
Defines functions cross_val_check

Documented in cross_val_check

#' Cross validation check for spline in time, spline in space time and GAM in order to select the most appropriate number of knots when creating basis functions.
#' @param data Raw input data
#' @param prediction_grid_res Resolution of grid. Predictions over every 50 years(default) can vary based on user preference, as larger values will reduce computational run time.
#' @param spline_nseg This setting is focused on the Noisy Input Spline model. It provides the number of segments used to create basis functions.
#' @param spline_nseg_t This setting is focused on the Noisy Input Generalised Additive Model. It provides the number of segments used to create basis functions.
#' @param spline_nseg_st This setting is focused on the Noisy Input Generalised Additive Model. It provides the number of segments used to create basis functions.
#' @param model_type The user selects their statistical model type. The user can select a Noisy Input Spline in Time using "ni_spline_t". The user can select a Noisy Input Spline in Space Time using "ni_spline_st". The user can select a Noisy Input Generalised Additive Model using "ni_gam_decomp".
#' @param n_iterations Number of iterations. Increasing this value will increase the computational run time.
#' @param n_burnin Size of burn-in. This number removes a certain number of samples at the beginning.
#' @param n_thin Amount of thinning.
#' @param n_chains Number of MCMC chains. The number of times the model will be run.
#' @param n_fold Number of folds required in the cross validation. The default is 5 fold cross validation.
#' @param seed If the user wants reproducible results, seed stores the output when random selection was used in the creation of the cross validation.
#' @param CI Size of the credible interval required by the user. The default is 0.95 corresponding to 95%.
#' @return A list containing the model comparison measures, e.g. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and plot of true vs predicted values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data <- NAACproxydata %>% dplyr::filter(Site == "Cedar Island")
#' cross_val_check(data = data, model_type = "ni_spline_t",n_fold = 2)
#' }
cross_val_check <- function(data,
                            prediction_grid_res = 50,
                            spline_nseg = NULL,
                            spline_nseg_t = 20,
                            spline_nseg_st = 6,
                            n_iterations = 1000,
                            n_burnin = 100,
                            n_thin = 5,
                            n_chains = 2,
                            n_fold = 5,
                            seed = NULL,
                            CI = 0.95) {
  # Cross Validation tests-----------------
  CV_fold_number <- RSL <- Region <- Site <- SiteName <- lwr_PI <- obs_in_PI <- pred <- true_RSL <- upr_PI <- xl <- xr <- y_post_pred <- NULL

  # Random selection

  # Input data
  data <- data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(SiteName = as.factor(paste0(Site, ",", "\n", " ", Region)))

  # Checking the number of observations > n_folds
  nrow_by_site <- data %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
    dplyr::reframe(nrow_site = dplyr::n())
  if(any(nrow_by_site$nrow_site < n_fold) == TRUE){
    stop("Not enough observations in each site for the number of folds required.")

  df_split_index <- kfold_fun(data$Age,
    k = n_fold,
    by = data$SiteName
  data$CV_fold <- df_split_index
  # Empty list for model runs
  model_run_list <- list()
  for (i in 1:n_fold) {
    if (model_type == "ni_gam_decomp") {
      # Segment your data by fold using the which() function
      CV_fold <- base::which(df_split_index == i, arr.ind = TRUE)
      # Remove SiteName column as it causes errors in next step
      data_update <- data %>% dplyr::select(!SiteName)
      # Run reslr_load to get GIA rates
      data_GIA_df <- reslr::reslr_load(data_update,
                                prediction_grid_res = prediction_grid_res,
                                include_linear_rate = TRUE
      data <- data_GIA_df$data
      # Remove SiteName column as it causes errors in next step
      data <- data %>% dplyr::select(!SiteName)
      # Test and training
      test_set <- data[CV_fold, ]
      training_set <- data[-CV_fold, ]
      # reslr_load
      input_train <- reslr::reslr_load(training_set,
        prediction_grid_res = prediction_grid_res,
        cross_val = TRUE,
        test_set = test_set,
        include_linear_rate = TRUE
        #include_tide_gauge = TRUE,
        #all_TG_1deg = TRUE

      # reslr_mcmc
      train_output <- reslr::reslr_mcmc(input_train,
        model_type = model_type,
        spline_nseg_t = spline_nseg_t,
        spline_nseg_st = spline_nseg_st,
        n_iterations = n_iterations,
        n_burnin = n_burnin,
        n_thin = n_thin,
        n_chains = n_chains,
        CI = CI
    } else {
      # Segment your data by fold using the which() function
      CV_fold <- base::which(df_split_index == i, arr.ind = TRUE)
      test_set <- data[CV_fold, ]
      training_set <- data[-CV_fold, ] %>% dplyr::select(-SiteName)
      # reslr_load
      input_train <- reslr::reslr_load(training_set,
        prediction_grid_res = prediction_grid_res,
        cross_val = TRUE,
        test_set = test_set
      # reslr_mcmc
      train_output <- reslr::reslr_mcmc(input_train,
        model_type = model_type,
        spline_nseg = spline_nseg,
        n_iterations = n_iterations,
        n_burnin = n_burnin,
        n_thin = n_thin,
        n_chains = n_chains,
        CI = CI
    # Check convergence of model:
    if (model_type == "ni_gam_decomp") {
      output_df <- train_output$output_dataframes$total_model_df
    } else {
      # Take out the dataframe with true & predicted
      output_df <- train_output$output_dataframes
    # Column to identify the fold number in the loop
    output_df$CV_fold_number <- as.character(i)
    # Append this df into a list to combine to do the tests
    model_run_list[i] <- list(output_df)

