
Defines functions geneticProgramming typedGeneticProgramming joinElites summary.geneticProgrammingResult makeEmptyRestartCondition makeStepLimitRestartCondition makeFitnessStagnationRestartCondition makeFitnessDistributionRestartCondition makeLocalRestartStrategy makeStepsStopCondition makeEvaluationsStopCondition makeFitnessStopCondition makeTimeStopCondition andStopCondition orStopCondition notStopCondition safeDivide safeSqroot safeLn ln positive ifPositive ifThenElse functionSet constantFactorySet

Documented in andStopCondition constantFactorySet functionSet geneticProgramming ifPositive ifThenElse joinElites ln makeEmptyRestartCondition makeEvaluationsStopCondition makeFitnessDistributionRestartCondition makeFitnessStagnationRestartCondition makeFitnessStopCondition makeLocalRestartStrategy makeStepLimitRestartCondition makeStepsStopCondition makeTimeStopCondition notStopCondition orStopCondition positive safeDivide safeLn safeSqroot summary.geneticProgrammingResult typedGeneticProgramming

## evolution.R
##   - Functions defining typical evolution main loops,
##     some typical GP function- and constant sets
## RGP - a GP system for R
## 2010 Oliver Flasch (oliver.flasch@fh-koeln.de)
## with contributions of Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Olaf Mersmann and Joerg Stork
## released under the GPL v2

