
Defines functions black_box black_box_parts

Documented in black_box black_box_parts

# Copyright 2017-2018 Gabriele Valentini, Douglas G. Moore. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the
# LICENSE file.

#' Black Box
#' Black-box time series from a collection of \code{l} sources where each
#' series has the same number of time steps, same number of initial conditions,
#' and possibly different bases into a single time series. The base of the
#' resulting time series is given by the product of the bases of each time
#' series in the collection. Black-boxing can be performed in time by
#' providing history lengths \code{r} and future lengths through \code{s}.
#' @param series Vector or Matrix of the time series to black-box.
#' @param l Numeric giving the number of sources in the collection.
#' @param r Vector giving the history lengths.
#' @param s Vector giving the future lengths.
#' @return Vector or Matrix giving the black-boxed time series.
#' @example inst/examples/ex_black_box.R
#' @export
#' @useDynLib rinform r_black_box_
black_box <- function(series, l, r = NULL, s = NULL) {
  err      <- 0
  rNull    <- 1
  sNull    <- 1


  if (!is.null(r)) {
    if (length(r) != l) {
      stop("<r> has length different from <l>!")
    rNull <- 0
  } else { r <- 0 }
  if (!is.null(s)) {
    if (length(s) != l) {
      stop("<s> has length different from <l>!")
    sNull <- 0
  } else { s <- 0 }

  # Extract number of initial conditions and time steps
  if (is.vector(series)) {
    if (l != 1) {
      stop("<series> is a vector but the number <l> of time series is not 1!")
    n <- 1
    m <- length(series)
    b <- max(2, max(series) + 1)    
  } else if (is.matrix(series)) {
    if (dim(series)[2] %% l != 0) {
      stop("The number of time series in <series> is not a multiple of <l>!")
    n <- dim(series)[2] / l
    m <- dim(series)[1]
    b <- rep(0, l)
    for (i in 1:l) {
      b[i] <- max(2, max(series[, 1:n + n * (i - 1)]) + 1)        
  } else { stop("<series> is not a vector or a matrix!") }

  if      (max(r) > 0  & max(s) == 0) { box <- rep(-1, n  * (m - max(r) + 1)) }
  else if (max(r) == 0 & max(s) > 0)  { box <- rep(-1, n  * (m - max(s))) }
  else if (max(r) > 0  & max(s) > 0)  { box <- rep(-1, n  * (m - max(r) - max(s) + 1)) }
  else if (max(r) == 0 & max(s) == 0) { box <- rep(-1, n  * m) }
  x    <- .C("r_black_box_",
             series  = as.integer(series),
	     l       = as.integer(l),
	     n       = as.integer(n),
	     m       = as.integer(m),
	     b       = as.integer(b),
	     r       = as.integer(r),
	     rNull   = as.integer(rNull),
	     s       = as.integer(s),
	     sNull   = as.integer(sNull),
	     box     = as.integer(box),
	     err     = as.integer(err))

  if (.check_inform_error(x$err) == 0) {
    box <- as.numeric(x$box)
    if (n > 1) { dim(box) <- c(length(box) / n, n) }


#' Black Box Parts
#' Black-box time series from a collection of `l` sources where each series
#' has the same number of time steps but possibly different bases into a number
#' of different time series according to the partitioning scheme \code{parts}.
#' The resulting time series and their bases are returned. The base of the
#' resulting time series is given by the product of the bases of each time
#' series in the partition. 
#' @param series Matrix of the time series to black-box.
#' @param parts Vector giving the partitioning schema.
#' @return Vector or Matrix giving the black-boxed time series.
#' @example inst/examples/ex_black_box_parts.R
#' @export
#' @useDynLib rinform r_black_box_parts_
black_box_parts <- function(series, parts) {
  err      <- 0

  # Convert from R indexes to C indexes
  parts  <- parts - 1
  nparts <- max(parts) + 1

  # Extract number of initial conditions and time steps
  if (is.vector(series)) {
    stop("<series> is a vector with only one time series!")  
  } else if (is.matrix(series)) {
    if (length(parts) != dim(series)[2]) {
      stop("Length of <parts> is different from number of time series!")
    l <- dim(series)[2]
    n <- dim(series)[1]
    b <- rep(0, l)
    for (i in 1:l) {
      b[i] <- max(2, max(series[, i]) + 1)        
  } else { stop("<series> is not a vector or a matrix!") }
  box <- rep(-1, nparts * n + nparts)
  x    <- .C("r_black_box_parts_",
             series  = as.integer(series),
	     l       = as.integer(l),
	     n       = as.integer(n),
	     b       = as.integer(b),
	     parts   = as.integer(parts),
	     nparts  = as.integer(nparts),
	     box     = as.integer(box),
	     err     = as.integer(err))

  if (.check_inform_error(x$err) == 0) {
    box <- as.numeric(x$box[1:(nparts * n)])
    b   <- as.numeric(x$box[(nparts * n + 1):length(x$box)])
    if (nparts > 1) { dim(box) <- c(n, nparts) }

  list(box = box, b = b)

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rinform documentation built on April 1, 2018, 12:12 p.m.