
Defines functions `%>>%` generate_data reservoirR_fit predict_seq link createNode

Documented in createNode generate_data link predict_seq reservoirR_fit

#' Function to create some node
#'@param nodeType Type of node. Default is \code{"Ridge"}.
#'@param units (int) optional 
#'Number of reservoir units. If None, the number of units will be infered from
#'the \code{W} matrix shape.
#'@param lr (float) default to 1.0
#'Neurons leak rate. Must be in :math:\code{[0, 1]}.
#'@param sr (float) optional
#'Spectral radius of recurrent weight matrix.
#'@param otputDim Output dimension of the Node. Dimension of its state.
#'@param inputDim Input dimension of the Node.
#'@param name Name of the Node. It must be a unique identifier.
#'@param ridge float, default to \code{0.0}. L2 regularization parameter. 
#'@param inputBias bool, default to \code{TRUE}. If \code{TRUE}, then a bias parameter 
#'will be learned along with output weights.
#'@param input_scaling float or array-like of shapes (features), default to \code{1.0}.
#' Input gain. An array of the same dimension as the inputs can be used to
#' set up different input scaling for each feature.
#'@param dtype Numerical type for node parameters
#'@param ... Others params
#' @param rc_connectivity float, default to 0.1. Connectivity of recurrent weight matrix, i.e. ratio of reservoir neurons connected to other reservoir neurons, including themselves. Must be between 0 and 1. 
#' @param input_connectivity float, default to 0.1. Connectivity of input neurons, i.e. ratio of input neurons connected to reservoir neurons. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param activation str 'tanh'. Reservoir units activation function. Should be a activationsfunc function name ('tanh', 'identity', 'sigmoid', 'relu', 'softmax', 'softplus').
#' @param seed set random seed
#' if(interactive()){
#' readout <- reservoirnet::createNode("Ridge")
#' }
#'@importFrom reticulate py_to_r
#'@import testthat
#'@importFrom reticulate import
#'@importFrom reticulate import_from_path
#' @return A node generated by reservoirpy python module.
createNode <- function(nodeType = c("Ridge"), 
                       units = NULL,
                       lr = 1.0,
                       sr = NULL,
                       otputDim = NULL, 
                       inputDim = NULL, 
                       name = NULL,
                       ridge = 0.0,
                       inputBias = TRUE,
                       input_scaling = TRUE,
                       input_connectivity = 0.1,
                       rc_connectivity = 0.1,
                       activation = "tanh",
                       dtype = "float64",
                       seed = NULL,
                       ...) {
  ## import reservoirpy
  reservoirpy <- reticulate::import("reservoirpy", convert = FALSE,
                                    delay_load = list(on_error = err_reservoirpy))
  if(nodeType == "Ridge"){
    node <- reservoirpy$nodes$Ridge(output_dim = otputDim, 
                                    name = name,
                                    ridge = ridge,
                                    input_bias = inputBias)
  else if(nodeType=="Reservoir"){
      #units <- noquote(paste0(as.integer(units),'L'))
        node <- reservoirpy$nodes$Reservoir(units = as.integer(units),
                                            lr = lr,
                                            sr = sr,
                                            name = name,
                                            input_bias = inputBias,
                                            input_scaling = input_scaling,
                                            rc_connectivity = rc_connectivity,
                                            input_connectivity = input_connectivity,
                                            activation = activation)
      } else {
        node <- reservoirpy$nodes$Reservoir(units = as.integer(units),
                                            lr = lr,
                                            sr = sr,
                                            name = name,
                                            input_bias = inputBias,
                                            input_scaling = input_scaling,
                                            rc_connectivity = rc_connectivity,
                                            input_connectivity = input_connectivity,
                                            activation = activation,
                                            seed = as.integer(seed))
        node <- reservoirpy$nodes$Reservoir(units = units,
                                            lr = lr,
                                            sr = sr,
                                            name = name,
                                            input_bias = inputBias,
                                            input_scaling = input_scaling,
                                            rc_connectivity = rc_connectivity,
                                            input_connectivity = input_connectivity,
                                            activation = activation)  
      } else {
        node <- reservoirpy$nodes$Reservoir(units = units,
                                            lr = lr,
                                            sr = sr,
                                            name = name,
                                            input_bias = inputBias,
                                            input_scaling = input_scaling,
                                            rc_connectivity = rc_connectivity,
                                            input_connectivity = input_connectivity,
                                            activation = activation,
                                            seed = as.integer(seed))
  else if(nodeType=="Input"){
    node <- reservoirpy$nodes$Input(input_dim = inputDim,
                                    name = name,...)
  else if(nodeType=="Output"){
    node <- reservoirpy$nodes$Output(name = name,...)

