#' Cross-validation for reluctant generalized additive model (rgam)
#' Does \code{k}-fold cross-validation for \code{rgam}.
#' The function runs \code{rgam} nfolds+1 times; the first to get the lambda
#' sequence, and then the remainder to compute the fit with each of the folds
#' omitted. The error is accumulated, and the average error and standard
#' deviation over the folds is computed.
#' Note that \code{cv.rgam} only does cross-validation for lambda but not for
#' the degrees of freedom hyperparameter.
#' @param x Input matrix, of dimension \code{nobs x nvars}; each row is
#' an observation vector.
#' @param y Response \code{y} as in \code{rgam}.
#' @param lambda A user-supplied \code{lambda} sequence. Typical usage is to
#' have the program compute its own \code{lambda} sequence; supplying a value of
#' lambda overrides this.
#' @param family Response type. Either \code{"gaussian"} (default) for linear
#' regression, \code{"binomial"} for logistic regression, \code{"poisson"} for
#' Poisson regression or \code{"cox"} for Cox regression.
#' @param offset Offset vector as in \code{rgam}.
#' @param init_nz A vector specifying which features we must include when
#' computing the non-linear features. Default is to construct non-linear
#' features for all given features.
#' @param gamma Scale factor for non-linear features (vs. original features),
#' to be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.8 if \code{init_nz = c()}, 0.6 otherwise.
#' @param nfolds Number of folds for CV (default is 10). Although \code{nfolds}
#' can be as large as the sample size (leave-one-out CV), it is not recommended
#' for large datasets. Smallest value allowable is \code{nfolds = 4}.
#' @param foldid An optional vector of values between 1 and \code{nfolds}
#' identifying what fold each observation is in. If supplied, \code{nfolds} can
#' be missing.
#' @param keep If \code{keep = TRUE}, a prevalidated array is returned
#' containing fitted values for each observation at each value of lambda. This
#' means these fits are computed with this observation and the rest of its fold
#' omitted. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param parallel If TRUE, use parallel foreach to fit each fold. Must
#' register parallel before hand, such as doMC or others. Note that this also
#' passes \code{parallel = TRUE} to the \code{rgam()} call within each fold.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param verbose Print information as model is being fit? Default is
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Other arguments that can be passed to \code{rgam}.
#' @return An object of class \code{"cv.rgam"}.
#' \item{glmfit}{A fitted \code{rgam} object for the full data.}
#' \item{lambda}{The values of \code{lambda} used in the fits.}
#' \item{nzero_feat}{The number of non-zero features for the model \code{glmfit}.}
#' \item{nzero_lin}{The number of non-zero linear components for the model
#' \code{glmfit}.}
#' \item{nzero_nonlin}{The number of non-zero non-linear components for the
#' model \code{glmfit}.}
#' \item{fit.preval}{If \code{keep=TRUE}, this is the array of prevalidated
#' fits.}
#' \item{cvm}{The mean cross-validated error: a vector of length
#' \code{length(lambda)}.}
#' \item{cvse}{Estimate of standard error of \code{cvm}.}
#' \item{cvlo}{Lower curve = \code{cvm - cvsd}.}
#' \item{cvup}{Upper curve = \code{cvm + cvsd}.}
#' \item{lambda.min}{The value of \code{lambda} that gives minimum
#' \code{cvm}.}
#' \item{lambda.1se}{The largest value of \code{lambda} such that the CV
#' error is within one standard error of the minimum.}
#' \item{foldid}{If \code{keep=TRUE}, the fold assignments used.}
#' \item{name}{Name of error measurement used for CV.}
#' \item{call}{The call that produced this object.}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 100; p <- 20
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' beta <- matrix(c(rep(2, 5), rep(0, 15)), ncol = 1)
#' y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n)
#' cvfit <- cv.rgam(x, y)
#' # specify number of folds
#' cvfit <- cv.rgam(x, y, nfolds = 5)
#' @import foreach
#' @export
cv.rgam <- function(x, y, lambda = NULL, family = c("gaussian","binomial",
"poisson", "cox"), offset = NULL, init_nz, gamma, nfolds = 10,
foldid = NULL, keep = FALSE, parallel = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE, ...) { <-
family <- match.arg(family)
n <- nrow(x); p <- ncol(x)
if (is.null(offset)) {
offset <- y * 0
is.offset = FALSE
} else {
is.offset = TRUE
# if fold IDs not given, randomly create them
# if given, count the number of folds
if (is.null(foldid)) {
foldid <- sample(rep(seq(nfolds), length = n))
} else {
nfolds <- length(unique(foldid))
if (nfolds <= 3) {
stop("nfolds must be bigger than 3; nfolds = 10 recommended")
# specify init_nz and gamma
if (missing(init_nz)) {
message("init_nz not specified: setting to default (all features)")
init_nz <- 1:p
if (missing(gamma)) {
if (length(init_nz) == 0) {
message("using default value of gamma for RGAM_SEL: 0.8")
gamma <- 0.8
} else {
message("using default value of gamma for RGAM: 0.6")
gamma <- 0.6
# get rgam fit for all of the data
if (verbose) cat("Get initial fit", fill = TRUE)
fit0 <- rgam(x, y, lambda = lambda, family = family, foldid = foldid,
offset = offset, init_nz = init_nz, gamma = gamma, verbose = verbose, ...)
