
Defines functions pkg_ref_cache available_pkg_ref_fields

Documented in available_pkg_ref_fields pkg_ref_cache

#' S3 generic to calculate a `pkg_ref` field
#' Reactively retrieve and cache `pkg_ref` metadata
#' @section Caching Details:
#' \subsection{\code{pkg_ref} class fields}{
#'   The \code{pkg_ref} class structures an environment with special handling
#'   for indexing into the \code{pkg_ref} class using the \code{$} or \code{[[}
#'   operators. For all intents and purposes, the \code{pkg_ref} class is works
#'   conceptually similar to a lazy, immutable \code{list}, and uses the
#'   \code{pkg_ref_cache} function internally to lazily retrieve package
#'   reference fields.
#' }
#' \subsection{Lazy metadata caching}{
#'   Laziness in a \code{pkg_ref} object refers to the delayed evaluation of the
#'   contents of its fields. Since some metadata is time or computationally
#'   intensive to retrieve, and unnessary for some assessments, we want to avoid
#'   that retrieval until it is needed.
#'   The first time that a field is accessed within a \code{pkg_ref} object
#'   \code{x}, a corresponding \code{pkg_ref_cache} S3 generic is called. For
#'   example, when \code{x$description} is first accessed, the \code{pkg_ref}
#'   object uses the function \code{pkg_ref_cache.description} to attempt to
#'   retrieve the contents of the corresponding \code{DESCRIPTION} file.
#'   Often, the way that this data is collected might be different depending on
#'   the subclass of the \code{pkg_ref}. In the case of the \code{description}
#'   metadata, a reference to a local install might be able to read in a local
#'   file directly, whereas a reference to a remote source of metadata might
#'   require first downloading the file. For this reason, many
#'   \code{pkg_ref_cache.*} functions are themselves S3 generics that dispatch
#'   on the class of the \code{pkg_ref} object, allowing for divergent behaviors
#'   for different source of package metadata.
#' }
#' \subsection{\code{pkg_ref} field immutability}{
#'   Once a field has been calculated, its value is immutable. This behavior was
#'   chosen because of the long time frame over which package metadata changes,
#'   rendering it unnecessary to continually reevaluate fields each time they
#'   are accesssed.
#'   This means that within an assessment, a given field for a package will only
#'   ever be calculated once and preserved for downstream use.
#' }
#' @return a \code{pkg_ref} field
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # implementing a new field called "first_letter" that is consistently derived
#' # across all pkg_ref objects:
#'   pkg_ref_cache.first_letter <- function(x, name, ...) {
#'     substring(x$name, 1, 1)
#'   }
#'   x <- pkg_ref("riskmetric")
#'   x$first_letter
#' # implementing a new field called "subclass_enum" that dispatches on
#' # the subclass of the pkg_ref object:
#'   pkg_ref_cache.subclass_enum <- function(x, name, ...) {
#'     UseMethod("pkg_ref_cache.subclass_enum")
#'   }
#'   pkg_ref_cache.subclass_enum.pkg_ref <- function(x, name, ...) {
#'     0
#'   }
#'   pkg_ref_cache.subclass_enum.pkg_install <- function(x, name, ...) {
#'     1
#'   }
#'   x$subclass_enum
#' }
#' @rdname riskmetric_metadata_caching
#' @name pkg_ref_cache

#' A helper function for retrieving a list of available fields, identified based
#' on implementation of a pkg_ref_cache method for a given class.
#' @param x a package reference object
#' @return a list of available fields implemented with a pkg_ref_cache method
#' @importFrom utils .S3methods
#' @keywords internal
available_pkg_ref_fields <- function(x) {
  fs <- c(names(getNamespace(packageName())), utils::.S3methods("pkg_ref_cache"))

  # build data.frame by function name and S3 dispatch (to 2 levels of dispatch)
  fs_df <- as.data.frame(t(vapply(strsplit(fs, "\\."), `[`, character(3L), 1:3)))
  names(fs_df) <- c("func", "field", "class")
  fs_df <- fs_df[fs_df$func == "pkg_ref_cache",]

  fs_df <- Filter(function(method) {
    # filter for functions that implement an S3 for a subclass or don't have
    # any dispatched functions (all dispatched classes are NA).
    any(method$class %in% c(class(x), "default")) || all(is.na(method$class))
  }, Filter(nrow, split(fs_df, fs_df$field)))

  fs <- names(fs_df)
  fs <- fs[order(fs)]

#' @param x a package reference object
#' @param name the name of the field that needs to be cached
#' @param ... additional arguments used for computing cached values
#' @param .class a class name to use for S3 dispatch, defaulting to the name as
#'   a character value
#' @return a value to assign to the new field in the package reference object
#'   environment
#' @family package reference cache
#' @rdname riskmetric_metadata_caching
#' @keyworks internal
#' @noRd
pkg_ref_cache <- function(x, name, ..., .class = as.character(name)) {
  UseMethod("pkg_ref_cache", structure(list(), class = .class))

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riskmetric documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:13 a.m.