##' Standard typed and untyped genetic programming
##' Perform a standard genetic programming (GP) run. Use \code{geneticProgramming} for
##' untyped genetic programming or \code{typedGeneticProgramming} for typed genetic
##' programming runs. The required argument \code{fitnessFunction} must be supplied with
##' an objective function that assigns a numerical fitness value to an R function. Fitness
##' values are minimized, i.e. smaller values denote higher/better fitness. If a
##' multi-objective \code{selectionFunction} is used, \code{fitnessFunction} return a
##' numerical vector of fitness values. The result of the GP run is a GP result object
##' containing a GP population of R functions. \code{summary.geneticProgrammingResult} can
##' be used to create summary views of a GP result object. During the run, restarts are
##' triggered by the \code{restartCondition}. When a restart is triggered, the restartStrategy
##' is executed, which returns a new population to replace the current one as well as a list of
##' elite individuals. These are added to the runs elite list, where fitter individuals replace
##' individuals with lesser fittness. The runs elite list is always sorted by fitness in
##' ascending order. Only the first component of a multi-criterial fitness counts in this
##' sorting. After a GP run, the population is inserted into the elite list. The elite list
##' is returned as part of the GP result object.
##' @param fitnessFunction In case of a single-objective selection function,
##'   \code{fitnessFunction} must be a single function that assigns a
##'   numerical fitness value to a GP individual represented as a R function.
##'   Smaller fitness values mean higher/better fitness. If a multi-objective
##'   selection function is used, \code{fitnessFunction} must return a numerical
##'   vector of fitness values.
##' @param type The range type of the individual functions. This parameter
##'   only applies to \code{typedGeneticProgramming}.
##' @param stopCondition The stop condition for the evolution main loop. See
##'   code \code{makeStepsStopCondition} for details.
##' @param population The GP population to start the run with. If this parameter
##'   is missing, a new GP population of size \code{populationSize} is created
##'   through random growth.
##' @param populationSize The number of individuals if a population is to be
##'   created.
##' @param eliteSize The number of elite individuals to keep. Defaults to
##'  \code{ceiling(0.1 * populationSize)}.
##' @param elite The elite list, must be alist of individuals sorted in ascending
##'   order by their first fitness component.
##' @param functionSet The function set.
##' @param inputVariables The input variable set.
##' @param constantSet The set of constant factory functions.
##' @param crossoverFunction The crossover function.
##' @param mutationFunction The mutation function.
##' @param restartCondition The restart condition for the evolution main loop. See
##'   \link{makeEmptyRestartCondition} for details.
##' @param restartStrategy The strategy for doing restarts. See
##'   \link{makeLocalRestartStrategy} for details.
##' @param searchHeuristic The search-heuristic (i.e. optimization algorithm) to use
##'   in the search of solutions. See the documentation for \code{searchHeuristics} for
##'   available algorithms.
##' @param breedingFitness A "breeding" function. This function is applied after
##'   every stochastic operation \emph{Op} that creates or modifies an individal
##'   (typically, \emph{Op} is a initialization, mutation, or crossover operation). If
##'   the breeding function returns \code{TRUE} on the given individual, \emph{Op} is
##'   considered a success. If the breeding function returns \code{FALSE}, \emph{Op}
##'   is retried a maximum of \code{breedingTries} times. If this maximum number of
##'   retries is exceeded, the result of the last try is considered as the result of
##'   \emph{Op}. In the case the breeding function returns a numeric value, the breeding
##'   is repeated \code{breedingTries} times and the individual with the lowest breeding
##'   fitness is considered the result of \emph{Op}.
##' @param breedingTries In case of a boolean \code{breedingFitness} function, the
##'   maximum number of retries. In case of a numerical \code{breedingFitness} function,
##'   the number of breeding steps. Also see the documentation for the \code{breedingFitness}
##'   parameter. Defaults to \code{50}.
##' @param extinctionPrevention When set to \code{TRUE}, the initialization and
##'   selection steps will try to prevent duplicate individuals
##'   from occurring in the population. Defaults to \code{FALSE}, as this
##'   operation might be expensive with larger population sizes.
##' @param archive If set to \code{TRUE}, all GP individuals evaluated are stored in an
##'   archive list \code{archiveList} that is returned as part of the result of this function. 
##' @param progressMonitor A function of signature
##'   \code{function(population, objectiveVectors, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber,
##'   bestFitness, timeElapsed, ...)} to be called with each evolution step. Seach heuristics
##'   may pass additional information via the \code{...} parameter.
##' @param verbose Whether to print progress messages.
##' @return A genetic programming result object that contains a GP population in the
##'   field \code{population}, as well as metadata describing the run parameters.
##' @seealso \code{\link{summary.geneticProgrammingResult}}, \code{\link{symbolicRegression}}
##' @rdname geneticProgramming
##' @export
geneticProgramming <- function(fitnessFunction,
                               stopCondition = makeTimeStopCondition(5),
                               population = NULL,
                               populationSize = 100,
                               eliteSize = ceiling(0.1 * populationSize),
                               elite = list(),
                               functionSet = mathFunctionSet,
                               inputVariables = inputVariableSet("x"),
                               constantSet = numericConstantSet,
                               crossoverFunction = crossover,
                               mutationFunction = NULL,
                               restartCondition = makeEmptyRestartCondition(),
                               restartStrategy = makeLocalRestartStrategy(),
                               searchHeuristic = makeAgeFitnessComplexityParetoGpSearchHeuristic(lambda = ceiling(0.5 * populationSize)),
                               breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                               breedingTries = 50,
                               extinctionPrevention = FALSE,
                               archive = FALSE,
                               progressMonitor = NULL,
                               verbose = TRUE) {
  ## Provide default parameters and initialize GP run...
  logmsg <- function(msg, ...) {
    if (verbose)
      message(sprintf(msg, ...))
  nonVerboseProgmon <- if (is.null(progressMonitor)) {
    function(pop, objectiveVectors, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed, ...) NULL
  } else {
  progmon <- if (verbose) {
    function(pop, objectiveVectors, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed, ...) {
      nonVerboseProgmon(pop, objectiveVectors, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed, ...)
      if (stepNumber %% 100 == 0) {
        logmsg("evolution step %i, fitness evaluations: %i, best fitness: %f, time elapsed: %s",
               stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, formatSeconds(timeElapsed))
  } else {
  mutatefunc <-
    if (is.null(mutationFunction)) {
      function(ind) mutateSubtree(mutateNumericConst(ind),
                                  functionSet, inputVariables, constantSet, mutatesubtreeprob = 0.1,
                                  breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries)
    } else
  pop <-
    if (is.null(population))
      makePopulation(populationSize, functionSet, inputVariables, constantSet,
                     extinctionPrevention = extinctionPrevention,
                     breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries)

  ## Execute search-heuristic...
  result <- searchHeuristic(logFunction = logmsg, stopCondition = stopCondition,
                            pop = pop, fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction,
                            mutationFunction = mutatefunc, crossoverFunction = crossoverFunction,
                            functionSet = functionSet, inputVariables = inputVariables, constantSet = constantSet,
                            archive = archive, extinctionPrevention = extinctionPrevention,
                            elite = elite, eliteSize = eliteSize,
                            restartCondition = restartCondition, restartStrategy = restartStrategy,
                            breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries,
                            progressMonitor = progmon)

