
Defines functions mutateFunc mutateSubtree mutateNumericConst mutateFuncTyped mutateSubtreeTyped mutateNumericConstTyped mutateChangeLabel mutateInsertSubtree mutateDeleteSubtree mutateChangeDeleteInsert mutateDeleteInsert mutateFuncFast mutateSubtreeFast mutateNumericConstFast

Documented in mutateChangeDeleteInsert mutateChangeLabel mutateDeleteInsert mutateDeleteSubtree mutateFunc mutateFuncFast mutateFuncTyped mutateInsertSubtree mutateNumericConst mutateNumericConstFast mutateNumericConstTyped mutateSubtree mutateSubtreeFast mutateSubtreeTyped

## mutation.R
##   - Functions for mutating GP individuals
## RGP - a GP system for R
## 2010 Oliver Flasch (oliver.flasch@fh-koeln.de)
## with contributions of Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Olaf Mersmann and Joerg Stork
## released under the GPL v2

##' Random mutation of functions and expressions
##' RGP implements two sets of mutation operators. The first set is inspired by classical
##' GP systems. Mutation strength is controlled by giving mutation probabilities:
##' \code{mutateFunc} mutates a function \eqn{f} by recursively replacing inner function labels in
##'   \eqn{f} with probability \code{mutatefuncprob}.
##' \code{mutateSubtree} mutates a function by recursively replacing inner nodes with
##'   newly grown subtrees of maximum depth \code{maxsubtreedepth}.
##' \code{mutateNumericConst} mutates a function by perturbing each numeric (double) constant \eqn{c}
##'   with probability \code{mutateconstprob} by setting \eqn{c := c + rnorm(1, mean = mu, sd = sigma)}.
##'   Note that constants of other typed than \code{double} (e.g \code{integer}s) are not affected.
##' \code{mutateFuncTyped}, \code{mutateSubtreeTyped}, and \code{mutateNumericConstTyped} are
##' variants of the above functions that only create well-typed result expressions.
##' \code{mutateFuncFast}, \code{mutateSubtreeFast}, \code{mutateNumericConstFast} are variants
##' of the above untyped mutation function implemented in C. They offer a considerably faster
##' execution speed for the price of limited flexibility. These variants take function bodies
##' as arguments (obtain these via R's \code{body} function) and return function bodies as results.
##' To turn a function body into a function, use RGP's \code{\link{makeClosure}} tool function.
##' The second set of mutation operators features a more orthogonal design, with each individual
##' operator having a only a small effect on the genotype. Mutation strength is controlled by
##' the integral \code{strength} parameter.
##' \code{mutateChangeLabel} Selects a node (inner node or leaf) by uniform random sampling and replaces
##'   the label of this node by a new label of matching type.
##' \code{mutateInsertSubtree} Selects a leaf by uniform random sampling and replaces it with a matching
##'   subtree of the exact depth of \code{subtreeDepth}.
##' \code{mutateDeleteSubtree} Selects a subree of the exact depth of \code{subtreeDepth} by uniform random
##'   sampling and replaces it with a matching leaf.
##' \code{mutateChangeDeleteInsert} Either applies \code{mutateChangeLabel}, \code{mutateInsertSubtree},
##'   or \code{mutateDeleteSubtree}. The probability weights for selecting an operator can be supplied
##'   via the ...Probability arguments (probability weights are normalized to a sum of 1). 
##' \code{mutateDeleteInsert} Either applies \code{mutateDeleteSubtree} or \code{mutateInsertSubtree}. The
##'  probability weights for selecting an operator can be supplied via the ...Probability arguments
##'  (probability weights are normalized to a sum of 1).
##' The above functions automatically create well-typed result expressions when used in a strongly
##' typed GP run.
##' All RGP mutation operators have the S3 class \code{c("mutationOperator", "function")}.
##' @param func The function to mutate randomly.
##' @param funcbody The function body to mutate randomly, obtain it via \code{body(func)}.
##' @param funcset The function set.
##' @param inset The set of input variables.
##' @param conset The set of constant factories.
##' @param mutatefuncprob The probability of trying to replace an inner function at each node.
##' @param mutatesubtreeprob The probability of replacing a subtree with a newly grown subtree
##'   at each node.
##' @param maxsubtreedepth The maximum depth of newly grown subtrees.
