
Defines functions get_values

Documented in get_values

#' @title get_values
#' @description
#' Get values for a specific jurisdiction, series, and year
#' @param jurisdiction ID for the jurisdiction
#' @param series Series ID (s)
#' @param year Year(s) of data
#' @param document_type ID for type of document, default value of 1
#' @param summary Return summary instead of document level data
#'                (only one year of data is allowed for document level data),
#'                default value is TRUE
#' @param date_is_range Indicating whether the time parameter is range or should
#'                    be treated as single data points, default value is TRUE
#' @param country Get values for all subjurisdictions, default value is FALSE
#' @param agency Agency ID, default value is NULL
#' @param cluster Cluster ID
#' @param label Industry code using the jurisdiction-specific coding system
#'              (returns all 3-digit industries by default),
#'              default value is NULL
#' @param industry industry is deprecated; use label
#' @param filtered Exclude poorly-performing industry results
#'                  (use of unfiltered results is NOT recommended),
#'                  default value is TRUE
#' @param label_level Level of NAICS industries to include, default value is 3
#' @param industry_level industry_level is deprecated; use label_level
#' @param label_source classification standard (NAICS, BEA, SOC),
#'                    default value of "NAICS"
#' @param version Version ID for datasets with multiple versions
#'                (if no ID is given, returns most recent version),
#'                default value is NULL
#' @param download If not False, a path location for a downloaded csv of the
#'                  results, default value is FALSE
#' @param page Page Number of the Response, default value is NULL
#' @param date date is deprecated, use year now
#' @param verbose Print out the url of the API call (useful for debugging),
#'                default value is 0
#' @return Returns pandas dataframe with the values and various metadata,
#'          and returns empty if required parameters are not given
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{get_values(
#'   series = array(c(1, 28, 33, 36)), jurisdiction = 38,
#'   year = array(c(1970, 2003, 2004, 2018, 2020)), country = TRUE
#' )}
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import stringr
#' @import httr
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @export
# nolint start
get_values <- function(series, jurisdiction, year, document_type = 1,
                       summary = TRUE, date_is_range = TRUE, country = FALSE,
                       agency = NULL, cluster = NULL, label = NULL,
                       industry = NULL, filtered = TRUE, label_level = 3,
                       industry_level = NULL, label_source = "NAICS",
                       version = NULL, download = FALSE, page = NULL,
                       date = NULL, verbose = 0) {
  url <- .url
  date_format <- .date_format

  if (!is.null(date)) {
    warning("date is deprecated, use year")

  # If multiple jurisdiction names are given, find list of IDs
  pattern <- "[A-Za-z]"
  if (is.array(jurisdiction) && grepl(pattern, as.character(jurisdiction[1]))) {
    jurisdiction <- lapply(jurisdiction, function(x) list_jurisdictions()[[x]])
  } else {

  # Use /datafinder endpoint to get the appropriate values endpoint
      endpoint <- get_endpoint(series, jurisdiction, year,
                               document_type, summary)
    error = function() {
      paste0("No data was found for these parameters.",
             " For this jurisdiction, consider the following: \n")
      message(as.data.frame(get_datafinder(jurisdiction, document_type)))

  if (!is.na(endpoint)) { # it returns NA as the value
    url_call <- paste0(url, endpoint, "?")
  } else {

  # If multiple series are given, parses the list into a string
  if (is.array(series)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "series=", paste(series, collapse = ","),
                       sep = "")
  } else if (is.numeric(series) || is.character(series)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "series=", series, sep = "")
    # If no appropriate series is given, prints warning message and
    # list of available series, and function returns empty.
  } else {
    warning("Valid series ID required. Select from the following list:")

  # If multiple jurisdiction IDs are given, parses the list into a string
  if (is.array(jurisdiction)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&jurisdiction=",
                       paste(jurisdiction, collapse = ","), sep = "")
  } else if (is.numeric(jurisdiction) || is.character(jurisdiction)) {
    # If jurisdiction is just an ID, use jurisdiction
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&jurisdiction=", jurisdiction, sep = "")
  } else {
    # If no appropriate jurisdiction is given, prints warning message
    # jurisdictions, and function returns empty.
    warning("Valid jurisdiction ID required. Select from the following list:")

