
Defines functions path_fast path a_tilda_R a_tilda

Documented in a_tilda path

# Paper by Stoev and Taqqu "Simulation methods for linear fractional stable motion and
# FARIMA using the Fast Fourier Transform"

#' Creates the corresponding value from the paper by Stoev and Taqqu (2004).
#' a_tilda triggers a_tilda_cpp which is written in C++ and essentially
#' performs the computation of the value.
#' @references \insertRef{StoevTaqqu04}{rlfsm}
#' @export
#' @inheritParams path
#' @useDynLib rlfsm, .registration = TRUE
a_tilda <- function(N, m, M,  alpha, H){
    vv<-vector(mode='double', length = m*(M+N))
    vv[seq(1, m*M, 1)]<-a_tilda_cpp(N=N, m=m, M=M, alpha=alpha, H=H)
    vv_n <- as.numeric(vv)

a_tilda_R<-function(N, m, M, alpha, H){

    a<-vector(mode="numeric", length=m*(M+N)) # it creates 0 in mM to m(M+N) anyway

    # Function (t-s)_+^H-1/a
    PLUS<-function(x,beta) if(x>0) x^beta else  0

    # Computation of a's
    for(ind_j in 1:(m*M)){

        a[ind_j]<-((ind_j/m)^(H-1/alpha) - PLUS(ind_j/m-1, H-1/alpha))*m^(-1/alpha)


#' Generator of linear fractional stable motion
#' The function creates a 1-dimensional LFSM sample path using the numerical algorithm from the paper by Otryakhin and Mazur. The theoretical foundation of the method comes from the article by Stoev and Taqqu. Linear fractional stable motion is defined as
#' \deqn{X_t = \int_{\R} \left\{(t-s)_+^{H-1/\alpha} - (-s)_+^{H-1/\alpha} \right\} dL_s}
#' @return It returns a list containing the motion, the underlying Levy motion, the point number of the motions from 0 to N and the corresponding coordinate (which depends on the frequency), the parameters that were used to generate the lfsm, and the predefined frequency.
#' @param N a number of points of the lfsm.
#' @param m discretization. A number of points between two nearby motion points
#' @param M truncation parameter. A number of points at which the integral representing the definition of lfsm is calculated. So, after M points back we consider the rest of the integral to be 0.
#' @param alpha self-similarity parameter of alpha stable random motion.
#' @param H Hurst parameter
#' @param sigma Scale parameter of lfsm
#' @param freq Frequency of the motion. It can take two values: "H" for high frequency and "L" for the low frequency setting.
#' @param disable_X is needed to disable computation of X. The default value is FALSE. When it is TRUE, only a levy motion is returned, which in turn reduces the computation time. The feature is particularly useful for reproducibility when combined with seeding.
#' @param seed this parameter performs seeding of path generator
#' @param levy_increments increments of Levy motion underlying the lfsm.
#' @seealso \code{\link{paths}} simulates a number of lfsm sample paths.
#' @references \insertRef{MO20}{rlfsm}
#' @references \insertRef{StoevTaqqu04}{rlfsm}
#' @examples
#' # Path generation
#' m<-256; M<-600; N<-2^10-M
#' alpha<-1.8; H<-0.8; sigma<-0.3
#' seed=2
#' List<-path(N=N,m=m,M=M,alpha=alpha,H=H,
#'            sigma=sigma,freq='L',disable_X=FALSE,seed=3)
#' # Normalized paths
#' Norm_lfsm<-List[['lfsm']]/max(abs(List[['lfsm']]))
#' Norm_oLm<-List[['levy_motion']]/max(abs(List[['levy_motion']]))
#' # Visualization of the paths
#' plot(Norm_lfsm, col=2, type="l", ylab="coordinate")
#' lines(Norm_oLm, col=3)
#' leg.txt <- c("lfsm", "oLm")
#' legend("topright",legend = leg.txt, col =c(2,3), pch=1)
#' # Creating Levy motion
#' levyIncrems<-path(N=N, m=m, M=M, alpha, H, sigma, freq='L',
#'                   disable_X=TRUE, levy_increments=NULL, seed=seed)
#' # Creating lfsm based on the levy motion
#'   lfsm_full<-path(m=m, M=M, alpha=alpha,
#'                   H=H, sigma=sigma, freq='L',
#'                   disable_X=FALSE,
#'                   levy_increments=levyIncrems$levy_increments,
#'                   seed=seed)
#' sum(levyIncrems$levy_increments==
#'     lfsm_full$levy_increments)==length(lfsm_full$levy_increments)
#' @export

    if(is.null(N) & is.null(levy_increments)) stop('Levy motion is not specified in any way')
    if(!is.null(N) & !is.null(levy_increments)) stop('Both levy_increments and N are specified')

    #### Computing increments ####
    if(is.null(N)) {

        # Integerness of N is checked numerically, so there may be false positives.
        N<-lenLevyInc/m-M; if(!(N%%1==0)) stop('N is not integer')

    } else {

        levy_increments<-rstable(m*(N+M),alpha,beta=0) # standard SaS variables


    ### Setting of the frequency

    # freq may take only "H" and "L" values(high- and low frequency settings)
    if(freq=="H") {multiplier<-1/(N^H); coords<-seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = N+1)
    } else if (freq=="L") {multiplier<-1;  coords<-seq(from = 0, to =N)
    } else stop("the freq takes only two parameters- H and L ")

    #### Extraction of levy motion

    for(i in 1:N){


    LM<-c(0,LM) # LM[0] is not 0, but it can be for the time being

    ### Part 2. Generating linear fractional stable motion.



    } else {

        ##### clause 2


        ##### clause 3

        #### clause 4
        # In R the definition of inverse fft lacks the
        # normalization constant, so here we divide by it explicitly.
        W_raw<-fft(a_hat*Z_hat, inverse=TRUE)/length(a_hat)

        #### clause 5
        Y_m_M<-Re(W[index_m]) # W is real, 0i-part isn't needed

        X<-c(0,X) # lfsm starts from zero (t=0 => kernel = 0)


    list(point_num=0:N, coordinates=coords, lfsm=multiplier*X, levy_motion=LM,
         levy_increments=levy_increments, pars=c(alpha=alpha,H=H,sigma=sigma), frequency=freq)


#### Fast version of path for CLT ####

# Technical function. Unavailable for users

    ### Part 1. Generating Levy motion.
    levy_increments<-rstable(m*(N+M),alpha,beta=0) # standard SaS variables

    ### Setting of the frequency

    # freq may take only "H" and "L" values(high- and low frequency settings)
    if(freq=="H") {multiplier<-1/(N^H); coords<-seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = N+1)
    } else if (freq=="L") {multiplier<-1;  coords<-seq(from = 0, to =N)
    } else stop("the freq takes only two parameters- H and L ")

    #### Extraction of levy motion

    for(i in 1:N){


    LM<-c(0,LM) # LM[0] is not 0, but it can be for the time being

    ### Part 2. Generating linear fractional stable motion.

    ##### clause 2


    ##### clause 3

    #### clause 4
    # In R the definition of inverse fft lacks the
    # normalization constant, so here we divide by it explicitly.
    W_raw<-fft(a_hat*Z_hat, inverse=TRUE)/length(a_hat)

    #### clause 5
    Y_m_M<-Re(W[index_m]) # although W is real, 0i-part isn't needed

    X<-c(0,X) # lfsm starts from zero (t=0 => kernel = 0)



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rlfsm documentation built on Aug. 27, 2022, 5:06 p.m.