
Defines functions ee_hash ee_print.ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection ee_print.ee.image.Image ee_print.ee.featurecollection.FeatureCollection ee_print.ee.feature.Feature ee_print.ee.geometry.Geometry ee_print

Documented in ee_print ee_print.ee.featurecollection.FeatureCollection ee_print.ee.feature.Feature ee_print.ee.geometry.Geometry ee_print.ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection ee_print.ee.image.Image

#' Print and return metadata about Spatial Earth Engine Objects
#' Print and return metadata about Spatial Earth Engine Objects.
#' \code{ee_print} can retrieve information about the number of images
#' or features, number of bands or geometries, number of pixels, geotransform,
#' data type, properties, and object size.
#' @param eeobject Earth Engine Object. Available for: Geometry, Feature,
#' FeatureCollection, Image or ImageCollection.
#' @param img_index Numeric. Index of the \code{ee$ImageCollection} to fetch.
#' Relevant just for \code{ee$ImageCollection} objects.
#' @param f_index Numeric. Index of the \code{ee$FeatureCollection} to fetch.
#' Relevant just for \code{ee$FeatureCollection} objects.
#' @param time_end Logical. If TRUE, the system:time_end property in ee$Image
#' is also returned. See \code{rgee::ee_get_date_img} for details.
#' @param img_band Character. Band name of the \code{ee$Image} to fetch.
#' Relevant just for \code{ee$ImageCollection} and \code{ee$Image} objects.
#' @param compression_ratio Numeric. Measurement of the relative data size
#' reduction produced by a data compression algorithm (ignored if \code{eeobject}
#' is not an \code{ee$Image} or \code{ee$ImageCollection}). By default is 20.
#' @param clean Logical. If TRUE, the cache will be cleaned.
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info message
#' @param ... ignored
#' @importFrom crayon bold blue
#' @importFrom cli rule
#' @family helper functions
#' @return A list with the metadata of the Earth Engine object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize()
#' # Geometry
#' geom <- ee$Geometry$Rectangle(-10,-10,10,10)
#' Map$addLayer(geom)
#' ee_print(geom)
#' # Feature
#' feature <- ee$Feature(geom, list(rgee = "ee_print", data = TRUE))
#' ee_print(feature)
#' # FeatureCollection
#' featurecollection <- ee$FeatureCollection(feature)
#' ee_print(featurecollection)
#' # Image
#' srtm <- ee$Image("CGIAR/SRTM90_V4")
#' ee_print(srtm)
#' srtm_clip <- ee$Image("CGIAR/SRTM90_V4")$clip(geom)
#' srtm_metadata <- ee_print(srtm_clip)
#' srtm_metadata$img_bands_names
#' # ImageCollection
#' object <- ee$ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA")$
#'   filter(ee$Filter()$eq("WRS_PATH", 44))$
#'   filter(ee$Filter()$eq("WRS_ROW", 34))$
#'   filterDate("2014-03-01", "2014-08-01")$
#'   aside(ee_print)
#' }
#' @export
ee_print <- function(eeobject, ...) {
  ee_check_packages("ee_install", c("digest", "sf"))

#' @name ee_print
#' @export
ee_print.ee.geometry.Geometry <- function(eeobject,
                                          clean = FALSE,
                                          quiet = FALSE) {
  # 1. Search if Geometry metadata exist in the /tempdir
  past_eeobject <- NULL
  metadata_file <- sprintf("%s/%s", tempdir(), ee_hash(eeobject))
  if (file.exists(metadata_file) && !clean) {
      try(load(metadata_file), silent = TRUE)
  if (!identical(past_eeobject, ee_hash(eeobject))) {
    # 2. Feature metadata
    geometry <- ee$Geometry$getInfo(eeobject)

