Man pages for rlibkriging
Kriging Models using the 'libKriging' Library

as.kmCoerce an Object into a 'km' Object a 'Kriging' object into the '"km"' class of the... a 'NoiseKriging' object into the '"km"' class of the... a 'NuggetKriging' object into the '"km"' class of the...
as.list.KrigingCoerce a 'Kriging' Object into a List
as.list.NoiseKrigingCoerce a 'NoiseKriging' Object into a List
as.list.NuggetKrigingCoerce a 'NuggetKriging' Object into a List
copyDuplicate object.
copy.KrigingDuplicate a Kriging Model
copy.NoiseKrigingDuplicate a NoiseKriging Model
copy.NuggetKrigingDuplicate a NuggetKriging Model
fitFit model on data.
fit.KrigingFit 'Kriging' object on given data.
fit.NoiseKrigingFit 'NoiseKriging' object on given data.
fit.NuggetKrigingFit 'NuggetKriging' object on given data.
KMCreate an 'KM' Object
KM-classS4 class for Kriging Models Extending the '"km"' Class
KrigingCreate an object with S3 class '"Kriging"' using the...
leaveOneOutCompute Leave-One-Out
leaveOneOutFunLeave-One-Out function
leaveOneOutFun.KrigingCompute Leave-One-Out (LOO) error for an object with S3 class...
leaveOneOut.KrigingGet leaveOneOut of Kriging Model
leaveOneOutVecLeave-One-Out vector
leaveOneOutVec.KrigingCompute Leave-One-Out (LOO) vector error for an object with...
loadLoad any Kriging Model from a file storage.
load.KrigingLoad a Kriging Model from a file storage
load.NoiseKrigingLoad a NoiseKriging Model from a file storage
load.NuggetKrigingLoad a NuggetKriging Model from a file storage
logLikelihoodCompute Log-Likelihood
logLikelihoodFunLog-Likelihood function
logLikelihoodFun.KrigingCompute Log-Likelihood of Kriging Model
logLikelihoodFun.NoiseKrigingCompute Log-Likelihood of NoiseKriging Model
logLikelihoodFun.NuggetKrigingCompute Log-Likelihood of NuggetKriging Model
logLikelihood.KrigingGet Log-Likelihood of Kriging Model
logLikelihood.NoiseKrigingGet logLikelihood of NoiseKriging Model
logLikelihood.NuggetKrigingGet logLikelihood of NuggetKriging Model
logMargPostCompute log-Marginal Posterior
logMargPostFunlog-Marginal Posterior function
logMargPostFun.KrigingCompute the log-marginal posterior of a kriging model, using...
logMargPostFun.NuggetKrigingCompute the log-marginal posterior of a kriging model, using...
logMargPost.KrigingGet logMargPost of Kriging Model
logMargPost.NuggetKrigingGet logMargPost of NuggetKriging Model
NoiseKMCreate an 'NoiseKM' Object
NoiseKM-classS4 class for NoiseKriging Models Extending the '"km"' Class
NoiseKrigingCreate an object with S3 class '"NoiseKriging"' using the...
NuggetKMCreate an 'NuggetKM' Object
NuggetKM-classS4 class for NuggetKriging Models Extending the '"km"' Class
NuggetKrigingCreate an object with S3 class '"NuggetKriging"' using the...
predict-KM-methodPrediction Method for a 'KM' Object
predict.KrigingPredict from a 'Kriging' object.
predict-NoiseKM-methodPrediction Method for a 'NoiseKM' Object
predict.NoiseKrigingPredict from a 'NoiseKriging' object.
predict-NuggetKM-methodPrediction Method for a 'NuggetKM' Object
predict.NuggetKrigingPredict from a 'NuggetKriging' object.
print.KrigingPrint the content of a 'Kriging' object.
print.NoiseKrigingPrint the content of a 'NoiseKriging' object.
print.NuggetKrigingPrint the content of a 'NuggetKriging' object.
saveSave object.
save.KrigingSave a Kriging Model to a file storage
save.NoiseKrigingSave a NoiseKriging Model to a file storage
save.NuggetKrigingSave a NuggetKriging Model to a file storage
simulate-KM-methodSimulation from a 'KM' Object
simulate.KrigingSimulation from a 'Kriging' model object.
simulate-NoiseKM-methodSimulation from a 'NoiseKM' Object
simulate.NoiseKrigingSimulation from a 'NoiseKriging' model object.
simulate-NuggetKM-methodSimulation from a 'NuggetKM' Object
simulate.NuggetKrigingSimulation from a 'NuggetKriging' model object.
update-KM-methodUpdate a 'KM' Object with New Points
update.KrigingUpdate a 'Kriging' model object with new points
update-NoiseKM-methodUpdate a 'NoiseKM' Object with New Points
update.NoiseKrigingUpdate a 'NoiseKriging' model object with new points
update-NuggetKM-methodUpdate a 'NuggetKM' Object with New Points
update.NuggetKrigingUpdate a 'NuggetKriging' model object with new points
rlibkriging documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:40 a.m.