
Defines functions highlight_test_str

highlight_test_str = function(str, pattern, ignore_case = TRUE,
                              global = TRUE, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE,
                              color_palette = "Set3") {
  #' Highlight regex matches in output display with HTML
  #' @param str string to find matches in
  #' @param pattern pattern to match in str
  #' @param ignore_case see ?gsub
  #' @param global see ?gsub
  #' @param perl see ?gsub
  #' @param fixed see ?gsub
  #' @param color_palette RColorBrewer palette name for highlighting colors
  #' @return HTML string to be rendered with shiny::HTML()
  #' @keywords internal
  #' @noRd
  #' @importFrom data.table := .SD

  # Satisfy global variable check issues w/o globalVariables
  # These are col names used in NSE data.table expressions
  match_start = NULL
  match_ind = NULL
  capture_text = NULL
  capture_ind = NULL
  in_match_cap_start = NULL
  in_match_cap_end = NULL
  replacements = NULL

    colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(100, color_palette)

  if (global) {
    matches_raw = gregexpr(pattern,
                           fixed = fixed,
                           perl = perl & !fixed,
                           ignore.case = ignore_case & !fixed)[[1]]

    if (all(matches_raw == -1)) return(NULL)

    matches = regmatches(rep(str, length(matches_raw)),
  } else {
    matches_raw = regexpr(pattern,
                          fixed = fixed,
                          perl = perl & !fixed,
                          ignore.case = ignore_case & !fixed)

    if (all(matches_raw == -1)) return(NULL)

    matches = regmatches(str, matches_raw)[[1]]

  if (perl & !is.null(attr(matches_raw, "capture.start"))) {
    match_end      = matches_raw + attr(matches_raw, "match.length") - 1
    capture_start  = attr(matches_raw, "capture.start")
    capture_length = attr(matches_raw, "capture.length") - 1
    capture_end    = capture_start + capture_length

    match_df = data.table::data.table(
      match_ind     = c(seq_len(length(matches))),
      match         = matches,
      match_start   = rep(matches_raw, ncol(capture_end)),
      match_end     = rep(match_end, ncol(capture_end)),
      capture_ind   = rep(seq_len(ncol(capture_end)), each = nrow(capture_end)),
      capture_start = as.numeric(capture_start),
      capture_end   = as.numeric(capture_end)

    match_df = match_df[order(match_ind, capture_start), ]
    match_df[, capture_text := stringr::str_sub(
      str, capture_start, capture_end
    match_df[, in_match_cap_start := capture_start - (match_start - 1)]
    match_df[, in_match_cap_end   := capture_end - (match_start - 1)]
    match_df = unique(
               list(match, match_ind, match_start, match_end,
                    capture_text, capture_ind, in_match_cap_start,
    match_df[, capture_text := paste0(capture_text, "_", capture_ind)]
    match_df = match_df[, lapply(
      .SD, function(...) list(unique(...))
    ), by = match]

    match_df$replacements = vapply(seq_len(nrow(match_df)), function(.x) {
      txt = match_df$match[.x]
      buffer = 0
      for (i in seq_len(length(match_df$in_match_cap_start[[.x]]))) {
        cap_txt = stringr::str_match(
        )[, 2]

        if (match_df$in_match_cap_start[[.x]][i] + buffer <= nchar(txt) &
            match_df$in_match_cap_end[[.x]][i] + buffer <= nchar(txt)) {
                           match_df$in_match_cap_start[[.x]][i] + buffer,
                           match_df$in_match_cap_end[[.x]][i] + buffer) = "%s"
          replacement = paste0(
            "<span style='background-color:", colors[1 + i], "'>",
          txt = sprintf(txt, replacement)
          buffer = buffer + nchar(replacement) - nchar(cap_txt)
        "<span style='background-color:", colors[1], "'>",
    }, character(1))

    match_df = tidyr::unnest(match_df[, list(match_ind, match, replacements,
                                             match_start, match_end)],
                             cols = c(match_ind, match_start, match_end))
    match_df = unique(match_df)

    # modifying string in place using indices
    # work back to front to avoid disrupting indices
    match_df = data.table::data.table(match_df)
    match_df = match_df[order(match_ind, decreasing = TRUE), ]
  } else {
    match_end = matches_raw + attr(matches_raw, "match.length") - 1

    match_df = data.table::data.table(
      match_ind = seq_len(length(matches)),
      match = matches,
      match_start = matches_raw,
      match_end = match_end
    match_df[, replacements := paste0(
      "<span style='background-color:", colors[1], "'>",

    # modifying string in place using indices
    # work back to front to avoid disrupting indices
    match_df = match_df[order(match_ind, decreasing = TRUE), ]

  txt = str
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(match_df))) {
                     match_df$match_end[i]) = "%s"
    txt = sprintf(txt, match_df$replacements[i])


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regexTestR documentation built on Jan. 3, 2022, 5:12 p.m.