
Defines functions set_valid_wd download_data_intern merge_list RVNumber

Documented in set_valid_wd

#' Sets valid working directory from vector of possible directories
#' @param possible character vector of possible working directores
#' @details Sets the working directory to the first valid directory from a
#' list of possible directories.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_valid_wd(c('examples/directory1', 'anotherExample/directory2'))
#' }
#' @export

set_valid_wd <- function(possible) {
    for (i in possible) {
        if (file.exists(i)) {
            message(sprintf('Working directory set to: %s', i))
        if (possible[length(possible)] == i) message(
                                                'No valid directory found.')

#' Internal function to download plain text data
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

download_data_intern <- function(url, sha1 = NULL, temp_file){

    message(paste('Downloading data from:', url, '\n'))
    request <- GET(url)
    writeBin(content(request, type = "raw"), temp_file)

     file_sha1 <- digest(file = temp_file, algo = "sha1")

    if (is.null(sha1)) {
        message("SHA-1 hash of the downloaded data file is:\n", file_sha1)
    else if (identical(file_sha1, sha1)) {
        message("Specified SHA-1 hash matches downloaded data file.\n")
    else if (!identical(file_sha1, sha1)) {
        stop("SHA-1 hash of downloaded file (", file_sha1,
            ")\n  does not match expected value (", sha1,
            ")", call. = FALSE)

#' Merge a list together.
#' @details The function is directly from knitr, but is loaded here so that
#' \code{\link{LoadandCite}} can install specific knitr versions.
#' @source Directly from Y. Xie. knitr: A general-purpose package for dynamic
#' report generation in R, 2013. URL
#' \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=knitr}. R package version 1.2.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

merge_list = function(x, y) {
     x[names(y)] = y

#' Note R version number.
#' @details A short function for noting the version of R running.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

RVNumber <- function(){
     Major = R.Version()$major
     Minor = R.Version()$minor
     RV = paste(Major, Minor, sep = ".")

#' Write package bibliographies to a file.
#' @details The function builds on knitr (\code{write_bib}), but is loaded here
#' so that \code{\link{LoadandCite}} can install specific knitr versions. It
#' also has added capabilities for citing the current R version.
#' @source Directly from Y. Xie. knitr: A general-purpose package for dynamic
#' report generation in R, 2013. URL
#' \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=knitr}. R package version 1.6.
#' @importFrom utils citation installed.packages toBibtex
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

write_bibExtra <- function (x = .packages(), file = "", bibtex, style,
                            tweak = TRUE)
     idx = mapply(system.file, package = x) == ''
     if (any(idx)) {
          warning('package(s) ', paste(x[idx], collapse = ', '), ' not found')
          x = x[!idx]
     x = setdiff(x, .base.pkgs) # remove base packages
     if (isTRUE(bibtex)){
          bib = sapply(x, function(pkg) {
               cite = citation(pkg, auto = if (pkg == 'base') NULL else TRUE)
                entry = toBibtex(cite)
                entry[1] = sub('\\{,$', sprintf('{R-%s,', pkg), entry[1])
          if (style == 'JSS'){
               entry[2] = sub('\\{', '\\{\\\\pkg{', entry[2])
               entry[2] = sub(':', '\\}:', entry[2])
               entry = sub("note = \\{R", "note = \\{\\\\proglang{R\\}", entry)
          gsub('', '', entry)
          }, simplify = FALSE)
          if (tweak) {
               for (i in intersect(names(.tweak.bib), x)) {
                    message('tweaking ', i)
                    bib[[i]] = merge_list(bib[[i]], .tweak.bib[[i]])
           bib = lapply(bib, function(b) {
               b['author'] = sub('Duncan Temple Lang', 'Duncan {Temple Lang}',
               if (!('year' %in% names(b))) b['year'] = .this.year
                    idx = which(names(b) == '')
                    structure(c(b[idx[1L]], b[-idx], b[idx[2L]]),
                              class = 'Bibtex')
          bib = bib[sort(x)]

