
Defines functions trivRegr

Documented in trivRegr

#' Trivariate regression model
#' This function estimates the covariates effects on the means vector,
#' and variance covariance matrix of a trivariate variable. Non linear effects
#' might be estimated for continuous covariates using penalized splines.
#' @param f A list of 9 formulas defining the covariates effects
#' in three responses means, in their variances, and in their correlations. The formulas
#' follow the mgcv::gam() structure.
#' @param data A data frame containing the reponses, and predictor variables values.
#' @return This function returns the covariates effect on the means,
#' variances, and correlation for a trivariate response variable.
#' @importFrom "mbend" "bend"
#' @importFrom "matrixcalc" "is.positive.semi.definite"
#' @examples
#' dm_no <- subset(aegis, aegis$dm == "no")
#' # Model formulas
#' mu1 <- fpg ~ s(age)
#' mu2 <- hba1c ~ s(age)
#' mu3 <- fru~s(age)
#' var1 <- ~ s(age)
#' var2 <- ~ s(age)
#' var3 <- ~ s(age)
#' theta12 <- ~ s(age)
#' theta13 <- ~ s(age)
#' theta23 <- ~ s(age)
#' f <- list(mu1, mu2, mu3, var1, var2, var3, theta12, theta13, theta23)
#' # Model fit
#' fit <- trivRegr(f, data = dm_no)
#' # Trivariate region estimation
#' region <- trivRegion(fit, tau = 0.95)
#' plot(region, col = 2, planes = TRUE)
#' plot(region,
#'   cond = TRUE, newdata = data.frame(age = c(20, 80)),
#'   xlab = "FPG, mg/dl", ylab = "HbA1c, %", zlab = "Fru, mg/dL"
#' )
#' @export

trivRegr <- function(f = f, data = data) {
  modelo_m1 <- gam(f[[1]], data = data)
  modelo_m2 <- gam(f[[2]], data = data)
  modelo_m3 <- gam(f[[3]], data = data)

  medias <- cbind(predict(modelo_m1), predict(modelo_m2), predict(modelo_m3))

  # Fit variance models
  # 1) Obtain the residuals
  data$res1 <- residuals(modelo_m1)^2
  data$res2 <- residuals(modelo_m2)^2
  data$res3 <- residuals(modelo_m3)^2

  # 2) Fit the models
  modelo_v1 <- ACE(y = "res1", predictor = f[[4]], data = data, restriction = "positive")
  modelo_v2 <- ACE(y = "res2", predictor = f[[5]], data = data, restriction = "positive")
  modelo_v3 <- ACE(y = "res3", predictor = f[[6]], data = data, restriction = "positive")

  sds <- cbind(sqrt(exp(predict(modelo_v1$fit))), sqrt(exp(predict(modelo_v2$fit))), sqrt(exp(predict(modelo_v3$fit))))

  # Fit correlation model
  # 1) Obtain the residuals
  data$res1 <- (eval(parse(text = paste0("data$", all.vars(f[[1]])[1]))) - medias[, 1]) / sds[, 1]
  data$res2 <- (eval(parse(text = paste0("data$", all.vars(f[[2]])[1]))) - medias[, 2]) / sds[, 2]
  data$res3 <- (eval(parse(text = paste0("data$", all.vars(f[[3]])[1]))) - medias[, 3]) / sds[, 3]

  data$res12 <- data$res1 * data$res2
  data$res13 <- data$res1 * data$res3
  data$res23 <- data$res2 * data$res3

  # 2) Fit the model
  modelo_rho1 <- ACE(y = "res12", predictor = f[[7]], data = data, restriction = "correlation")
  modelo_rho2 <- ACE(y = "res13", predictor = f[[8]], data = data, restriction = "correlation")
  modelo_rho3 <- ACE(y = "res23", predictor = f[[9]], data = data, restriction = "correlation")

  R <- cbind(tanh(predict(modelo_rho1$fit)), tanh(predict(modelo_rho2$fit)), tanh(predict(modelo_rho3$fit)))

  # Obtain the bivariate residuals
  n <- dim(data)[1]
  YC <- cbind(data$res1, data$res2, data$res3)

  for (i in 1:n) {
    Sigma <- matrix(c(1, R[i, 1], R[i, 2], R[i, 1], 1, R[i, 3], R[i, 2], R[i, 3], 1), ncol = 3, nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)

    if (is.positive.semi.definite(Sigma, tol = 1e-8) == FALSE) {
      Sigma <- bend(Sigma)$bent

    P <- chol(solve(Sigma))
    YC[i, ] <- P %*% YC[i, ]
  YC <- as.data.frame(YC)
  names(YC) <- c(all.vars(f[[1]])[1], all.vars(f[[2]])[1], all.vars(f[[3]])[1])
    trivres = YC, mean1 = modelo_m1, mean2 = modelo_m2, mean3 = modelo_m3,
    var1 = modelo_v1, var2 = modelo_v2, var3 = modelo_v3,
    rho1 = modelo_rho1, rho2 = modelo_rho2, rho3 = modelo_rho3

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refreg documentation built on April 18, 2022, 5:07 p.m.