  ## Return GP run result...
  structure(list(fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction,
                 stopCondition = stopCondition,
                 timeElapsed = result$timeElapsed,
                 stepNumber = result$stepNumber,
                 evaluationNumber = result$evaluationNumber,
                 bestFitness = result$bestFitness,
                 population = result$population,
                 fitnessValues = result$fitnessValues,
                 elite = result$elite,
                 functionSet = functionSet,
                 constantSet = constantSet,
                 crossoverFunction = crossoverFunction,
                 mutationFunction = mutatefunc,
                 restartCondition = restartCondition,
                 breedingFitness = breedingFitness,
                 breedingTries = breedingTries,
                 extinctionPrevention = extinctionPrevention,
                 archive = archive,
                 archiveList = result$archiveList,
                 restartStrategy = restartStrategy,
                 searchHeuristicResults = result$searchHeuristicResults),
            class = "geneticProgrammingResult")

##' @rdname geneticProgramming
##' @export
typedGeneticProgramming <- function(fitnessFunction,
                                    stopCondition = makeTimeStopCondition(5),
                                    population = NULL,
                                    populationSize = 100,
                                    eliteSize = ceiling(0.1 * populationSize),
                                    elite = list(),
                                    crossoverFunction = crossoverTyped,
                                    mutationFunction = NULL,
                                    restartCondition = makeEmptyRestartCondition(),
                                    restartStrategy = makeLocalRestartStrategy(populationType = type),
                                    searchHeuristic = makeAgeFitnessComplexityParetoGpSearchHeuristic(),
                                    breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                                    breedingTries = 50,
                                    extinctionPrevention = FALSE,
                                    archive = FALSE,
                                    progressMonitor = NULL,
                                    verbose = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(type)) stop("typedGeneticProgramming: Type must not be NULL.")
  pop <-
    if (is.null(population))
      makeTypedPopulation(populationSize, type, functionSet, inputVariables, constantSet,
                          extinctionPrevention = extinctionPrevention,
                          breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries)
  mutatefunc <-
    if (is.null(mutationFunction)) {
      function(ind) mutateSubtreeTyped(mutateFuncTyped(mutateNumericConstTyped(ind),
                                                       functionSet, mutatefuncprob = 0.01),
                                       functionSet, inputVariables, constantSet,
                                       mutatesubtreeprob = 0.01,
                                       breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries)
    } else mutationFunction
  geneticProgramming(fitnessFunction, stopCondition = stopCondition, population = pop,
                     populationSize = populationSize, eliteSize = eliteSize, elite = elite,
                     functionSet = functionSet,
                     inputVariables = inputVariables,
                     constantSet = constantSet,
                     crossoverFunction = crossoverFunction, mutationFunction = mutatefunc,
                     restartCondition = restartCondition, restartStrategy = restartStrategy,
                     searchHeuristic = searchHeuristic,
                     breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries,
                     extinctionPrevention = extinctionPrevention,
                     archive = archive,
                     progressMonitor = progressMonitor, verbose = verbose)

##' Join elite lists
##' Inserts a list of new individuals into an elite list, replacing the worst individuals
##' in this list to make place, if needed.
##' @param individuals The list of individuals to insert.
##' @param elite The list of elite individuals to insert \code{individuals} into. This
##'   list must be sorted by fitness in ascending order, i.e. lower fitnesses first.
##' @param eliteSize The maximum size of the \code{elite}.
##' @param fitnessFunction The fitness function.
##' @return The \code{elite} with \code{individuals} inserted, sorted by fitness in
##'   ascending order, i.e. lower fitnesses first.
joinElites <- function(individuals, elite, eliteSize, fitnessFunction) {
  allIndividuals <- c(individuals, elite)
  allFitnesses <- as.numeric(Map(function(ind) fitnessFunction(ind)[1], allIndividuals))
  allIndividualsSorted <- allIndividuals[order(allFitnesses, decreasing = FALSE)]
  newElite <- if (length(allIndividualsSorted) > eliteSize)

