
Defines functions .prAllMix mixLikDrop

Documented in mixLikDrop

#Likelihoods for mixtures with dropout and dropin

#Wrapper for prAllMix() which calculates probability of seeing alleles
#in mixture based on genotypes of known contributors

#Model specified in Appendix of Haned et al. (2012)
#Given a mixture with number of contributors n known, and genotypes of contributors
#R: mixture alleles
#G: list of genotype(s) of contributor(s)
#n: number of contributors
#D: list of dropout-probabilities. Two probabilities per contributor, heterozygous and homozygous
#di: dropin probability in the interval [0,1]
#alleles: all alleles for given locus
#afreq: frequencies

#' Likelihoods for DNA mixtures with dropout and dropin
#' Computes the likelihood of a mixture conditioned on a given number of known and unknown contributors, and drop-in and dropout probabilities.
#' @param R Vector of mixture alleles
#' @param G  List of genotypes. Each element is a vector with genotype for one individual
#' @param D List of dropout values (between 0 and 1) per contributor. Each element is a vector containing heterozygous and homozygous dropout probability for the given contributor
#' @param di Drop-in value (between 0 and 1)
#' @param alleleNames Vector of allele names for the marker
#' @param afreq  Vector of allele frequencies for the marker
#' @return The likelihood (a numeric)
#' @references The model is specified in the appendix of Haned et al. (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2012.08.008>.
#' @author Guro Dorum
#' @seealso \code{\link{relMix}}
#' @examples
#' #Define alleles and frequencies
#' alleles <- 1:2
#' afreq <- c(0.5,0.5)
#' #Genotypes
#' gM <- c(1,1)
#' gC <- c(1,2)
#' #Mixture alleles
#' R <- c(1,2)
#' #Dropout and drop-in values
#' d <- 0.1
#' di <- 0.05
#' #No drop-in for first contributor
#' D <- list(c(0,0),c(d,d^2))
#' mixLikDrop(R=R,G=list(gM,gC),D=D,di=di,alleleNames=alleles,afreq=afreq)
#' @export
mixLikDrop <- function(R,G,D,di=0,alleleNames,afreq){

  if(length(D)!=length(G)) stop("You must specify dropout probabilities for all contributors")
  #if(length(G)!=n) stop("You must specify one genotype for each contributor")

#   #If allele names does not start from 1, rename
#   alleles <- 1:length(afreq)
#   R <- alleles[alleleNames%in%R]
#   G <- lapply(G,function(x) { a <- alleles[alleleNames%in%x]; if(length(a)<2) a <- c(a,a);a})

  #Probability of not seeing allele
  p <- .prAllMix(G,alleleNames,afreq,D,di)
  #If allele is in mixture, 1-prob(not seeing allele)
  probs <- ifelse(alleleNames %in% R,1-p,p)

  #Return likelihood


#calculates probability of not observing alleles
#based on genotypes of known contributors
#and given dropout and drop-in
.prAllMix <- function(G,alleles,afreq,D,di){

  n <- length(G)
  na <- length(alleles)
  #Go through all alleses and find the probability of not observing them in the mixture
  p <- numeric(na)
  for(i in 1:na){
    #na.rm=TRUE makes make it possible for individuals to have 1 or 2 NA (silent) alleles
    nn <- sapply(G,function(x) sum(x==alleles[i],na.rm=TRUE))
    #Probability of dropout and no dropin, i.e. the allele is not in the mixture
    p[i] <- (1-di*afreq[alleles[i]]) * prod(unlist(sapply(1:n,function(j) D[[j]][nn[j]])))

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