#' Link two :py:class:\code{~.Node} instances to form a :py:class:\code{~.Model}
#' instance. \code{node1} output will be used as input for \code{node2} in the
#' created model. This is similar to a function composition operation:
#'@details Can update the state of the node several times
#'@param node1 (Node) or (list_of_Node)
#'Nodes or lists of nodes to link.
#'@param node2 (Node) or (list_of_Node)
#'Nodes or lists of nodes to link.
#'@param name (str) optional
#'Name for the chaining Model.
#'@importFrom reticulate py_to_r
#' @return A reservoir model linking node1 and node2.
#' if(reticulate::py_module_available("reservoirpy")){
#' reservoir <- reservoirnet::createNode(nodeType = "Reservoir",
#'                                       seed = 1,
#'                                       units = 100,
#'                                       lr = 0.7,
#'                                       sr = 1,
#'                                       input_scaling = 1)
#' readout <- reservoirnet::createNode(nodeType = "Ridge", ridge = 0.1)
#' model <- reservoirnet::link(reservoir, readout)
#' }
link <- function(node1, node2, name = NULL){
  # import reservoirpy
  reservoirpy <- reticulate::import("reservoirpy", convert = FALSE,
                                    delay_load = list(on_error = err_reservoirpy))
  stopifnot(!is.null(node1) & !is.null(node2))
  link <- reservoirpy$link(node1, node2, name)

#' Run the node-forward function on a sequence of data
#'@details Can update the state of the node several times
#'@param node node
#'@param X array-like of shape \code{([n_inputs], timesteps, input_dim)}
#'A sequence of data of shape (timesteps, features).
#'@param formState array of shape \code{(1, output_dim)}, optional 
#'Node state value to use at begining of computation.
#'@param stateful \code{bool}, default to \code{TRUE} 
#'If True, Node state will be updated by this operation.
#'@param reset \code{bool}, default to \code{FALSE}
#'If True, Node state will be reset to zero before this operation.
#'@return An object of class reservoir_predict_seq. This object is a numeric
#'vector containing the matrix of the prediction of the reservoir. It is either
#'the forecast of the ridge layer or the node state of the reservoir if no
#'ridge layer is given.
#' if(reticulate::py_module_available("reservoirpy")){
#' reservoir <- reservoirnet::createNode(nodeType = "Reservoir",
#'                                       seed = 1,
#'                                       units = 100,
#'                                       lr = 0.7,
#'                                       sr = 1,
#'                                       input_scaling = 1)
#' X <- matrix(data = rnorm(100), ncol = 4)
#' reservoir_state_stand <- reservoirnet::predict_seq(node = reservoir, X = X)
#' plot(reservoir_state_stand)
#' summary(reservoir_state_stand)
#' }
predict_seq <- function(node,X,
                        formState = NULL,
                        stateful = TRUE,
                        reset = FALSE){
  stopifnot(is.list(X)| is.array(X))
  stopifnot(is.logical(stateful) & is.logical(reset))
  pred <- node$run(X, from_state = formState, 
                   stateful = stateful, 
  res <- reticulate::py_to_r(pred)
  class(res) <- c(class(res), "reservoir_predict_seq")

#' Offline fitting method of a Node
#'@param node node
#'@param X \code{array-like} of shape \code{[n_inputs], [series], timesteps, input_dim)}, optional
#'Input sequences dataset. If None, the method will try to fit
#'the parameters of the Node using the precomputed values returned
#'by previous call of :py:meth:\code{partial_fit}.
#'@param Y array-like of shape \code{([series], timesteps, output_dim)}, optional
#'Teacher signals dataset. If None, the method will try to fit
#'the parameters of the Node using the precomputed values returned
#'by previous call of :py:meth: \code{partial_fit}, or to fit the Node in
#'an unsupervised way, if possible.
#'@param warmup : \code{int}, default to 0 
#'Number of timesteps to consider as warmup and 
#'discard at the begining of each timeseries before training.
#'@param stateful is boolen
#' @param reset is boolean. Should the node status be reset before fitting.
#'@importFrom reticulate py_to_r
#' @return A fitted reservoir of class reservoiR_fit containing the fitted
#' model.
#' if(reticulate::py_module_available("reservoirpy")){
# reservoir <- reservoirnet::createNode(nodeType = "Reservoir",
#                                       seed = 1,
#                                       units = 100,
#                                       lr = 0.7,
#                                       sr = 1,
#                                       input_scaling = 1)
# ridge <- reservoirnet::createNode(nodeType = "Ridge", ridge = 0.01)
# model <- reservoirnet::link(node1 = reservoir, node2 = ridge)
# X <- matrix(data = rnorm(100), ncol = 4)
# Y <- as.matrix(X[,1] + 2*X[,2])
# fitted_model <- reservoirnet::reservoirR_fit(node = model, X = X, Y = Y)
# vec_pred <- reservoirnet::predict_seq(node = fitted_model$fit, X = X, reset = TRUE)
# plot(x = as.numeric(vec_pred), y = as.numeric(Y))
# summary(fitted_model)
# print(fitted_model)
#' }
reservoirR_fit <- function(node, X, Y, warmup = 0, stateful=FALSE, reset = FALSE){
  stopifnot(!is.null(node) & !is.null(X) & !is.null(Y))
  if (class(node)[1]=="reservoirpy.model.Model")
    fit <- node$fit(X,
                    warmup = as.integer(warmup),
                    stateful = stateful,
                    reset = reset)
    fit <- node$fit(X, Y, warmup = as.integer(warmup))
  res_fit <- list(fit = py_to_r(fit),
                  params = list("warmup" = warmup, "stateful" = stateful, "reset" = reset)) 
  class(res_fit) <- "reservoirR_fit"