##' Summary reports of genetic programming run result objects
##' Create a summary report of a genetic programming result object as returned by
##' \code{\link{geneticProgramming}} or \code{\link{symbolicRegression}}, for
##' example.
##' @param object The genetic programming run result object to report on.
##' @param reportFitness Whether to report detailed fitness values of each individual
##'   in the result population. Note that calculating fitness values may take
##'   a long time. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. Either way, basic fitness
##'   values for each individual is reported.
##' @param orderByFitness Whether the report of the result population should be
##'   ordered by fitness. This does not have an effect if \code{reportFitness}
##'   is set to \code{FALSE}. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
##' @param ... Ignored in this summary function.
##' @seealso \code{\link{geneticProgramming}}, \code{\link{symbolicRegression}}
##' @method summary geneticProgrammingResult
##' @S3method summary geneticProgrammingResult
##' @export
summary.geneticProgrammingResult <- function(object, reportFitness = FALSE, orderByFitness = TRUE, ...) {
  reportPopulation <- function(individualFunctions, individualFitnessValues) {
    individualFunctionsAsStrings <- Map(function(f) Reduce(function(a, b) paste(a, b, sep=""),
    report <- cbind(1:length(individualFunctions), individualFunctions, individualFunctionsAsStrings, individualFitnessValues)
    colnames(report) <- c("Individual Index", "Individual Function", "(as String)", "Fitness Value")
    if (reportFitness) {
      fitnessList <- lapply(individualFunctions, object$fitnessFunction)
      fitnessesLength <- length(fitnessList)
      fitnessDimemsion <- length(fitnessList[[1]])
      flatFitnesses <- Reduce(c, fitnessList)
      fitnessMatrix <- matrix(as.list(flatFitnesses), ncol = fitnessDimemsion)
      if (is.null(colnames(fitnessMatrix))) colnames(fitnessMatrix) <- paste("Fitness", 1:fitnessDimemsion)
      report <- cbind(report, fitnessMatrix)
      if (orderByFitness) {
        rawFitnessMatrix <- matrix(flatFitnesses, ncol = fitnessDimemsion)
        report <- report[do.call(order, split(rawFitnessMatrix, col(rawFitnessMatrix))),]
  list(population = reportPopulation(object$population, object$fitnessValues), elite = reportPopulation(object$elite))

##' Evolution restart conditions
##' Evolution restart conditions are predicates (functions that return a single logical value)
##' of the signature \code{function(population, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber,
##' bestFitness, timeElapsed)}. They are used to decide when to restart a GP evolution run that
##' might be stuck in a local optimum. Evolution restart conditions are objects of the same
##' type and class as evolution stop conditions. They may be freely substituted for each other.
##' \code{makeEmptyRestartCondition} creates a restart condition that is never fulfilled, i.e.
##' restarts will never occur.
##' \code{makeStepLimitRestartCondition} creates a restart condition that holds if the
##' number if evolution steps is an integer multiple of a given step limit.
##' restarts will never occur.
##' \code{makeFitnessStagnationRestartCondition} creates a restart strategy that holds if the
##' standard deviation of a last \code{fitnessHistorySize} best fitness values falls below
##' a given \code{fitnessStandardDeviationLimit}.
##' \code{makeFitnessDistributionRestartCondition} creates a restart strategy that holds
##' if the standard deviation of the fitness values of the individuals in the current
##' population falls below a given \code{fitnessStandardDeviationLimit}.
##' @param stepLimit The step limit for \code{makeStepLimitRestartCondition}.
##' @param fitnessHistorySize The number of past best fitness values to look at when calculating
##'   the best fitness standard deviation for \code{makeFitnessStagnationRestartCondition}.
##' @param testFrequency The frequency to test for the restart condition, in evolution
##'   steps. This parameter is mainly used with restart condititions that are expensive to
##'   calculate.
##' @param fitnessStandardDeviationLimit The best fitness standard deviation limit for
##'   \code{makeFitnessStagnationRestartCondition}.
##' @rdname evolutionRestartConditions
##' @export
makeEmptyRestartCondition <- function() {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) FALSE
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' @rdname evolutionRestartConditions
##' @export
makeStepLimitRestartCondition <- function(stepLimit = 10) {
  function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) {
    stepNumber %% stepLimit == 0

