Man pages for rgenie
Analysis of GenIE Experiments

allele_effect_plotPlots estimated effect sizes and confidence intervals for top...
bind_resultsGiven results for rgenie grep or deletion analysis of a set...
deletion_alleles_plotPlots unique deletion alleles and their "pileup" count...
deletion_analysisAlignment-based GenIE analysis
deletion_plotsReturns all main plots for a single deletion analysis result.
deletion_profile_plotPlots the deletion "pileup" profile separately for each...
deletion_summary_plotPlots a summary of deletion analysis results for a single...
download_exampleDownloads example data for rgenie.
experiment_summary_plotPlots a summary of genie results across multiple regions.
genie_plot_optionsReturns a list with default options for all rgenie plots,...
get_variance_componentsPerforms a variance components estimate for each deletion...
grep_analysisGrep-based GenIE analysis
grep_summary_plotPlots a summary of genie results from a grep analysis.
mul1_del_resultsGenIE replicates for the MUL1 example.
mul1_grep_resultsGenIE grep results list.
mul1_regionsGenIE regions for the MUL1 example.
mul1_replicatesGenIE replicates for the MUL1 example.
power_analysisPerforms estimates of power to detect effects of alleles at...
power_plotsReturns a set of plots summarising the expected power to...
replicate_qc_plotPlots quality control metrics for deletion analysis...
replicate_summary_plotPlots a summary of deletion analysis replicates.
rgeniergenie: Analysis of GenIE experiments
variance_components_plotPlots variance components estimates for all unique alleles.
rgenie documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:21 p.m.