Man pages for rlibkriging
Kriging Models using the 'libKriging' Library

as.kmCoerce an Object into a 'km' Object a 'Kriging' object into the '"km"' class of the... a 'NoiseKriging' object into the '"km"' class of the... a 'NuggetKriging' object into the '"km"' class of the...
as.list.KrigingCoerce a 'Kriging' Object into a List
as.list.NoiseKrigingCoerce a 'NoiseKriging' Object into a List
as.list.NuggetKrigingCoerce a 'NuggetKriging' Object into a List
classKrigingShortcut to provide functions to the S3 class "Kriging"
classNoiseKrigingShortcut to provide functions to the S3 class "NoiseKriging"
classNuggetKrigingShortcut to provide functions to the S3 class "NuggetKriging"
copyDuplicate object.
copy.KrigingDuplicate a Kriging Model
copy.NoiseKrigingDuplicate a NoiseKriging Model
copy.NuggetKrigingDuplicate a NuggetKriging Model
covMatcovariance function
covMat.KrigingCompute Covariance Matrix of Kriging Model
covMat.NoiseKrigingCompute Covariance Matrix of NoiseKriging Model
covMat.NuggetKrigingCompute Covariance Matrix of NuggetKriging Model
fitFit model on data.
fit.KrigingFit 'Kriging' object on given data.
fit.NoiseKrigingFit 'NoiseKriging' object on given data.
fit.NuggetKrigingFit 'NuggetKriging' object on given data.
KMCreate an 'KM' Object
KM-classS4 class for Kriging Models Extending the '"km"' Class
KrigingCreate an object with S3 class '"Kriging"' using the...
leaveOneOutCompute Leave-One-Out
leaveOneOutFunLeave-One-Out function
leaveOneOutFun.KrigingCompute Leave-One-Out (LOO) error for an object with S3 class...
leaveOneOut.KrigingGet leaveOneOut of Kriging Model
leaveOneOutVecLeave-One-Out vector
leaveOneOutVec.KrigingCompute Leave-One-Out (LOO) vector error for an object with...
loadLoad any Kriging Model from a file storage.
load.KrigingLoad a Kriging Model from a file storage
load.NoiseKrigingLoad a NoiseKriging Model from a file storage
load.NuggetKrigingLoad a NuggetKriging Model from a file storage
logLikelihoodCompute Log-Likelihood
logLikelihoodFunLog-Likelihood function
logLikelihoodFun.KrigingCompute Log-Likelihood of Kriging Model
logLikelihoodFun.NoiseKrigingCompute Log-Likelihood of NoiseKriging Model
logLikelihoodFun.NuggetKrigingCompute Log-Likelihood of NuggetKriging Model
logLikelihood.KrigingGet Log-Likelihood of Kriging Model
logLikelihood.NoiseKrigingGet logLikelihood of NoiseKriging Model
logLikelihood.NuggetKrigingGet logLikelihood of NuggetKriging Model
logMargPostCompute log-Marginal Posterior
logMargPostFunlog-Marginal Posterior function
logMargPostFun.KrigingCompute the log-marginal posterior of a kriging model, using...
logMargPostFun.NuggetKrigingCompute the log-marginal posterior of a kriging model, using...
logMargPost.KrigingGet logMargPost of Kriging Model
logMargPost.NuggetKrigingGet logMargPost of NuggetKriging Model
NoiseKMCreate an 'NoiseKM' Object
NoiseKM-classS4 class for NoiseKriging Models Extending the '"km"' Class
NoiseKrigingCreate an object with S3 class '"NoiseKriging"' using the...
NuggetKMCreate an 'NuggetKM' Object
NuggetKM-classS4 class for NuggetKriging Models Extending the '"km"' Class
NuggetKrigingCreate an object with S3 class '"NuggetKriging"' using the...
predict-KM-methodPrediction Method for a 'KM' Object
predict.KrigingPredict from a 'Kriging' object.
predict-NoiseKM-methodPrediction Method for a 'NoiseKM' Object
predict.NoiseKrigingPredict from a 'NoiseKriging' object.
predict-NuggetKM-methodPrediction Method for a 'NuggetKM' Object
predict.NuggetKrigingPredict from a 'NuggetKriging' object.
print.KrigingPrint the content of a 'Kriging' object.
print.NoiseKrigingPrint the content of a 'NoiseKriging' object.
print.NuggetKrigingPrint the content of a 'NuggetKriging' object.
saveSave object.
save.KrigingSave a Kriging Model to a file storage
save.NoiseKrigingSave a NoiseKriging Model to a file storage
save.NuggetKrigingSave a NuggetKriging Model to a file storage
simulate-KM-methodSimulation from a 'KM' Object
simulate.KrigingSimulation from a 'Kriging' model object.
simulate-NoiseKM-methodSimulation from a 'NoiseKM' Object
simulate.NoiseKrigingSimulation from a 'NoiseKriging' model object.
simulate-NuggetKM-methodSimulation from a 'NuggetKM' Object
simulate.NuggetKrigingSimulation from a 'NuggetKriging' model object.
update-KM-methodUpdate a 'KM' Object with New Points
update.KrigingUpdate a 'Kriging' model object with new points
update-NoiseKM-methodUpdate a 'NoiseKM' Object with New Points
update.NoiseKrigingUpdate a 'NoiseKriging' model object with new points
update-NuggetKM-methodUpdate a 'NuggetKM' Object with New Points
update.NuggetKrigingUpdate a 'NuggetKriging' model object with new points
update_simulateUpdate simulation of model on data.
update_simulate.KrigingUpdate previous simulation of a 'Kriging' model object.
update_simulate.NoiseKrigingUpdate previous simulation of a 'NoiseKriging' model object.
update_simulate.NuggetKrigingUpdate previous simulation of a 'NuggetKriging' model object.
rlibkriging documentation built on Oct. 3, 2024, 1:06 a.m.