    # 3. Geometry metadata
    geom_type <- toupper(geometry[["type"]])
    geom_info <- eeobject %>%
      ee$Geometry$projection() %>%
    geom_wkt <- eeobject %>%
      ee$Geometry$projection() %>%
      ee$Projection$wkt() %>%
      ee$String$getInfo() %>%

    geom_geodesic <- suppressWarnings(
        eeobject %>%
          ee$Geometry$geodesic() %>%
          ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%

    geom_crs_name <- sprintf("%s (%s)",geom_wkt$Name, geom_info$crs)
    geom_proj4string <- geom_wkt$proj4string
    geom_geotransform <- paste0(geom_info$transform, collapse = " ")

    ee_metadata <- list(
      name = "Geometry",
      geom_type = geom_type,
      geom_crs_name = geom_crs_name,
      geom_geodesic = geom_geodesic,
      geom_geotransform = geom_geotransform,
      geom_proj4string = geom_proj4string

    # 4. Save ee_metadata in /tmpdir
    past_eeobject <- ee_hash(eeobject)
      try(save(ee_metadata, past_eeobject, file = metadata_file), silent = TRUE)

  if (!quiet) {
    # 7. Display Results
    cat(rule(right = bold(paste0("Earth Engine Geometry"))))
    cat(blue$bold("\nGeometry Metadata:"))
    cat("\n - CRS                        :", ee_metadata$geom_crs_name)
    cat("\n - proj4string                :", ee_metadata$geom_proj4string)
    cat("\n - Geotransform               :", ee_metadata$geom_geotransform)
    cat("\n - Geodesic                   :", ee_metadata$geom_geodesic)
    cat("\n - Geo Type                   :", ee_metadata$geom_type)
    cat("\n", rule())

#' @name ee_print
#' @export
ee_print.ee.feature.Feature <- function(eeobject,
                                        clean = FALSE,
                                        quiet = FALSE) {
  # 1. Search if FeatureCollection metadata exist in the /tempdir
  past_eeobject <- NULL
  metadata_file <- sprintf("%s/%s", tempdir(), ee_hash(eeobject))

  if (file.exists(metadata_file) && !clean) {
      try(load(metadata_file), silent = TRUE)
  if (!identical(past_eeobject, ee_hash(eeobject))) {
    # 2. Feature metadata
    feature_info <- ee$Feature$getInfo(eeobject)
    f_properties_names <- names(feature_info$properties)
    f_properties_length <- length(names(feature_info$properties))

    # 3. Geometry metadata
    geom_type <- toupper(feature_info$geometry$type)
    geom_info <- eeobject %>%
      ee$Feature$geometry() %>%
      ee$Geometry$projection() %>%

    geom_wkt <- eeobject %>%
      ee$Feature$geometry() %>%
      ee$Geometry$projection() %>%
      ee$Projection$wkt() %>%
      ee$String$getInfo() %>%

    geom_geodesic <- suppressWarnings(
        eeobject %>%
          ee$Feature$geometry() %>%
          ee$Geometry$geodesic() %>%
          ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%

    geom_crs_name <- sprintf("%s (%s)",geom_wkt$Name, geom_info$crs)
    geom_proj4string <- geom_wkt$proj4string
    geom_geotransform <- paste0(geom_info$transform, collapse = " ")

    ee_metadata <- list(
      name = "Feature",
      f_properties_names = f_properties_names,
      f_properties_length = f_properties_length,
      geom_type = geom_type,
      geom_geodesic = geom_geodesic,
      geom_crs_name = geom_crs_name,
      geom_geotransform = geom_geotransform,
      geom_proj4string = geom_proj4string

    # 4. Save ee_metadata in /tmpdir
    past_eeobject <- ee_hash(eeobject)
      try(save(ee_metadata, past_eeobject, file = metadata_file), silent = TRUE)
  if (!quiet) {
    # 7. Display Results
    cat(rule(right = bold(paste0("Earth Engine Feature"))))
    cat(blue$bold("\nFeature Metadata:"))
    cat("\n - Number of Properties       :", ee_metadata$f_properties_length)
    cat(blue$bold("\nGeometry Metadata:"))
    cat("\n - CRS                        :", ee_metadata$geom_crs_name)
    cat("\n - proj4string                :", ee_metadata$geom_proj4string)
    cat("\n - Geotransform               :", ee_metadata$geom_geotransform)
    cat("\n - Geodesic                   :", ee_metadata$geom_geodesic)
    cat("\n - Geo Type                   :", ee_metadata$geom_type)
    cat("\n", rule())

