
#' @title Interactively Create Rmarkdown Chunks
#' @description Addin that splits full documents into Rmarkdown chunks or
#' wraps highlighted text in an active RStudio document editor in a Rmarkdown chunk.
#' @return NULL
#' @details
#' Setting \code{\link{remedy_opts}}$set(list(full_doc=TRUE)) chunkr will convert entire document by
#' \code{\link{remedy_opts}}$get('token_purl'). The default token is the output from a \code{\link[knitr]{purl}}
#' conversion (## ----chunk name,chunk options----).
#' Setting \code{\link{remedy_opts}}$set(list(full_doc=FALSE)), user highlights text and chunkr will
#'  wrap a new Rmarkdown chunk around it, utilizing the other options in \code{\link{remedy_opts}}.
#' @rdname chunkr
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' remedy_example(
#'     c( "# Create a chunk",
#'     "a <- 12", 
#'     "aaa <- 13"), 
#'     chunkr
#'     )
#' }

chunkr <- function() {
  if (remedy_opts$get("full_doc")) {
  } else {

#' @importFrom rstudioapi getSourceEditorContext
#' @rdname chunkr
chunkr_doc <- function() {
  adc <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()

  find_chunks <- grep(remedy_opts$get('token_purl'), adc$contents)

  if (length(find_chunks) == 0) return(NULL)

  if (length(find_chunks) == 1){
    chunk_idx <- list(find_chunks:length(adc$contents)) 
    chunk_idx <- mapply(seq, find_chunks, to = c(find_chunks[-1] - 1, length(adc$contents)))  
  new_chunks <- lapply(chunk_idx, function(x) {
    this <- adc$contents[x]
    this[1] <- sprintf("```{r%s}", gsub("[#-]", "", this[1]))
    this[length(x) + 1] <- "```"

  new_text <- c(adc$contents[1:chunk_idx[[1]][1] - 1], unlist(new_chunks))

    cat(new_text, file = adc$path, sep = "\n")  
    tail_pos <- nchar(adc$contents[length(adc$contents)])+1
    add_rng <- Map(c, Map(c, length(adc$contents), tail_pos), Map(c, length(adc$contents), tail_pos))
    rstudioapi::setCursorPosition(position = add_rng,id = adc$id)
    add_num <- length(new_text) - length(adc$contents)
    rstudioapi::insertText(location = add_rng,text = strrep('\n',add_num),id = adc$id)
    rng <- Map(c, Map(c, 1:length(new_text), 1), Map(c, 1:length(new_text), max(nchar(adc$contents))+1))
    rstudioapi::modifyRange(location = rng, text = new_text,id = adc$id)

#' @importFrom rstudioapi insertText getActiveDocumentContext setCursorPosition
#' @rdname chunkr
chunkr_section <- function() {
  adc <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()

  newend <- adc$selection[[1]]$range$start[[1]] + (adc$selection[[1]]$range$end[[1]] - adc$selection[[1]]$range$start[[1]]) + 3

  adc$selection[[1]]$range$start[[1]] <- adc$selection[[1]]$range$start[[1]] - 1
  adc$selection[[1]]$range$end[[1]] <- newend
  adc$selection[[1]]$range$end[[2]] <- 1

  start_text <- "\n```{r"

  if (!remedy_opts$get("basic")) {
    if (remedy_opts$get("counter")) {
      chunky_num <- length(grep(sprintf("\\`\\`\\`\\{r %s", remedy_opts$get("name")), adc$contents[1:adc$selection[[1]]$range$start[[1]]])) + 1
      start_text <- paste(start_text, sprintf("%s%03d", remedy_opts$get("name"), chunky_num))
    } else {
      start_text <- paste(start_text, remedy_opts$get("name"))

    if (!is.null(remedy_opts$get("chunk_opts"))) {
      start_text <- paste(start_text, remedy_opts$get("chunk_opts"), sep = ",")

  start_text <- paste0(start_text, "}\n")

  # Insert text that splits the code chunk in two
  rstudioapi::insertText(location = adc$selection[[1]]$range$start, start_text)
  rstudioapi::insertText(location = adc$selection[[1]]$range$end, "\n```\n")

Try the remedy package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

remedy documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:30 a.m.