##' @rdname evolutionRestartConditions
##' @export
makeFitnessStagnationRestartCondition <- function(fitnessHistorySize = 100,
                                                  testFrequency = 10,
                                                  fitnessStandardDeviationLimit = 0.000001) {
  history <- rep(Inf, fitnessHistorySize)
  # TODO this restart condition is broken by design, because best fitness is not affected by restarts!
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) {
    if (stepNumber %% testFrequency == 0) {
      history <<- c(history[2:fitnessHistorySize], bestFitness)
      historySd <- sd(history)
      !is.nan(historySd) && historySd <= fitnessStandardDeviationLimit # restart if sd drop below limit
    } else FALSE
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' @rdname evolutionRestartConditions
##' @export
makeFitnessDistributionRestartCondition <- function(testFrequency = 100,
                                                    fitnessStandardDeviationLimit = 0.000001) {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) {
    if (stepNumber %% testFrequency == 0) {
      fitnessValues <- as.numeric(Map(function(ind) fitnessFunction(ind)[1], pop))
      fitnessSd <- sd(fitnessValues)
      !is.nan(fitnessSd) && fitnessSd <= fitnessStandardDeviationLimit # restart if sd drop below limit
    } else FALSE
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' Evolution restart strategies
##' Evolution restart strategies are functions of the signature \code{function(fitnessFunction,
##' population, populationSize, functionSet, inputVariables, constantSet)} that return a list of
##' two obtjects: First, a population that replace the run's current population. Second, a list
##' of elite individuals to keep.
##' \code{makeLocalRestartStrategy} creates a restart strategy that replaces all individuals with
##' new individuals. The single best individual is returned as the elite. When using a
##' multi-criterial fitness function, only the first component counts in the fitness sorting.
##' @param populationType The sType of the replacement individuals, defaults to \code{NULL} for
##'   creating untyped populations.
##' @param extinctionPrevention Whether to surpress duplicate individuals in newly initialized
##'   populations. See \code{\link{geneticProgramming}} for details.
##' @param breedingFitness A breeding function. See the documentation for
##'   \code{\link{geneticProgramming}} for details.
##' @param breedingTries The number of breeding steps.
##' @rdname evolutionRestartStrategies
##' @export
makeLocalRestartStrategy <- function(populationType = NULL,
                                     extinctionPrevention = FALSE,
                                     breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                                     breedingTries = 50) {
  restartStrategy <- function(fitnessFunction, population, populationSize, functionSet, inputVariables, constantSet) {
    fitnessValues <- as.numeric(Map(function(ind) fitnessFunction(ind)[1], population))
    bestInd <- population[[which.min(fitnessValues)]]
    restartedPopulation <-
      if (is.null(populationType))
        makePopulation(populationSize, functionSet, inputVariables, constantSet,
                       extinctionPrevention = extinctionPrevention,
                       breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries)
        makeTypedPopulation(populationSize, populationType, functionSet, inputVariables, constantSet,
                            extinctionPrevention = extinctionPrevention,
                            breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries)
    list(population = restartedPopulation, elite = list(bestInd))
  class(restartStrategy) <- c("restartStrategy", "function")

##' Evolution stop conditions
##' Evolution stop conditions are predicates (functions that return a single logical value)
##' of the signature \code{function(population, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness,
##' timeElapsed)}.
##' They are used to decide when to finish a GP evolution run. Stop conditions must be members
##' of the S3 class \code{c("stopCondition", "function")}. They can be combined using the
##' functions \code{andStopCondition}, \code{orStopCondition} and \code{notStopCondition}.
##' \code{makeStepsStopCondition} creates a stop condition that is fulfilled if the number
##' of evolution steps exceeds a given limit.
##' \code{makeEvaluationsStopCondition} creates a stop condition that is fulfilled if the
##' number of fitness function evaluations exceeds a given limit.
##' \code{makeFitnessStopCondition} creates a stop condition that is fulfilled if the
##' number best fitness seen in an evaluation run undercuts a certain limit.
##' \code{makeTimeStopCondition} creates a stop condition that is fulfilled if the run time
##' (in seconds) of an evolution run exceeds a given limit.
##' @param stepLimit The maximum number of evolution steps for \code{makeStepsStopCondition}.
##' @param evaluationLimit The maximum number of fitness function evaluations for
##'   \code{makeEvaluationsStopCondition}.
##' @param fitnessLimit The minimum fitness for \code{makeFitnessStopCondition}.
##' @param timeLimit The maximum runtime in seconds for \code{makeTimeStopCondition}.
##' @param e1 A stop condition.
##' @param e2 A stop condition.
##' @rdname evolutionStopConditions
##' @export
makeStepsStopCondition <- function(stepLimit) {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) stepNumber >= stepLimit
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' @rdname evolutionStopConditions
##' @export
makeEvaluationsStopCondition <- function(evaluationLimit) {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) evaluationNumber >= evaluationLimit
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' @rdname evolutionStopConditions
##' @export
makeFitnessStopCondition <- function(fitnessLimit) {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) bestFitness <= fitnessLimit
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' @rdname evolutionStopConditions
##' @export
makeTimeStopCondition <- function(timeLimit) {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) timeElapsed >= timeLimit
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' @rdname evolutionStopConditions
##' @export
andStopCondition <- function(e1, e2) {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed)
    e1(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) && e2(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed)
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' @rdname evolutionStopConditions
##' @export
orStopCondition <- function(e1, e2) {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed)
    e1(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed) || e2(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed)
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' @rdname evolutionStopConditions
##' @export
notStopCondition <- function(e1) {
  stopCondition <- function(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed)
    !e1(pop, fitnessFunction, stepNumber, evaluationNumber, bestFitness, timeElapsed)
  class(stopCondition) <- c("stopCondition", "function")