#' @name ee_print
#' @export
ee_print.ee.featurecollection.FeatureCollection <- function(eeobject,
                                                            f_index = 0,
                                                            clean = FALSE,
                                                            quiet = FALSE) {
  # 1. Search if FeatureCollection metadata exist in the /tempdir
  past_eeobject <- NULL
  metadata_file <- sprintf("%s/%s", tempdir(), ee_hash(eeobject, f_index))

  if (file.exists(metadata_file) && !clean) {
      try(load(metadata_file), silent = TRUE)

  if (!identical(past_eeobject, ee_hash(eeobject, f_index))) {
    # 2. Select a specific EE Feature by EE FC index.
    feature <- eeobject %>%
      ee$FeatureCollection$toList(f_index + 1, f_index) %>%
      ee$List$get(0) %>%

    # 3. FeatureCollection metadata
    fc_properties_names <- eeobject %>%
      ee$FeatureCollection$propertyNames() %>%
    fc_properties_length <- length(fc_properties_names)
    fc_n_features <- eeobject %>%
      ee$FeatureCollection$size() %>%

    # 4. Feature metadata
    feature_info <- ee$Feature$getInfo(feature)
    f_properties_names <- names(feature_info$properties)
    f_properties_length <- length(names(feature_info$properties))

    # 5. Geometry metadata
    geom_type <- toupper(feature_info$geometry$type)
    geom_info <- feature %>%
      ee$Feature$geometry() %>%
      ee$Geometry$projection() %>%

    geom_wkt <- feature %>%
      ee$Feature$geometry() %>%
      ee$Geometry$projection() %>%
      ee$Projection$wkt() %>%
      ee$String$getInfo() %>%

    geom_geodesic <- suppressWarnings(
        feature %>%
          ee$Feature$geometry() %>%
          ee$Geometry$geodesic() %>%
          ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%

    geom_crs_name <- sprintf("%s (%s)",geom_wkt$Name, geom_info$crs)
    geom_proj4string <- geom_wkt$proj4string
    geom_geotransform <- paste0(geom_info$transform, collapse = " ")

    ee_metadata <- list(
      name = "FeatureCollection",
      fc_feature_index = f_index,
      fc_nfeatures = fc_n_features,
      fc_properties_names = fc_properties_names,
      fc_properties_length = fc_properties_length,
      f_properties_names = f_properties_names,
      f_properties_length = f_properties_length,
      geom_type = geom_type,
      geom_crs_name = geom_crs_name,
      geom_geodesic = geom_geodesic,
      geom_geotransform = geom_geotransform,
      geom_proj4string = geom_proj4string

    # 6. Save ee_metadata in /tmpdir
    past_eeobject <- ee_hash(eeobject, f_index)
      try(save(ee_metadata, past_eeobject, file = metadata_file), silent = TRUE)

  if (!quiet) {
    # 7. Display Results
    cat(rule(right = bold(paste0("Earth Engine FeatureCollection"))))
    cat(blue$bold("\nFeatureCollection Metadata:"))
    cat("\n - Class                      :", "ee$FeatureCollection")
    cat("\n - Number of Features         :", ee_metadata$fc_nfeatures)
    cat("\n - Number of Properties       :", ee_metadata$fc_properties_length)

    cat(blue$bold("\nFeature Metadata:"))
    cat("\n - Number of Properties       :", ee_metadata$f_properties_length)

    cat(blue$bold(sprintf("\nGeometry Metadata (f_index = %s):",
    cat("\n - CRS                        :", ee_metadata$geom_crs_name)
    cat("\n - proj4string                :", ee_metadata$geom_proj4string)
    cat("\n - Geotransform               :", ee_metadata$geom_geotransform)
    cat("\n - Geodesic                   :", ee_metadata$geom_geodesic)
    cat("\n - Geo Type                   :", ee_metadata$geom_type)
    cat("\n", rule())

