
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------
#  library(reporter)
#  # Create temporary path
#  tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "example2.rtf")
#  # Read in prepared data
#  df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = '
#        var     label        A             B
#        "ampg"   "N"          "19"          "13"
#        "ampg"   "Mean"       "18.8 (6.5)"  "22.0 (4.9)"
#        "ampg"   "Median"     "16.4"        "21.4"
#        "ampg"   "Q1 - Q3"    "15.1 - 21.2" "19.2 - 22.8"
#        "ampg"   "Range"      "10.4 - 33.9" "14.7 - 32.4"
#        "cyl"    "8 Cylinder" "10 ( 52.6%)" "4 ( 30.8%)"
#        "cyl"    "6 Cylinder" "4 ( 21.1%)"  "3 ( 23.1%)"
#        "cyl"    "4 Cylinder" "5 ( 26.3%)"  "6 ( 46.2%)"')
#  # Create table
#  tbl <- create_table(df, first_row_blank = TRUE) %>%
#    define(var, label = "Variable", blank_after = TRUE, dedupe = TRUE,
#           format = c(ampg = "Miles Per Gallon", cyl = "Cylinders")) %>%
#    define(label, label = "") %>%
#    define(A, label = "Group A", align = "center", n = 19) %>%
#    define(B, label = "Group B", align = "center", n = 13)
#  # Create report and add content
#  rpt <- create_report(tmp, output_type = "RTF",
#                       font = "Times", font_size = 12) %>%
#    page_header(left = "Client: Motor Trend", right = "Study: Cars") %>%
#    titles("Table 1.0", "MTCARS Summary Table") %>%
#    add_content(tbl) %>%
#    footnotes("* Motor Trend, 1974") %>%
#    page_footer(left = Sys.time(),
#                center = "Confidential",
#                right = "Page [pg] of [tpg]")
#  # Write out report
#  write_report(rpt)
#  #

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

reporter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:43 a.m.