
Defines functions saveCoxConfidential

Documented in saveCoxConfidential

##' @title Save confidential Cox objects 
##' @name saveCoxConfidential
##' @param object An object of class \code{coxph}.
##' @param times The times at which we want to predict risk.
##' @details
##' This function can save \code{coxph} objects such that we do not need to export 
##' the data on which it was fitted at given times. 
##' @examples
##' library(survival)
##' library(lava)
##' set.seed(18)
##' trainSurv <- sampleData(300,outcome="survival")
##' testSurv <- sampleData(40,outcome="survival")
##' fit = coxph(Surv(time,event)~X1+X2+X3+X7+X9,data=trainSurv, y=TRUE, x = TRUE)
##' u=saveCoxConfidential(fit,times=3)
##' \dontrun{
##' # write object as plain text file
##' sink("~/tmp/u.R")
##' cat("U <- ")
##' dput(u)
##' sink(NULL)
##' # reload object
##' source("~/tmp/u.R")
##' class(u) <- "CoxConfidential"
##' }
##' predictRisk(u,newdata=testSurv)
##' cox1 = coxph(Surv(time,event)~strata(X1)+X2+X3+X7+X9,data=trainSurv, y=TRUE, x = TRUE)
##' z<-saveCoxConfidential(cox1,c(2,5))
##' dput(z) ## get output to copy object
##' all.equal(predictRisk(z,newdata=testSurv),
##'           predictRisk(cox1,newdata=testSurv,times=c(2,5)))
##' cox2 = coxph(Surv(time,event)~X1+X2+X7+X9,data=trainSurv, y=TRUE, x = TRUE)
##' z<-saveCoxConfidential(cox2,c(2,5))
##' all.equal(predictRisk(z,testSurv),predictRisk(z,testSurv,c(2,5)))
##' @export
saveCoxConfidential <- function(object, times){
  hazard = NULL
  `.` <- list
  if (!inherits(object,"coxph")){
    stop("Object has to be a coxph object. ")
  if (missing(times)) {
    stop("You have to specify the times. ")
  times <- sort(times)
  fun.aggregate <- function(x, y){
    x.max <- max(x)
    x.min <- min(x)
    res <- rep(NA, length(times))
    ## handle times outside of the observed times for the specific strata
    res[times > x.min & times < x.max] <- y[sindex(x, times)][times > x.min & times < x.max] 
  base.haz <- data.table::as.data.table(survival::basehaz(object))
  if (is.null(object$strata)){
    base.haz$strata <- rep(1,object$n)
    n.strata <- 1
  else {
    n.strata <- length(levels(object$strata))
  base.haz <- base.haz[,.(hazard0 = fun.aggregate(time,hazard)), by = strata]
  base.haz$times <- rep(times,n.strata)
  out <- list()
  out$Lambda0 <- as.data.frame(base.haz)
  out$times <- times
  out$coefficients <- object$coefficients
  out$formula <- object$formula
  out$means <- object$means
  class(out) <- "CoxConfidential"

## saveTextCoxConfidential <- function(object){
  ## dput(object)
## }

## * predictRisk.CoxConfidential
##' @export
#' @rdname predictRisk
#' @method predictRisk CoxConfidential
predictRisk.CoxConfidential <- function(object,
  times = observation = NULL
  if (missing(newdata)){
    stop("Argument newdata is missing. ")
  formula <- object$formula
  formula[[2]] <- NULL
  frame <- Publish::specialFrame(formula,
  design <- frame$design
  fit.times <- object$times
  n.times <- length(fit.times)
  n.newdata <- nrow(newdata)
  lp <- t(t(design)-object$means) %*% object$coefficients
  exp.lp <- exp(lp)
  if (!is.null(frame$strata[[1]])){
    dat.frame <- data.frame(eLP = rep(exp.lp, n.times), 
                            strata=rep(frame$strata[[1]], n.times), 
                            observation = rep(1:n.newdata, n.times))
  else {
    dat.frame <- data.frame(eLP = rep(exp.lp, n.times), 
                            observation = rep(1:n.newdata, n.times))  
  Lambda0 <- object$Lambda0
  dat.frame2 <- data.frame(Lambda0)
  merged <- merge(dat.frame,dat.frame2)
  data.table::setorder(merged, times, observation)
  merged$risk <- 1-exp(-merged$eLP*merged$hazard0)
  matrix(merged$risk, ncol=n.times,nrow=n.newdata)

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riskRegression documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:59 a.m.