##' @param mutateconstprob The probability of mutating a constant by adding \code{rnorm(1)} to it.
##' @param strength The number of individual point mutations (changes, insertions, deletions) to
##'   perform.
##' @param subtreeDepth The depth of the subtrees to insert or delete.
##' @param constprob The probability of creating a constant versus an input variable.
##' @param insertprob The probability to insert a subtree.
##' @param deleteprob The probability to insert a subtree.
##' @param constmin The lower limit for numeric constants.
##' @param constmax The upper limit for numeric onstants.
##' @param mu The normal distribution mean for random numeric constant mutation.
##' @param sigma The normal distribution standard deviation for random numeric constant mutation.
##' @param subtreeprob The probability of creating a subtree instead of a leaf in the random subtree
##'   generator function.
##' @param iterations The number of times to apply a mutation operator to a GP individual. This
##'   can be used as a generic way of controling the strength of the genotypic effect of mutation. 
##' @param changeProbability The probability for selecting the \code{mutateChangeLabel} operator.
##' @param deleteProbability The probability for selecting the \code{mutateDeleteSubtree} operator.
##' @param insertProbability The probability for selecting the \code{mutateInsertSubtree} operator.
##' @param breedingFitness A breeding function. See the documentation for
##'   \code{\link{geneticProgramming}} for details.
##' @param breedingTries The number of breeding steps.
##' @return The randomly mutated function.
##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateFunc <- function(func, funcset, mutatefuncprob = 0.1,
                       breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                       breedingTries = 50) {
  mutatefuncexpr <- function(expr, funcset, mutatefuncprob) {
    if (is.call(expr)) {
      oldfunc <- expr[[1]]
      if (runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(oldfunc)) {
        newfunccandidate <- if (runif(1) <= mutatefuncprob)
            toName(randelt(funcset$all, prob = attr(funcset$all, "probabilityWeight")))
          else oldfunc
        newfunc <- if (arity(newfunccandidate) == arity(oldfunc)) newfunccandidate else oldfunc
        as.call(append(newfunc, Map(function(e) mutatefuncexpr(e, funcset, mutatefuncprob), rest(expr))))
      } else expr
    } else expr
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = funcset$envir)
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutatefuncexpr(body(func), funcset, mutatefuncprob)
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateFunc) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateSubtree <- function(func, funcset, inset, conset, mutatesubtreeprob = 0.1, maxsubtreedepth = 5,
                          breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                          breedingTries = 50) {
  mutatesubtreeexpr <- function(expr, funcset, inset, conset, mutatesubtreeprob, maxsubtreedepth) {
    if (runif(1) <= mutatesubtreeprob) { # replace current node with new random subtree
      if (runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        randexprGrow(funcset, inset, conset, maxdepth = maxsubtreedepth)
      } else expr
    } else if (is.call(expr)) {
                     Map(function(e) mutatesubtreeexpr(e, funcset, inset, conset,
                                                       mutatesubtreeprob, maxsubtreedepth),
    } else expr
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = funcset$envir)
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutatesubtreeexpr(body(func), funcset, inset, conset, mutatesubtreeprob, maxsubtreedepth)
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateSubtree) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateNumericConst <- function(func, mutateconstprob = 0.1,
                               breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                               breedingTries = 50, mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0) {
  mutateconstexpr <- function(expr, mutateconstprob) {
    if (is.call(expr)) {
      as.call(append(expr[[1]], Map(function(e) mutateconstexpr(e, mutateconstprob), rest(expr))))
    } else if (runif(1) <= mutateconstprob && is.double(expr)) {
      if (runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        mutatedExpr <- expr + rnorm(1, mean = mu, sd = sigma)
      } else expr
    } else expr
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = environment(func))
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutateconstexpr(body(func), mutateconstprob)
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateNumericConst) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateFuncTyped <- function(func, funcset, mutatefuncprob = 0.1,
                            breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                            breedingTries = 50) {
  mutatefuncexprTyped <- function(expr, funcset, mutatefuncprob) {
    if (is.call(expr)) { # only look at calls, this mutation ignores terminal nodes...