#' @name ee_print
#' @export
ee_print.ee.image.Image <- function(eeobject,
                                    time_end = TRUE,
                                    compression_ratio = 20,
                                    clean = FALSE,
                                    quiet = FALSE) {
  # 1. Fetch and Return bandname about ee$Image
  img_bandNames <- eeobject %>%
    ee$Image$bandNames() %>%
  img_nband <- length(img_bandNames)
  if (missing(img_band)) {
    img_band <- img_bandNames[1]

  # 1. Search if Image metadata exist in the /tempdir
  past_eeobject <- NULL
  eeobject_hash <- ee_hash(eeobject, img_band, compression_ratio)
  metadata_file <- sprintf("%s/%s", tempdir(), eeobject_hash)
  if (file.exists(metadata_file) && !clean) {
      try(load(metadata_file), silent = TRUE) # it will load the past_eeobject

  if (!identical(past_eeobject, eeobject_hash)) {
    # 3. Fetch and Return metadata about an EE image band
    selected_img <- eeobject %>%
    band_info <- ee$Image$getInfo(selected_img)
    band_properties <- band_info$properties
    band_metadata <- band_info$bands[[1]]

    geom_wkt <- sf::st_crs(ee_utils_get_crs(band_metadata$crs))
    geom_crs_name <- sprintf("%s (%s)",geom_wkt$Name, band_metadata$crs)
    geom_proj4string <- geom_wkt$proj4string
    geom_geotransform <- paste0(unlist(band_metadata$crs_transform), collapse = " ")

    img_id_time <- ee_get_date_img(selected_img, time_end = time_end)

    band_metadata_geom <- ee_image_info(
      image = selected_img,
      band_metadata = band_metadata,
      compression_ratio =  compression_ratio,
      quiet = TRUE

    band_metadata_nominal_scale <- selected_img %>%
      ee$Image$projection() %>%
      ee$Projection$nominalScale() %>%

    ee_metadata <- list(
      name = "Image",
      img_nbands = length(img_bandNames),
      img_bands_names = paste0(img_bandNames, collapse = " "),
      img_pixel = band_metadata_geom$nrow * band_metadata_geom$ncol * img_nband,
      img_size = band_metadata_geom$image_size * img_nband,
      img_properties_names = names(band_properties),
      img_properties_length = length(band_properties),
      img_id = img_id_time$image_id,
      img_time_start = img_id_time$time_start,
      img_time_end = img_id_time$time_end,
      band_name = img_band,
      band_crs_name = geom_crs_name,
      band_proj4string = geom_proj4string,
      band_geotransform = geom_geotransform,
      band_scale_x = band_metadata$crs_transform[1],
      band_scale_y = band_metadata$crs_transform[5],
      band_nominal_scale = band_metadata_nominal_scale,
      band_dimensions = c(band_metadata_geom$nrow, band_metadata_geom$ncol),
      band_datatype = toupper(band_metadata$data_type$precision),
      band_pixel = band_metadata_geom$nrow * band_metadata_geom$ncol,
      band_size = band_metadata_geom$image_size