#' @title
#' Load data from the \code{Japanese vowels} or the \code{Mackey-Glass} 
#' @description
#' Mackey-Glass time series \code{[8]_ [9]_}, computed from the Mackey-Glass
#' delayed differential equation:
#' @param dataset (String) take value in array \code{[japanese_vowels,mackey_glass]}
#' @param one_hot_encode (bool), default to True. If True, returns class label as a one-hot encoded vector.
#' @param repeat_targets (bool), default to False. If True, repeat the target label or vector along the time axis of the corresponding sample.
#' @param reload (bool), default to False
#' If True, re-download data from remote repository. Else, if a cached version
#' of the dataset exists, use the cached dataset.
#' @param n_timesteps (int) Number of time steps to compute.
#' @param tau (int), default to 17 
#' Time delay :math:`\\tau` of Mackey-Glass equation.
#' By defaults, equals to 17. Other values can
#' change the choatic behaviour of the timeseries.
#' @param a (float) default to 0.2
#' :math:`a` parameter of the equation.
#' @param b (float) default to 0.1
#' :math:`b` parameter of the equation.
#' @param n (int) default to 10
#' :math:`n` parameter of the equation.
#' @param x0 (float), optional, default to 1.2
#' Initial condition of the timeseries.
#' @param h (float), default to 1.0
#' Time delta between two discrete timesteps.
#' @return array of shape (n_timesteps, 1) Mackey-Glass timeseries.
#' @importFrom reticulate py_to_r
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' japanese_vowels <- generate_data(dataset="japanese_vowels")
#' timeSerie <- generate_data(dataset = "mackey_glass",n_timesteps = 2500)
#' res =generate_data(dataset <- "both",n_timesteps = 2500)
#' }
generate_data <- function(dataset = c("japanese_vowels","mackey_glass","both"),
                          one_hot_encode=TRUE, repeat_targets=FALSE, 
                          tau=17, a = 0.2, b = 0.1, 
                          n = 10, x0 = 1.2, h = 1.0){
  ## import reservoirpy
  reservoirpy <- reticulate::import("reservoirpy", convert = FALSE,
                                    delay_load = list(on_error = err_reservoirpy))
  if(length(dataset)>1) {
    dataset <- dataset[1]
  stopifnot(dataset %in% c("japanese_vowels", "mackey_glass","both"))
  data_generated <- list()
  if(dataset %in% c("japanese_vowels","both")){
    data_generated[["japanese_vowels"]] <- py_to_r(reservoirpy$datasets$japanese_vowels(one_hot_encode=one_hot_encode, 
    names(data_generated[["japanese_vowels"]]) <- c("X_train", "Y_train", "X_test", "Y_test")
  if(dataset %in% c("mackey_glass","both")){
    data_generated[["mackey_glass"]] <- as.vector(reservoirpy$datasets$mackey_glass(as.integer(n_timesteps),

#' @name %>>%
#' @rdname chevron
#' @aliases chevron
#' @title Takes two nodes and applies python operator \code{>>}
#' @description A port of the \code{>>} "chevron" operator from reservoirpy.
#' @param node1 a \code{Node} or a list of \code{Nodes}
#' @param node2 a \code{Node} or a list of \code{Nodes}
#' @return A node or a list of nodes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'   source <- reservoirnet::createNode("Input")
#'   reservoir <- reservoirnet::createNode("Reservoir", units = 100, lr=0.1, sr=0.9)
#'   source %>>% reservoir
#'   readout <- reservoirnet::createNode("Ridge")
#'   list(source %>>% reservoir, source) %>>% readout
#' }
`%>>%` <- function(node1, node2){
  reservoirnet::link(node1, node2)
  # rp$rshift$operatorRShift(node1, node2)

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reservoirnet documentation built on April 4, 2023, 5:12 p.m.