm = res.trunc$perc.norm
result$ =[1 : 4]
result$interpretation = dev.lim
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