    # 4. Save ee_metadata in /tmpdir
    past_eeobject <- ee_hash(eeobject, img_band, compression_ratio)
      try(save(ee_metadata, past_eeobject, file = metadata_file),silent = TRUE)
  if (!quiet) {
    # 5. Display Results
    cat(rule(right = bold(paste0("Earth Engine Image"))))
    cat(blue$bold("\nImage Metadata:"))
    cat("\n - Class                      :", "ee$Image")
    cat("\n - ID                         :", ee_metadata$img_id)
    if (!is.null(ee_metadata$img_time_start)) {
      if (!is.na(ee_metadata$img_time_start)) {
          "\n - system:time_start          :",
    if (!is.null(ee_metadata$img_time_end)) {
      if (!is.na(ee_metadata$img_time_end)) {
          "\n - system:time_end            :",
    cat("\n - Number of Bands            :", ee_metadata$img_nbands)
    cat("\n - Bands names                :", ee_metadata$img_bands_names)
    cat("\n - Number of Properties       :", ee_metadata$img_properties_length)
    cat("\n - Number of Pixels*          :", ee_metadata$img_pixel)
    cat("\n - Approximate size*          :", ee_humansize(ee_metadata$img_size))
    cat(blue$bold(sprintf("\nBand Metadata (img_band = %s):",
    cat("\n - EPSG (SRID)                :", ee_metadata$band_crs_name)
    cat("\n - proj4string                :", ee_metadata$band_proj4string)
    cat("\n - Geotransform               :", ee_metadata$band_geotransform)
    cat("\n - Nominal scale (meters)     :", ee_metadata$band_nominal_scale)
    cat("\n - Dimensions                 :", ee_metadata$band_dimensions)
    cat("\n - Number of Pixels           :", ee_metadata$band_pixel)
    cat("\n - Data type                  :", ee_metadata$band_datatype)
    cat("\n - Approximate size           :",
    cat("\n", rule())
      "NOTE: (*) Properties calculated considering a",
      "constant geotransform and data type."

#' @name ee_print
#' @export
ee_print.ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection <- function(eeobject,
                                                        time_end = TRUE,
                                                        img_index = 0,
                                                        compression_ratio = 20,
                                                        clean = FALSE,
                                                        quiet = FALSE) {
  # 1. Select a specific EE Image by EE IC index.
  img <- eeobject %>%
    ee$ImageCollection$toList(img_index + 1, img_index) %>%
    ee$List$get(0) %>%

  # 2. Fetch and Return metadata about the Image
  img_bandNames <- img %>%
    ee$Image$bandNames() %>%

  if (missing(img_band)) {
    img_band <- img_bandNames[1]

  # 3. Search if Image metadata exist in the /tempdir
  past_eeobject <- NULL
  eeobject_hash <- ee_hash(eeobject, img_index, img_band, compression_ratio)
  metadata_file <- sprintf("%s/%s", tempdir(), eeobject_hash)

  ## If metadata_file exist in /tempdir use it
  if (file.exists(metadata_file) && !clean) {
      try(load(metadata_file), silent = TRUE)

  ## If the query haven't been called before, it will create the metadata
  ## dataset, otherwise load from /temdir
  if (!identical(past_eeobject, eeobject_hash)) {
    # 4. Fetch and Return ee$ImageCollection metadata
    ic_properties <- eeobject %>%
      ee$ImageCollection$propertyNames() %>%
    ic_n_properties <- length(ic_properties)
    ic_n_img <- eeobject %>%
      ee$ImageCollection$size() %>%

    # 3. Fetch and Return ee$Image metadata
    ee_mtd_img <- ee_print(
      eeobject = img,
      img_band = img_band,
      time_end = time_end,
      compression_ratio = compression_ratio,
      quiet = TRUE,
      clean = TRUE