      oldfunc <- expr[[1]]
      if (runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(oldfunc)) {
        oldfuncType <- sType(oldfunc)
        oldfuncRangeType <- rangeTypeOfType(oldfuncType)
        ## Select a candidate for a new function of matching range type. This can of course result
        ## in a candidate function with a different domain type. If this happens the mutation is
        ## simply aborted, because searching again for a matching function would cost too much time...
        newfunccandidate <- if (runif(1) <= mutatefuncprob)
                         prob = attr(funcset$byRange[[oldfuncRangeType$string]], "probabilityWeight")))
        else oldfunc
        newfunccandidateType <- sType(newfunccandidate)
        newfunc <- if (identical(newfunccandidateType, oldfuncType)) newfunccandidate else oldfunc
        newcall <- as.call(append(newfunc, Map(function(e) mutatefuncexprTyped(e, funcset, mutatefuncprob), rest(expr))))
      } else expr
    } else expr
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = funcset$envir)
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutatefuncexprTyped(body(func), funcset, mutatefuncprob)
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateFuncTyped) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateSubtreeTyped <- function(func, funcset, inset, conset, mutatesubtreeprob = 0.1, maxsubtreedepth = 5,
                               breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                               breedingTries = 50) {
  mutatesubtreeexprTyped <- function(expr, funcset, inset, conset, mutatesubtreeprob, maxsubtreedepth) {
    if (runif(1) <= mutatesubtreeprob) { # replace current node with new random subtree of correct type
      if (runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        type <- rangeTypeOfType(sType(expr))
        randexprTypedGrow(type, funcset, inset, conset, maxdepth = maxsubtreedepth)
      } else expr
    } else if (is.call(expr)) {
      mutatedExpr <-
                       Map(function(e) mutatesubtreeexprTyped(e, funcset, inset, conset,
                                                              mutatesubtreeprob, maxsubtreedepth),
    } else expr
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = funcset$envir)
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutatesubtreeexprTyped(body(func), funcset, inset, conset, mutatesubtreeprob, maxsubtreedepth)
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateSubtreeTyped) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateNumericConstTyped <- function(func, mutateconstprob = 0.1,
                                    breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                                    breedingTries = 50) {
  mutateconstexprTyped <- function(expr, mutateconstprob) {
    if (is.call(expr)) {
      mutatedExpr <- as.call(append(expr[[1]], Map(function(e) mutateconstexprTyped(e, mutateconstprob), rest(expr))))
    } else if (runif(1) <= mutateconstprob && is.double(expr)) {
      if (runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        mutatedExpr <- expr + rnorm(1)
      } else expr
    } else expr
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = environment(func))
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutateconstexprTyped(body(func), mutateconstprob)
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateNumericConstTyped) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateChangeLabel <- function(func, funcset, inset, conset,
                              strength = 1,
                              breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                              breedingTries = 50) {
  numberOfNodes <- funcSize(func)
  sampledMutationPoints <- sample.int(numberOfNodes, replace = FALSE,
                                      size = min(strength, numberOfNodes))
  currentNode <- 0 # here, local mutable state is more efficient than recursion
  mutateExpressionChangeLabel <- function(expr) {
    currentNode <<- currentNode + 1
    if (is.symbol(expr)) {
      if (currentNode %in% sampledMutationPoints && runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        if (hasStype(expr)) {
          newInputVariable <- toName(randelt(inset$byType[[sType(expr)$string]],
                                             prob = attr(inset$byType[[sType(expr)$string]], "probabilityWeight")))
        } else {
          newInputVariable <- toName(randelt(inset$all, prob = attr(inset$all, "probabilityWeight")))
      } else expr
    } else if (is.call(expr)) {
      if (identical(expr[[1]], as.symbol("function"))) {
        stop("mutateChnageLabel: Support for anonymous function nodes is not implemented.") # TODO
      } else if (identical(expr[[1]], as.symbol("("))) {
        ## Just skip parentheses in the expression tree...
        restExpr <- rest(expr)
        mutatedExpr <- as.call(append(expr[[1]], Map(mutateExpressionChangeLabel, restExpr)))
      } else {
        mutatedLabel <- if (currentNode %in% sampledMutationPoints && runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