##' Some simple arithmetic and logic functions for use in GP expressions
##' \code{safeDivide} a division operator that returns 0 if the divisor is 0.
##' \code{safeLn} a natural logarithm operator that return 0 if its argument is less
##'   then 0.
##' \code{ln} is the natural logarithm.
##' \code{positive} returns true if its argument is greater then 0.
##' \code{ifPositive} returns its second argument if its first argument is positive,
##'   otherwise its third argument.
##' \code{ifThenElse} returns its second argument if its first argument is \code{TRUE},
##'   otherwise its third argument.
##' @param a A numeric value.
##' @param b A numeric value.
##' @param x A numeric value.
##' @param thenbranch The element to return when \code{x} is \code{TRUE}.
##' @param elsebranch The element to return when \code{x} is \code{FALSE}.
##' @rdname safeGPfunctions
##' @export
safeDivide <- function(a, b) ifelse(b == 0, b, a / b)

##' @rdname safeGPfunctions
##' @export
safeSqroot <- function(a) sqrt(ifelse(a < 0, 0, a))

##' @rdname safeGPfunctions
##' @export
safeLn <- function(a) ifelse(a < 0, 0, log(a))

##' @rdname safeGPfunctions
##' @export
ln <- function(a) log(a)

##' @rdname safeGPfunctions
##' @export
positive <- function(x) x > 0

##' @rdname safeGPfunctions
##' @export
ifPositive <- function(x, thenbranch, elsebranch) ifelse(x > 0, thenbranch, elsebranch)

##' @rdname safeGPfunctions
##' @export
ifThenElse <- function(x, thenbranch, elsebranch) ifelse(x, thenbranch, elsebranch)

# TODO hack to make roxygen2 work with external function references...
functionSet <- function(...) NULL
constantFactorySet <- function(...) NULL
# ... .

##' Default function- and constant factory sets for Genetic Programming
##' \code{arithmeticFunctionSet} is an untyped function set containing the functions
##' "+", "-", "*", and "/".
##' \code{expLogFunctionSet} is an untyped function set containing the functions
##' "sqrt", "exp", and "ln".
##' \code{trigonometricFunctionSet} is an untyped function set containing the functions
##' "sin", "cos", and "tan".
##' \code{mathFunctionSet} is an untyped function set containing all of the above functions.
##' \code{numericConstantSet} is an untyped constant factory set containing a single
##' constant factory that creates numeric constants via calls to \code{runif(1, -1, 1)}.
##' Note that these objects are initialized in the RGP package's \code{.onAttach} function.
##' @rdname defaultGPFunctionAndConstantSets
##' @export
arithmeticFunctionSet <- NULL

##' @rdname defaultGPFunctionAndConstantSets
##' @export
expLogFunctionSet <- NULL 

##' @rdname defaultGPFunctionAndConstantSets
##' @export
#trigonometricFunctionSet <- functionSet("sin", "cos", "tan")

##' @rdname defaultGPFunctionAndConstantSets
##' @export
#mathFunctionSet <- c(arithmeticFunctionSet, expLogFunctionSet, trigonometricFunctionSet)

##' @rdname defaultGPFunctionAndConstantSets
##' @export
#numericConstantSet <- constantFactorySet(function() runif(1, -1, 1))

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