
Defines functions print.influenceTest

Documented in print.influenceTest

### print.influenceTest.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: jun  1 2018 (13:35) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: Dec 21 2021 (12:28) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 47
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * print.influenceTest (documentation)
#' @title Output of the DIfference Between Two Estimates
#' @description Output of the difference between two estimates.
#' @param x object obtained with the function \code{influenceTest}.
#' @param digits [integer, >0] indicating the number of decimal places.
#' @param ... Passed to print.
#' @details to display confidence intervals/bands,
#' the \code{confint} method needs to be applied on the object.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{confint.influenceTest}} to compute confidence intervals/bands.
#' \code{\link{influenceTest}} to perform the comparison.

## * print.predictCSC (code)
#' @rdname print.influenceTest
#' @method print influenceTest
#' @export
print.influenceTest <- function(x, digits = 3, ...){

    lower <- upper <- lowerBand <- upperBand <- NULL ## [:CRANcheck:] data.table
    cat("        Comparison of two estimates of the ",x$type," at time ",paste0(round(x$time, digits), collapse = " "),"\n\n", sep = "")


    dt.tempo <- copy(x)
    dt.tempo <- as.data.table(dt.tempo)
    order.col <- setdiff(names(dt.tempo),c("lower","upper","p.value","quantileBand","lowerBand","upperBand"))

    ## round and merge column containing CI and CB
    test.numeric <- unlist(lapply(dt.tempo, is.numeric))
    numeric.col <- setdiff(names(dt.tempo)[test.numeric],"p.value")
    ## dt.tempo[, c(numeric.col) := round(.SD, digits = digits) , .SDcols = numeric.col]

    ## x$se
        dt.tempo[, c("conf.interval") := paste0("[",round(lower,digits)," ; ",round(upper,digits),"]")]
        dt.tempo[,c("lower","upper") := NULL]
        order.col <- c(order.col,"conf.interval","p.value")
    if(x$band[[1]] && !is.null(x$conf.level)){
        dt.tempo[, c("conf.band") := paste0("[",round(lowerBand,digits)," ; ",round(upperBand,digits),"]")]
        dt.tempo[,c("lowerBand","upperBand") := NULL]
        order.col <- c(order.col,"quantileBand","conf.band")
    ## round p.value
        dt.tempo$p.value <- format.pval(dt.tempo$p.value,digits=digits,eps=10^{-digits})

    ## print
    data.table::setcolorder(dt.tempo, neworder = order.col)

    ## export

### print.influenceTest.R ends here

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