          RCite = toBibtex(citation())
          RCite[1] = sub('\\{,$', '\\{CiteR,', RCite[1])
          RV = RVNumber()
          RowT = length(RCite)
          RCite[RowT] = paste0("  note = {Version ", RV, "}, \n}")
          if (style == 'JSS'){
               RCite[2] = sub('\\{', '\\{\\\\proglang\\{', RCite[2])
               RCite[2] = sub(':', '\\}:', RCite[2])

     if (!is.null(file)) cat(RCite, unlist(bib), sep = '\n', file = file)

     .this.year = sprintf('  year = {%s},', format(Sys.Date(), '%Y'))
     # hack non-standard entries; to be updated...
    .tweak.bib = list(
        akima = c(author = '  author = {H. Akima and Albrecht Gebhardt and Thomas Petzoldt and Martin Maechler},'),
        ash = c(author = '  author = {David W. Scott and Albrecht Gebhardt and Stephen Kaluzny},'),
        bcpa = c(author = '  author = {Jose Claudio Faria and Clarice Garcia Borges Demetrio},'),
        bitops = c(author = '  author = {Steve Dutky and Martin Maechler and Steve Dutky},'),
        cacheSweave = c(author = '  author = {Roger D. Peng},'),
        cat = c(author = '  author = {Ted Harding and Fernando Tusell and Joseph L. Schafer},'),
        CircStats = c(author = '  author = {Ulric Lund and Claudio Agostinelli},'),
        cluster = c(author = '  author = {Martin Maechler},'),
        contrast = c(author = '  author = {Max Kuhn and Steve Weston and Jed Wing and James Forester},'),
        date = c(author = '  author = {Terry Therneau and Thomas Lumley and Kjetil Halvorsen and Kurt Hornik},'),
        digest = c(author = '  author = {Dirk Eddelbuettel},'),
        epiR = c(author = '  author = {Mark Stevenson and Telmo Nunes and Cord Heuer and Jonathon Marshall and Javier Sanchez and Ron Thornton and Jeno Reiczigel and Jim Robison-Cox and Paola Sebastiani and Peter Solymos},'),
        fortunes = c(author = '  author = {Achim Zeileis and the R community},'),
        gWidgets = c(author = '  author = {John Verzani},'),
        hexbin = c(author = '  author = {Dan Carr and Nicholas Lewin-Koh and Martin Maechler},'),
        Hmisc =  c(author = '  author = {Harrell, Jr., Frank E},'),
        INLA = c(year = '  year = {2013},'),
        leaps = c(author = '  author = {Thomas Lumley},'),
        maps = c(author = '  author = {Ray Brownrigg},'),
        oz = c(author = '  author = {Bill Venables and Kurt Hornik},'),
        pbivnorm = c(author = '  author = {Alan Genz and Brenton Kenkel},'),
        pscl = c(author = '  author = {Simon Jackman and Alex Tahk and Achim Zeileis and Christina Maimone and Jim Fearon},'),
        quadprog = c(author = '  author = {Berwin A. Turlach and Andreas Weingessel},'),
        randomForest = c(author = '  author = {Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler and Andy Liaw and Matthew Wiener},'),
        Rcpp = c(author = '  author = {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois},'),
        rgl = c(author = '  author = {Daniel Adler and Duncan Murdoch},'),
        RgoogleMaps = c(author = '  author = {Markus Loecher},'),
        robustbase = c(author = '  author = {Valentin Todorov and Andreas Ruckstuhl and Matias Salibian-Barrera and Tobias Verbeke and Manuel Koller and Martin Maechler},'),
        RODBC = c(author = '  author = {Brian Ripley and Michael Lapsley},'),
        rpart = c(author = '  author = {Terry M Therneau and Beth Atkinson},'),
        shiny = c(author = '  author = {{RStudio,}{ Inc.}},'),
        Sleuth2 = c(author = '  author = {F. L. Ramsey and D. W. Schafer and Jeannie Sifneos and Berwin A. Turlach},'),
        sm = c(author = '  author = {Adrian Bowman and Adelchi Azzalini},'),
        survival = c(author = '  author = {Terry Therneau},'),
        tuneR = c(author = '  author = {Uwe Ligges},')
     # no need to write bib for these packages
     .base.pkgs = setdiff(rownames(installed.packages(priority = 'base')),

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