  # If multiple agencies are given, parses the list into a string
  if (is.array(agency)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&agency=", paste(agency, collapse = ","),
                       sep = "")
  } else if (!is.null(agency)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&agency=", agency, sep = "")

  # If multiple clusters are given, parses the list into a string
  if (is.array(cluster)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&cluster=", paste(cluster, collapse = ","))
  } else if (!is.null(cluster)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&cluster=", cluster)

  # Display deprecation message and rename industry args
  if (!is.null(industry)) {
    warning("industry is deprecated; use label\n")
    label <- industry
  if (!is.null(industry_level)) {
    warning("industry_level is deprecated; use label_level\n")
    label_level <- industry_level
  # If multiple industries are given, parses the list into a string
  if (is.array(label)) {
    if (label_source == "NAICS") {
      label <- lapply(label, function(i) {
          label_level = label_level, label_source = label_source,
          only_id = TRUE)[[toString(i)]]
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&label=", paste(label, collapse = ","))
  } else if (!is.null(label)) {
    if (label_source == "NAICS") {
      label <- list_industries(label_level = label_level,
                               label_source = label_source,
                               only_id = TRUE)[[toString(label)]]
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&label=", label)
  # Specify level of industry (NAICS only)
  if (!is.null(label_level)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&labelLevel=", label_level)

  # If multiple years are given, parses the list into a string
  if (is.array(year)) {
    # If date_is_range, parses the list to include all years
    if (date_is_range && length(year) == 2) {
      year <- seq(from = as.integer(year[1]), to = as.integer(year[2]), by = 1)
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&year=", paste(year, collapse = ","))
    # Checks to see if date is in correct format
  } else if (grepl(date_format, as.character(year))) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&year=", year)
    # If no appropriate date is given, prints warning message and
    # list of available dates for the given jurisdiction(s),
    # and function returns empty.
  } else {
    message("Valid date is required. Select from the following list:")
    dates <- list_dates(jurisdiction)

  # Allows for document-level data to be retrieved.
  # Includes warning message explaning that this query may take a while.
  if (!summary) {
    if (!is.null(label)) {
      warning_message <- paste0("Returning document-level industry results.",
                                " This query make take several minutes.")
    url_call <- gsub("/summary", "/documents", url_call, fixed = TRUE)

  # Allows for unfiltered industry results to be retrieved. Includes
  # warning message explaining that these results should not be trusted.
  if (!is.null(label) && !filtered) {
    warning_message <- paste0("Returning unfiltered industry results.
                               Use of these results is NOT recommended.")
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&filteredOnly=false")

  # Adds document_type argument (default is 1 in API)
  if (!is.null(document_type)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&documenttype=", document_type)

  # Adds country argument if country-level data is requested
  if (country) {
    warning("country is deprecated")

  # Adds version argument if different version is requested
  if (!is.null(version)) {
    warning("version is temporarily deprecated")

  # Prints the url call if verbosity is flagged
  if (verbose) {
    message(paste0("API call: ", gsub(" ", "%20", url_call)))

  # Allows user to manually select a page of the output
  # If page is not passed, pagination is done automatically (see below)
  # for output larger than 5000 rows
  if (!is.null(page)) {
    url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&page=", page)

  # Retrieves JSON Output from the API
      response <- GET(url_call)
      output <- fromJSON(content(response, as = "parsed")) # will be a dataframe
    error = function(e) {

  # no point of continuing the execution further
  if (!is.data.frame(output)) {
    return(data.frame()) # empty dataframe

  # If output is truncated, paginates until all data is found
  if (nrow(output) == 5000 && is.null(page)) { # output is a dataframe
    full_output <- output
    page <- 1
    while (nrow(output) == 5000) {
      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste0("Output truncated, found page ", page))
      page <- page + 1
      new_url_call <- paste0(url_call, "&page=", page)
      output <- fromJSON(content(GET(new_url_call), as = "parsed"))
      full_output <- rbind(full_output, output)
    output <- full_output

  # If download path is given, write csv instead of returning data frame
  if (download != FALSE) {
    if (is.character(download)) {
      output <- clean_columns(output)
      write.csv2(output, download)
    } else {
      cat("Valid outpath required to download.")
  } else {
    # Returns clean data if no error
# nolint end

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regcensus documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 1:07 a.m.