
Defines functions print.occ_download_sql_prep print.occ_download_sql occ_download_sql_prep occ_download_sql_validate occ_download_sql

Documented in occ_download_sql occ_download_sql_prep occ_download_sql_validate

#' @title Download occurrence data using a SQL query
#' @param q sql query
#' @param format only "SQL_TSV_ZIP" is supported right now
#' @param user your GBIF user name
#' @param pwd your GBIF password
#' @param email your email address
#' @param validate should the query be validated before submission. Default is 
#' TRUE.
#' @param curlopts list of curl options
#' @details 
#' This is an experimental feature, and the implementation may change throughout
#' 2024. The feature is currently only available for preview by invited users. 
#' Contact `helpdesk@gbif.org` to request access.  
#' Please see the article here for more information:
#' \url{https://docs.ropensci.org/rgbif/articles/getting_occurrence_data.html}
#' @return an object of class 'occ_download_sql'
#' @references
#' \url{https://techdocs.gbif.org/en/data-use/api-sql-downloads}
#' @name occ_download_sql 
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' occ_download_sql("SELECT gbifid,countryCode FROM occurrence 
#'                   WHERE genusKey = 2435098")
#' }
occ_download_sql <- function(q = NULL, 
                             format = "SQL_TSV_ZIP",
                             user = NULL, 
                             pwd = NULL, 
                             email = NULL,
                             validate = TRUE,
                             curlopts = list()) {
  z <- occ_download_sql_prep(q=q,
  out <- rg_POST(z$url, req = z$request, user = z$user, pwd = z$pwd, curlopts=curlopts)
  md <- occ_download_meta(out) # get meta_data for printing
  citation <- gbif_citation(md)$download # get citation
            class = "occ_download_sql", 
            user = z$user, 
            email = z$email,
            format = z$format,
            status = md$status,
            created = md$created,
            downloadLink = md$downloadLink,
            doi = md$doi,
            citation = citation

#' @name occ_download_sql
#' @export
occ_download_sql_validate <- function(q = NULL,
                                      user = NULL,
                                      pwd = NULL) {
  url <- "https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/download/request/validate"
  user <- check_user(user)
  pwd <- check_pwd(pwd)
  out <- rg_POST(url=url, req=q, user=user, pwd=pwd, curlopts=list())

#' @name occ_download_sql
#' @export
occ_download_sql_prep <- function(q=NULL, 
                                  format = "SQL_TSV_ZIP",
                                  user = NULL, 
                                  pwd = NULL, 
                                  email = NULL,
                                  validate = TRUE,
                                  curlopts = list()) {
  url <- paste0(gbif_base(), '/occurrence/download/request')
  if(!format == "SQL_TSV_ZIP") stop("Only format='SQL_TSV_ZIP' is supported at this time.")
  user <- check_user(user)
  pwd <- check_pwd(pwd)
  email <- check_email(email)

  req <- list(
    sendNotification = TRUE,
    notificationAddresses = email,
    format = unbox(format),
    sql = unbox(q)
  if(validate) occ_download_sql_validate(q = req, user = user, pwd = pwd)
    url = url,
    request = req,
    json_request = jsonlite::prettify(check_inputs(req),indent = 1),
    user = user,
    pwd = pwd,
    email = email,
    format = format,
    curlopts = curlopts),
    class = "occ_download_sql_prep")


#' @export
print.occ_download_sql <- function(x, ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, 'occ_download_sql'))
  cat_n("<<gbif download sql>>")
  cat_n("  Your download is being processed by GBIF:")
  cat_n("  https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/download/",x)
  cat_n("  Check status with")
  cat_n("  occ_download_wait('",x,"')")
  cat_n("  After it finishes, use")
  cat_n("  d <- occ_download_get('",x,"') %>%") 
  cat_n("    occ_download_import()")
  cat_n("  to retrieve your download.")
  cat_n("Download Info:")
  cat_n("  Username: ", attr(x, "user"))
  cat_n("  E-mail: ", attr(x, "email"))
  cat_n("  Format: ", attr(x, "format"))
  cat_n("  Download key: ", x)
  cat_n("  Created: ",attr(x, "created"))
  cat_n("Citation Info:  ")
  cat_n("  Please always cite the download DOI when using this data.")
  cat_n("  https://www.gbif.org/citation-guidelines")
  cat_n("  DOI: ", attr(x,"doi"))
  cat_n("  Citation:")
  cat_n("  ", attr(x,"citation"))

#' @export
print.occ_download_sql_prep <- function(x, ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, 'occ_download_sql_prep'))
  cat_n("<<Occurrence Download SQL Prep>>")
  cat_n("Format: ", x$format)
  cat_n("Email: ", x$email)
  cat_n("Request: ", x$json_request)

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rgbif documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 5:07 p.m.