
Changes implemented for version 2.0

New features

Breaking changes

orthoProjection, pcProjection, plsProjection (renamed to ortho_projection,

pc_projection, pls_projection respectively): - X2 argument renamed to Xu (for consistency throughout all the fucntions) - Argument scaled renamed to .scale - Argument max.iter renamed to max_iter - Bug fix: when the "pca.nipals method was used and the method to select the pcs wa "opc", the function was returning 1 component less than the maximum requested. - "pca.nipals" is now implemented in C++ via Rcpp - Bug fix in plsProjection: when "cumvar" was used as the pcSelection method, an error about data allocation in a matrix was retrieved - Argument pcSelection renamed to pc_selection - ... is deprecated in both pcProjection and plsProjection - Argument cores is deprecated, it wwas used to set the number of cores in some c++ internal functions via OpenMP in Rcpp. Multi-threading via OpenMP is still available, but the number of threads must be set in the R global enviroment (e.g. Sys.setenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS" = )). - Names the following outputs have been changed: X.loadings, Y.loadings, sc.sdv and n.components. Their new names are: X_loadings, Y_loadings, sc_sdv and n_components.

corDiss (renamed to cor_diss):

  • X2 argument renamed to Xu (for consistency throughout all the fucntions)
  • Argument scaled renamed to .scale
  • default for .scale has changed from TRUE to FALSE
  • the dimnames of the resulting matrix are now Xr_1... Xr_n (previusly Xr.1... Xr.n)

fDiss (renamed to f_diss):

  • X2 argument renamed to Xu (for consistency throughout all the fucntions)
  • Argument scaled renamed to .scale
  • default for .scale has changed from TRUE to FALSE
  • the dimnames of the resulting matrix are now Xr_1... Xr_n (previusly Xr.1... Xr.n)
  • argument method changed to diss_method


  • X2 argument renamed to Xu (for consistency throughout all the fucntions)
  • Argument scaled renamed to .scale
  • default for .scale has changed from TRUE to FALSE
  • the dimnames of the resulting matrix are now Xr_1... Xr_n (previusly Xr.1... Xr.n)

orthoDiss (renamed to ortho_diss):

simEval (renamed to sim_eval):


  • pls.max.iter, pls.tol and noise.v were moved to mbl from mbl_control()
  • Argument scaled (from mbl_control()) renamed to .scale and moved to mbl
  • new arguments: gh and spike
  • Argument pcSelection renamed to pc_selection
  • Argument mblCtrl renamed to control
  • Argument dissUsage renamed to diss_usage
  • order of the Yr, Xr, Yu and Xu arguments has changed to Xr, Yr, Xu and Yu
  • input type for the argument method has changed. Previously it received a character string indicating the type of local regresion (i.e. "pls", "wapls1" or "gpr"). Now it receives an object of class local_fit which is output by the new local_fit fucntions.
  • dissimilarityM has been deprecated. It was used to pass a dissimilarity matrix computed outiside the mbl fucntion. This can be done now with the new argument diss_method of mbl which was previosly named "sm" and it was in mblControl()

neigCleaning (now search_neighbors)

mblControl (renamed to mbl_control):


  • option "pca" was replaced by option "gh" which plots the pls projection used for computing the gh distance in mbl


In R, the number of threads can be set by

Sys.setenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS" = 6)

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resemble documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:49 a.m.