          ## Select a candidate for a new function of matching range type. This can of course result
          ## in a candidate function with a different domain type. If this happens the mutation is
          ## simply aborted, because searching again for a matching function would cost too much time...
          oldfunc <- expr[[1]]
          newfunc <- if (hasStype(oldfunc)) {
            oldfuncType <- sType(oldfunc)
            oldfuncRangeType <- rangeTypeOfType(oldfuncType)
            newfunccandidate <- toName(randelt(funcset$byRange[[oldfuncRangeType$string]],
                                               prob = attr(funcset$byRange[[oldfuncRangeType$string]], "probabilityWeight")))
            newfunccandidateType <- sType(newfunccandidate)
            if (identical(newfunccandidateType, oldfuncType)) newfunccandidate else oldfunc
          } else {
            newfunccandidate <- toName(randelt(funcset$all, prob = attr(funcset$all, "probabilityWeight")))
            if (arity(newfunccandidate) == arity(oldfunc)) newfunccandidate else oldfunc
        } else expr[[1]]
        restExpr <- rest(expr)
        mutatedExpr <- as.call(append(mutatedLabel, Map(mutateExpressionChangeLabel, restExpr)))
    } else if (is.numeric(expr)) {
      if (currentNode %in% sampledMutationPoints && runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        mutatedExpr <- expr + rnorm(1)
      } else expr
    } else if (is.logical(expr)) {
      if (currentNode %in% sampledMutationPoints && runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        mutatedExpr <- as.logical(rbinom(1, 1, 0.5))
      } else expr
    } else stop("mutateChangeLabel: Unsupported expression: ", expr, ".")
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = funcset$envir)
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutateExpressionChangeLabel(body(func))
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateChangeLabel) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateInsertSubtree <- function(func, funcset, inset, conset,
                                strength = 1,
                                subtreeDepth = 2,
                                breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                                breedingTries = 50) {
  ## Subtrees are inserted by replacing a random leaf...
  numberOfLeaves <- funcLeaves(func)
  sampledMutationPoints <- sample.int(numberOfLeaves, replace = FALSE,
                                      size = min(strength, numberOfLeaves))
  currentLeaf <- 0 # here, local mutable state is more efficient than recursion
  mutateExpressionInsertSubtree <- function(expr) {
    if (is.call(expr)) {
      if (identical(expr[[1]], as.symbol("function"))) {
        stop("mutateInsertSubtree: Support for anonymous function nodes is not implemented.") # TODO
      } else {
        restExpr <- rest(expr)
        mutatedExpr <- as.call(append(expr[[1]], Map(mutateExpressionInsertSubtree, restExpr)))
    } else if (is.symbol(expr) || is.numeric(expr) || is.logical(expr)) {
      currentLeaf <<- currentLeaf + 1
      if (currentLeaf %in% sampledMutationPoints && runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        #message("INSERT SUBTREE at leaf#: ", currentLeaf, " -- ", expr) # DEBUG
        if (hasStype(expr)) {
          type <- sType(expr)
          newSubtree <- randexprTypedFull(type, funcset, inset, conset,
                                          maxdepth = subtreeDepth, constprob = 0.2)
        } else {
          newSubtree <- randexprFull(funcset, inset, conset,
                                     maxdepth = subtreeDepth, constprob = 0.2)
      } else expr
    } else stop("mutateInsertSubtree: Unsupported expression: ", expr, ".")
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = funcset$envir)
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutateExpressionInsertSubtree(body(func))
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateInsertSubtree) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateDeleteSubtree <- function(func, funcset, inset, conset,
                                strength = 1,
                                subtreeDepth = 2,
                                constprob = 0.2,
                                breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                                breedingTries = 50) {
