
if (!isGeneric('nXplain')) {
  setGeneric('nXplain', function(x, ...)

#' Number of EOTs needed for variance explanation
#' @description 
#' The function identifies the number of modes needed to explain a certain amount of
#' variance within the response field.
#' @param x an \emph{EotStack}
#' @param var the minimum amount of variance to be explained by the modes
#' @note This is a post-hoc function. It needs an \emph{EotStack} 
#' created as returned by \code{\link{eot}}. Depending on the potency
#' of the identified EOTs, it may be necessary to compute a high number of 
#' modes in order to be able to explain a large enough part of the variance.
#' @return an integer denoting the number of EOTs needed to explain \code{var}
#' @examples
#' data(vdendool)
#' nh_modes <- eot(x = vdendool, y = NULL, n = 3, 
#'                 standardised = FALSE, 
#'                 verbose = TRUE)
#' ### How many modes are needed to explain 25% of variance?              
#' nXplain(nh_modes, 0.25)
#' @export 
#' @name nXplain
#' @rdname nXplain
#' @aliases nXplain,EotStack-method

setMethod('nXplain', signature(x = 'EotStack'),
          function(x, var = 0.9) {
            expl.var <- sapply(seq(nmodes(x)), function(i) {
            n <- min(which(var - expl.var <= 0), na.rm = TRUE)
            if (!is.finite(n)) {
              stop("explained variance of EotStack is lower than: ", var, 
                   "maximum explained variance of this EotStack is: ", 

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