  # Combining all the dataframes
  CV_model_run_df <- suppressWarnings(
  # Removing rows without the test set:
  CV_model_df <- CV_model_run_df %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(CV_fold) == FALSE)

  # Mean Error & Mean Absolute Error & Root mean square error for each fold:
  ME_MAE_RSME_fold <- CV_model_df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(CV_fold_number = as.factor(CV_fold_number)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(CV_fold_number) %>%
      RSME = unique(sqrt((sum(RSL - pred)^2) / dplyr::n())),
      MAE = unique(sum(abs(RSL - pred)) / dplyr::n()),
      ME = unique(mean(RSL - pred))
  # Mean Error & Mean Absolute Error & Root mean square error overall
  ME_MAE_RSME_overall <- CV_model_df %>%
      RSME = unique(sqrt((sum(RSL - pred)^2) / dplyr::n())),
      MAE = unique(sum(abs(RSL - pred)) / dplyr::n()),
      ME = unique(mean(RSL - pred))

  # Mean Error & Mean Absolute Error & Root mean square error for each fold & site:
  ME_MAE_RSME_fold_site <- CV_model_df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(CV_fold_number = as.factor(CV_fold_number)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SiteName, CV_fold_number) %>%
      RSME = unique(sqrt((sum(RSL - pred)^2) / dplyr::n())),
      MAE = unique(sum(abs(RSL - pred)) / dplyr::n()),
      ME = unique(mean(RSL - pred))

  # Mean Error & Mean Absolute Error & Root mean square error for each site:
  ME_MAE_RSME_site <- CV_model_df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
      RSME = unique(sqrt((sum(RSL - pred)^2) / dplyr::n())),
      MAE = unique(sum(abs(RSL - pred)) / dplyr::n()),
      ME = unique(mean(RSL - pred))

  # Model dataframe CV
  CV_model_df <- CV_model_df %>%
      true_RSL = RSL,
      pred_RSL = pred
  # Creating the prediction intervals outside JAGS to include Age Error
  # Overall Empirical Coverage
  CV_model_df <- CV_model_df %>%
      obs_in_PI =
          true_RSL, upr_PI,
        TRUE, FALSE
  # Total coverage is trues/ number of rows with the prediction interval
  total_coverage <-
    length(which(CV_model_df$obs_in_PI == "TRUE")) / nrow(CV_model_df)
  # Coverage is trues/ number of rows with the prediction interval by site
  coverage_by_site <- CV_model_df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
      coverage_by_site =
        unique(length(which(obs_in_PI == "TRUE")) / dplyr::n())

  # Prediction Interval size
  prediction_interval_size <- CV_model_df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(SiteName) %>%
    dplyr::reframe(PI_width = unique(mean(upr_PI - lwr_PI)))

  # True vs Predicted plot
  true_pred_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = CV_model_df, ggplot2::aes(
    x = true_RSL,
    y = y_post_pred,
    colour = "PI"
  )) +
      data = CV_model_df,
        x = true_RSL,
        ymin = lwr_PI,
        ymax = upr_PI
      colour = "red3",
      width = 0, alpha = 0.5
    ) +
    ggplot2::geom_point() +
      data = CV_model_df,
      ggplot2::aes(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = "True = Predicted")
    ) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
      axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 9, face = "bold"),
      axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 9),
      strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = c("white")),
      strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10),
      legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 7),
      legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8),
      axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8)
    ) +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.box = "horizontal", legend.position = "bottom") +
      x = "True Relative Sea Level (m)",
      y = "Predicted Relative Sea Level (m)"
    ) +
      values = c(
          "PI" = "red3",
          # "True = Predicted" = "black")
          "True = Predicted" = "black"
      labels = c(
        "PI" = paste0(unique(CV_model_df$CI), " Prediction Interval"),
        "True = Predicted" = "True = Predicted"
    ) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~SiteName, scales = "free") +
      colour = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(
        linetype = c(1, 1),
        shape = c(NA, NA),
        size = 2

  # Return a list of CV tests
  cross_validation_tests <- list(
    ME_MAE_RSME_fold_site = ME_MAE_RSME_fold_site,
    ME_MAE_RSME_site = ME_MAE_RSME_site,
    ME_MAE_RSME_overall = ME_MAE_RSME_overall,
    ME_MAE_RSME_fold = ME_MAE_RSME_fold,
    true_pred_plot = true_pred_plot,
    CV_model_df = CV_model_df,
    total_coverage = total_coverage,
    prediction_interval_size = prediction_interval_size,
    coverage_by_site = coverage_by_site


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reslr documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:54 p.m.