  ## Subtrees are deleted by deleting a random subtree of depth subtreeDepth...
  numberOfSubtreesOfMatchingDepth <- funcCount(func, function(node) exprDepth(node) == subtreeDepth)
  sampledMutationPoints <- sample.int(numberOfSubtreesOfMatchingDepth, replace = FALSE,
                                      size = min(strength, numberOfSubtreesOfMatchingDepth))
  currentMatchingSubtree <- 0 # here, local mutable state is more efficient than recursion
  mutateExpressionDeleteSubtree <- function(expr) {
    if (exprDepth(expr) == subtreeDepth) {
      currentMatchingSubtree <<- currentMatchingSubtree + 1
      if (currentMatchingSubtree %in% sampledMutationPoints && runif(1) > buildingBlockTag(expr)) {
        #message("DELETE SUBTREE at node#: ", currentMatchingSubtree, " -- ", expr) # DEBUG
        if (hasStype(expr)) {
          typeString <- rangeTypeOfType(sType(expr))$string
          newLeaf <- randterminalTyped(typeString, inset, conset, constprob)
        } else {
          newLeaf <- if (runif(1) <= constprob) { # create constant
            constfactory <- randelt(conset$all, prob = attr(conset$all, "probabilityWeight"))
          } else { # create input variable
            toName(randelt(inset$all, prob = attr(inset$all, "probabilityWeight")))
      } else expr
    } else if (is.call(expr)) {
      if (identical(expr[[1]], as.symbol("function"))) {
        stop("mutateDeleteSubtree: Support for anonymous function nodes is not implemented.") # TODO
      } else {
        restExpr <- rest(expr)
        mutatedExpr <- as.call(append(expr[[1]], Map(mutateExpressionDeleteSubtree, restExpr)))
    } else if (is.symbol(expr) || is.numeric(expr) || is.logical(expr)) {
    } else stop("mutateDeleteSubtree: Unsupported expression: ", expr, ".")
  doMutation <- function() {
    mutant <- new.function(envir = funcset$envir)
    formals(mutant) <- formals(func)
    body(mutant) <- mutateExpressionDeleteSubtree(body(func))
  breed(doMutation, breedingFitness, breedingTries)
class(mutateDeleteSubtree) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateChangeDeleteInsert <- function(func, funcset, inset, conset,
                                     strength = 1,
                                     subtreeDepth = 2,
                                     constprob = 0.2,
                                     iterations = 1,
                                     changeProbability = 1/3,
                                     deleteProbability = 1/3,
                                     insertProbability = 1/3,
                                     breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                                     breedingTries = 50) {
  stopifnot(iterations >= 1)
  if (iterations == 1) {
    mutateOperator <- randelt(c(mutateChangeLabel, mutateDeleteSubtree, mutateInsertSubtree),
                              prob = c(changeProbability, deleteProbability, insertProbability))
                                    list(func = func, funcset = funcset, inset = inset, conset = conset,
                                         strength = strength, subtreeDepth = subtreeDepth, constprob = constprob,
                                       breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries))
  } else {
    doMutate <- function(func) {
      mutateOperator <- randelt(c(mutateChangeLabel, mutateDeleteSubtree, mutateInsertSubtree),
                                prob = c(changeProbability, deleteProbability, insertProbability))
                                      list(func = func, funcset = funcset, inset = inset, conset = conset,
                                           strength = strength, subtreeDepth = subtreeDepth, constprob = constprob,
                                           breedingFitness = breedingFitness, breedingTries = breedingTries))
    iterate(iterations, doMutate, func)
class(mutateChangeDeleteInsert) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateDeleteInsert <- function(func, funcset, inset, conset,
                               strength = 1,
                               subtreeDepth = 2,
                               constprob = 0.2,
                               iterations = 1,
                               deleteProbability = 0.5,
                               insertProbability = 0.5,
                               breedingFitness = function(individual) TRUE,
                               breedingTries = 50)
  mutateChangeDeleteInsert(func, funcset, inset, conset,
                           strength = strength, subtreeDepth = subtreeDepth,
                           constprob = constprob, iterations = iterations,
                           changeProbability = 0,
                           deleteProbability = deleteProbability,
                           insertProbability = insertProbability,
                           breedingFitness = breedingFitness,
                           breedingTries = breedingTries)
class(mutateDeleteInsert) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateFuncFast <- function(funcbody, funcset, mutatefuncprob = 0.1)
  .Call("mutate_functions_R", funcbody, mutatefuncprob, funcset$all, as.integer(funcset$arities))
class(mutateFuncFast) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateSubtreeFast <- function(funcbody, funcset, inset, constmin, constmax, insertprob, deleteprob, subtreeprob, constprob, maxsubtreedepth)
  .Call("mutate_subtrees_R", funcbody, insertprob, deleteprob,
                             funcset$all, as.integer(funcset$arities),
                             inset$all, constmin, constmax, subtreeprob, constprob, as.integer(maxsubtreedepth))
class(mutateSubtreeFast) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

##' @rdname expressionMutation
##' @export
mutateNumericConstFast <- function(funcbody, mutateconstprob = 0.1, mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0)
  .Call("mutate_constants_normal_R", funcbody, mutateconstprob, mu, sigma)
class(mutateNumericConstFast) <- c("mutationOperator", "function")

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