    ee_metadata <- list(
      name = "ImageCollection",
      ic_image_index = img_index,
      ic_nimages = ic_n_img,
      ic_properties_names = ic_properties,
      ic_properties_length = ic_n_properties,
      ic_pixel = ee_mtd_img$band_pixel * ee_mtd_img$img_nbands * ic_n_img,
      ic_size = ee_mtd_img$img_size * ic_n_img,
      img_nbands = length(img_bandNames),
      img_bands_names = paste0(img_bandNames, collapse = " "),
      img_pixel = ee_mtd_img$band_pixel * ee_mtd_img$img_nbands,
      img_size = ee_mtd_img$img_size,
      img_id = ee_mtd_img$img_id,
      img_time_start = ee_mtd_img$img_time_start,
      img_time_end = ee_mtd_img$img_time_end,
      img_properties_names = ee_mtd_img$img_properties_names,
      img_properties_length = ee_mtd_img$img_properties_length,
      band_name = ee_mtd_img$band_name,
      band_crs_name = ee_mtd_img$band_crs_name,
      band_proj4string = ee_mtd_img$band_proj4string,
      band_geotransform = ee_mtd_img$band_geotransform,
      band_scale_x = ee_mtd_img$band_scale_x,
      band_scale_y = ee_mtd_img$band_scale_y,
      band_nominal_scale = ee_mtd_img$band_nominal_scale,
      band_dimensions = ee_mtd_img$band_dimensions,
      band_datatype = ee_mtd_img$band_datatype,
      band_pixel = ee_mtd_img$band_pixel,
      band_size = ee_mtd_img$band_size

    # 4. Save ee_metadata in /tmpdir
    past_eeobject <- ee_hash(eeobject, img_index, img_band, compression_ratio)
      try(save(ee_metadata, past_eeobject, file = metadata_file),silent = TRUE)
  if (!quiet) {
    # 5. Display Results
    cat(rule(right = bold(paste0("Earth Engine ImageCollection"))))
    cat(blue$bold("\nImageCollection Metadata:"))
    cat("\n - Class                      :", "ee$ImageCollection")
    cat("\n - Number of Images           :", ee_metadata$ic_nimages)
    cat("\n - Number of Properties       :", ee_metadata$ic_properties_length)
    cat("\n - Number of Pixels*          :", ee_metadata$ic_pixel)
    cat("\n - Approximate size*          :", ee_humansize(ee_metadata$ic_size))

    cat(blue$bold(sprintf("\nImage Metadata (img_index = %s):",
    cat("\n - ID                         :", ee_metadata$img_id)
    if (!is.null(ee_metadata$img_time_start)) {
      if (!is.na(ee_metadata$img_time_start)) {
          "\n - system:time_start          :",
    if (!is.null(ee_metadata$img_time_end)) {
      if (!is.na(ee_metadata$img_time_end)) {
          "\n - system:time_end            :",
    cat("\n - Number of Bands            :", ee_metadata$img_nbands)
    cat("\n - Bands names                :", ee_metadata$img_bands_names)
    cat("\n - Number of Properties       :", ee_metadata$img_properties_length)
    cat("\n - Number of Pixels*          :", ee_metadata$img_pixel)
    cat("\n - Approximate size*          :", ee_humansize(ee_metadata$img_size))

    cat(blue$bold(sprintf("\nBand Metadata (img_band = '%s'):",
    cat("\n - EPSG (SRID)                :", ee_metadata$band_crs_name)
    cat("\n - proj4string                :", ee_metadata$band_proj4string)
    cat("\n - Geotransform               :", ee_metadata$band_geotransform)
    cat("\n - Nominal scale (meters)     :", ee_metadata$band_nominal_scale)
    cat("\n - Dimensions                 :", ee_metadata$band_dimensions)
    cat("\n - Number of Pixels           :", ee_metadata$band_pixel)
    cat("\n - Data type                  :", ee_metadata$band_datatype)
    cat("\n - Approximate size           :",
    cat("\n", rule())
      "NOTE: (*) Properties calculated considering a constant ",
      "geotransform and data type."

#' Create a hash function digests for Earth Engine objects
#' @noRd
ee_hash <- function(eeobject, ...) {
    pattern = "[^0-9A-Za-z///' ]",
    replacement = "_" ,
    x =  eeobject$serialize() ,
    ignore.case = TRUE
  ) %>%
    digest::digest(algo = "md5") %>%
    paste(..., sep = "_")

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rgee documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 9:08 a.m.