
Defines functions stopIfHTTPError accept authorization parseHTTPDate formatHTTPDate parseCacheControl cacheInfoFromHeader headerFromCacheInfo mediaClassFromContentType responseToMedia acceptedMediaTypes mediaCoercionTable coercionTable handleResponse defaultErrorHandler HTTP

Documented in mediaCoercionTable

### =========================================================================
### HTTP protocol implementation
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

.HTTP <- setRefClass("HTTP",
                     fields = list(
                         accept = "character",
                         cookie = "character_OR_NULL",
                         insecure = "logical"
                     contains = "CRUDProtocol")

setClass("HTTPS", contains="HTTP")

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### Constructor

HTTP <- function(accept = acceptedMediaTypes(), cookie = NULL,
                 insecure = FALSE)
  if (!is.character(accept) || any(is.na(accept)))
      stop("'accept' must be a character() without NAs")
  if (!is.null(cookie) && !isSingleString(cookie))
      stop("'cookie' must be a single string or NULL")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(insecure))
      stop("'insecure' must be a TRUE or FALSE")
  .HTTP$new(accept = accept, cookie = cookie, insecure = insecure)


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### CRUD implementation

.HTTP$methods(create = function(x, value, ...) {
  if (!isSingleString(x))
    stop("'x' must be a single, non-NA string representing a URL")
  curl <- getCurlHandle()
  reader <- dynCurlReader(curl)
  opts <- curlOptions(postfields = paste(value, collapse="\n"),
                      httpheader = c(
                        Accept = accept(.self),
                        'Content-Type' = contentType(value),
                        Authorization = authorization(x),
                      headerfunction = reader$update,
                      cookie = .self$cookie,
                      ssl.verifyhost = !.self$insecure,
                      ssl.verifypeer = !.self$insecure,
                      followlocation = TRUE)
  content <- try(postForm(x, .opts=opts, curl=curl), silent=TRUE)
  invisible(handleResponse(content, reader, errorHandler = x@errorHandler))

.HTTP$methods(read = function(x, cache.info, ...) {
  if (!isSingleString(x))
    stop("'x' must be a single, non-NA string representing a URL")
  request.header <- c(headerFromCacheInfo(cache.info),
                      Authorization = authorization(x),
                      Accept = accept(.self),
  ## We use our own reader so that we can return the body in case of error
  curl <- getCurlHandle(httpheader = request.header, cookie = .self$cookie,
                        ssl.verifyhost = !.self$insecure,
                        ssl.verifypeer = !.self$insecure,
                        followlocation = TRUE)
  reader <- dynCurlReader(curl)
  content <- try(getURLContent(x, header = reader, curl = curl), silent=TRUE)
  handleResponse(content, reader, cache.info, x@errorHandler)

.HTTP$methods(update = function(x, ..., value) {
  stop("PUT support not yet implemented")

.HTTP$methods(delete = function(x, ...) {
  stop("DELETE support not yet implemented")

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### Helpers

defaultErrorHandler <- function(response) {

handleResponse <- function(content, reader, cache.info = NULL,
                           errorHandler = defaultErrorHandler) {
    response <- list(header = parseHTTPHeader(reader$header()),
                     body = reader$value())
    status <- as.integer(response$header["status"])
    statusMessage <- response$header["statusMessage"]
    if (identical(status, HTTP_STATUS$Unauthorized)) {
    if (is(content, "try-error")) {
      media <- responseToMedia(response)
      body <- as(media, mediaTarget(media))
      responseError <- list(status = status, statusMessage = statusMessage,
                            body = body)
    if (identical(status, HTTP_STATUS$No_Content)) {
        response <- NULL
    if (!is.null(cache.info) && identical(status, HTTP_STATUS$Not_Modified)) {
        cacheInfoFromHeader(response$header, cache.info)
    } else {

coercionTable <- function() {
    signatures <- names(getMethods(coerce, table = TRUE))
    matrix(unlist(strsplit(signatures, "#")), ncol=2L, byrow=TRUE,
           dimnames=list(NULL, c("from", "to")))

mediaCoercionTable <- function() {
    tab <- coercionTable()
    classes <- names(getClass("Media")@subclasses)
    tab[rowSums(matrix(tab %in% classes, ncol=2L)) == 1L,]

acceptedMediaTypes <- function() {

responseToMedia <- function(x) {
  content.type <- head(attr(x$body, "Content-Type"), 1)
  content.params <- tail(attr(x$body, "Content-Type"), -1)
  media.class <- mediaClassFromContentType(content.type)
  content.params <-
    content.params[intersect(names(content.params), slotNames(media.class))]
  if (media.class == "NullMedia") {
    new("NullMedia", cacheInfo = cacheInfoFromHeader(x$header))
  } else {
    do.call(new, c(media.class, x$body,
                   cacheInfo = cacheInfoFromHeader(x$header),

mediaClassFromContentType <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x))
  else if (is.character(x)) {
    if (isClass(x))
    else sub("/.*", "/*", x)
  } else stop("content type should be character or NULL")

headerFromCacheInfo <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x))
  else c("If-None-Match" = x@hash,
         "If-Modified-Since" = formatHTTPDate(x@lastModified))

cacheInfoFromHeader <- function(x, original = CacheInfo()) {
  x <- as.list(x)
  cache.control <- parseCacheControl(x[["Cache-Control"]])
  if (isTRUE(cache.control[["no-cache"]]))
    expires <- Sys.time()
  else if (!is.null(cache.control[["max-age"]]))
    expires <- Sys.time() + cache.control[["max-age"]]
  else expires <- parseHTTPDate(x[["Expires"]])
  info.args <- list(expires = expires,
                    lastModified = parseHTTPDate(x[["Last-Modified"]]),
                    hash = x[["ETag"]])
  info.args <- Filter(Negate(is.null), info.args)
  do.call(initialize, c(original, info.args))

parseCacheControl <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x))
  fields <- strsplit(x, ", ")[[1]]
  key.val <- strsplit(fields, "=")
  keys <- sapply(key.val, head, 1)
  has.val <- sapply(key.val, length) > 1L
  l <- list()
  l[keys[!has.val]] <- TRUE
  l[keys[has.val]] <- sapply(key.val[has.val], tail, 1)
  if (!is.null(l[["max-age"]]))
    l[["max-age"]] <- as.integer(l[["max-age"]])

.httpParseDateString <- "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"
.httpFormatDateString <- paste(.httpParseDateString, "%Z")

formatHTTPDate <- function(x) {
  format(x, .httpFormatDateString, tz = "GMT")

parseHTTPDate <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x))
  else strptime(x, .httpParseDateString, tz = "GMT")

authorization <- function(x) {
    credentials <- credentials(x)
    if (!is.null(credentials)) {
        auth <- paste0(username(credentials), ":", password(credentials))
        paste("Basic", base64(auth))

accept <- function(x) {
  paste(x$accept, collapse=", ")

stopIfHTTPError <- function(header) {
  stop.if.HTTP.error <- get("stop.if.HTTP.error", getNamespace("RCurl"))

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### Status code constants

HTTP_STATUS <- setNames(as.list(as.integer(names(RCurl:::httpErrorClasses))),

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restfulr documentation built on June 16, 2022, 5:10 p.m.