fit0$full_glmfit$offset <- is.offset
if (verbose) cat("\nInitial fit done", fill = TRUE)
# fit rgam on folds
# note: we run each rgam with K-1 folds, reusing the foldid vector
fits <- vector("list", nfolds)
if (parallel) {
fits = foreach(ii = 1:nfolds, .packages = c("rgam")) %dopar% {
oo <- foldid == ii
xc <- x[!oo, , drop = FALSE]
if (family == "cox") {
yy <- y[!oo, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
yy <- y[!oo]
temp_foldid <- foldid[!oo]
if (ii != nfolds) {
temp_foldid[temp_foldid == nfolds] <- ii
rgam(xc, yy, lambda = fit0$lambda, family = family,
offset = offset[!oo], foldid = temp_foldid,
init_nz = init_nz, gamma = gamma, ...)
} else {
for (ii in 1:nfolds) {
if (verbose) {
cat(c("\nFold = ", ii), fill = TRUE)
oo <- foldid == ii
xc <- x[!oo, , drop = FALSE]
if (family == "cox") {
yy <- y[!oo, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
yy <- y[!oo]
temp_foldid <- foldid[!oo]
if (ii != nfolds) {
temp_foldid[temp_foldid == nfolds] <- ii
fits[[ii]] <- rgam(xc, yy, lambda = fit0$lambda, family = family,
offset = offset[!oo], foldid = temp_foldid,
init_nz = init_nz, gamma = gamma, verbose = verbose, ...)
# get predictions
yhat <- matrix(NA, n, length(fit0$lambda))
for (ii in 1:nfolds) {
oo <- foldid == ii
out <- predict(fits[[ii]], x[oo, , drop = F], newoffset = offset[oo])
yhat[oo, 1:ncol(out)] <- out
# if keep = TRUE, keep the pre-validated fits
yhat.preval <- NULL
foldid_copy <- NULL
if (keep) {
yhat.preval <- yhat
foldid_copy <- foldid
# compute CV error
if (family == "cox") {
name <- "Partial Likelihood Deviance"
err <- matrix(0, nrow = nfolds, ncol = length(fit0$lambda))
for (ii in 1:nfolds) {
oo <- foldid == ii
yhat <- predict(fits[[ii]], x, newoffset = offset)
err[ii, ] = glmnet::coxnet.deviance(pred = yhat, y = y) -
glmnet::coxnet.deviance(pred = yhat[!oo, ], y = y[!oo,])
weights <- as.vector(tapply(y[, "status"], foldid, sum))
err <- err / weights
cvm <- apply(err, 2, weighted.mean, w = weights, na.rm = TRUE)
cvse <- sqrt(apply(scale(err, cvm, FALSE)^2, 2, weighted.mean,
w = weights, na.rm = TRUE) / (nfolds - 1))
} else {
# assumption: family is gaussian or binomial
name <- switch(family,
"gaussian" = "Mean-Squared Error",
"binomial" = "Deviance",
"poisson" = "Poisson Deviance")
errfun <- switch(family,
"gaussian" = msefun,
"binomial" = binfun,
"poisson" = poifun)
if (family == "binomial") {
yhat <- 1 / (1 + exp(-yhat))
ym <- array(y, dim(yhat))
err <- errfun(yhat, ym)
cvm <- apply(err, 2, mean, na.rm = T)
err2 <- matrix(NA, nfolds, length(fit0$lambda))
for (ii in 1:nfolds) {
err2[ii, ] <- colMeans(err[foldid == ii, ])
cvse <- sqrt(apply(err2, 2, var, na.rm = T) / nfolds)
cvlo <- cvm - cvse
cvup <- cvm + cvse
# get best and 1se lambda
imin <- which.min(cvm)
lambda.min <- fit0$lambda[imin]
imin.1se <- which(cvm < cvm[imin] + cvse[imin])[1]
lambda.1se <- fit0$lambda[imin.1se]
out <- list(glmfit=fit0, lambda=fit0$lambda, nzero_feat = fit0$nzero_feat,
nzero_lin=fit0$nzero_lin, nzero_nonlin=fit0$nzero_nonlin,
fit.preval=yhat.preval, cvm=cvm, cvse=cvse, cvlo=cvlo,
cvup=cvup, lambda.min=lambda.min, lambda.1se=lambda.1se,
foldid=foldid_copy, name=name,
class(out) <- "cv.rgam"
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