API for rlibkriging
Kriging Models using the 'libKriging' Library

Global functions
"blue") Man page
"matern3_2") Man page
'l') Man page
(1 Man page
(X/10)^2, Man page
(sin(12 Man page
* Man page
*rnorm(nrow(X)) Man page
+ Man page
- Man page
/ Man page
0.001, Man page
0.7) Man page
1 Man page
1, Man page
101) Man page
2 Man page
2, Man page
31) Man page
<- Man page
= Man page
KM Man page Source code
KM-class Man page
Kriging Man page Source code
NoiseKM Man page Source code
NoiseKM-class Man page
NoiseKriging Man page Source code
NoiseKriging(y, Man page
NuggetKM Man page Source code
NuggetKM-class Man page
NuggetKriging Man page Source code
Vectorize(ll_sigma2)(s2), Man page
Vectorize(ll_theta)(t), Man page
X Man page
X, Man page
X/10 Man page
abline(v Man page
anykriging_load Source code
as.km Man page Source code
as.km,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
as.km.Kriging Man page Source code
as.km.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
as.km.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
as.list,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
as.list,NoiseKriging,NoiseKriging-method Man page
as.list,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
as.list.Kriging Man page Source code
as.list.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
as.list.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
as.matrix(runif(10)) Man page
cbind(theta,sigma20))$logLikelihood Man page
cbind(theta0,sigma2))$logLikelihood Man page
checkNewTheta Source code
checkNewX Source code
col Man page
contour(t,s2,matrix(ncol=length(s2),ll(expand.grid(t,s2))),xlab= Man page
copy Man page Source code
copy,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
copy,NoiseKriging,NoiseKriging-method Man page
copy,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
copy.Kriging Man page Source code
copy.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
copy.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
cos(7 Man page
f Man page Source code
f(X) Man page
fit Man page Source code
fit.Kriging Man page Source code
fit.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
fit.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
formula2regmodel Source code
function(sigma2) Man page
function(theta) Man page
function(theta_sigma2) Man page
function(x) Man page
k Man page
k$sigma2() Man page
k$sigma2(), Man page
k$theta() Man page
k$theta(), Man page
kernel Man page
kriging_F Source code
kriging_M Source code
kriging_T Source code
kriging_X Source code
kriging_beta Source code
kriging_centerX Source code
kriging_centerY Source code
kriging_copy Source code
kriging_fit Source code
kriging_is_beta_estim Source code
kriging_is_sigma2_estim Source code
kriging_is_theta_estim Source code
kriging_kernel Source code
kriging_leaveOneOut Source code
kriging_leaveOneOutFun Source code
kriging_leaveOneOutVec Source code
kriging_load Source code
kriging_logLikelihood Source code
kriging_logLikelihoodFun Source code
kriging_logMargPost Source code
kriging_logMargPostFun Source code
kriging_model Source code
kriging_normalize Source code
kriging_objective Source code
kriging_optim Source code
kriging_predict Source code
kriging_regmodel Source code
kriging_save Source code
kriging_scaleX Source code
kriging_scaleY Source code
kriging_sigma2 Source code
kriging_simulate Source code
kriging_summary Source code
kriging_theta Source code
kriging_update Source code
kriging_y Source code
kriging_z Source code
leaveOneOut Man page Source code
leaveOneOut,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
leaveOneOut.Kriging Man page Source code
leaveOneOutFun Man page Source code
leaveOneOutFun,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
leaveOneOutFun.Kriging Man page Source code
leaveOneOutVec Man page Source code
leaveOneOutVec,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
leaveOneOutVec.Kriging Man page Source code
length.out Man page
linalg_chol_safe Source code
linalg_get_num_nugget Source code
linalg_set_chol_warning Source code
linalg_set_num_nugget Source code
ll Man page
ll_sigma2 Man page
ll_theta Man page
load Man page Source code
load.Kriging Man page Source code
load.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
load.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
logLikelihood Man page Source code
logLikelihood,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
logLikelihood,NoiseKriging,NoiseKriging-method Man page
logLikelihood,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
logLikelihood.Kriging Man page Source code
logLikelihood.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
logLikelihood.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
logLikelihoodFun Man page Source code
logLikelihoodFun(k, Man page
logLikelihoodFun,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
logLikelihoodFun,NoiseKriging,NoiseKriging-method Man page
logLikelihoodFun,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
logLikelihoodFun.Kriging Man page Source code
logLikelihoodFun.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
logLikelihoodFun.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
logMargPost Man page Source code
logMargPost,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
logMargPost,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
logMargPost.Kriging Man page Source code
logMargPost.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
logMargPostFun Man page Source code
logMargPostFun,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
logMargPostFun,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
logMargPostFun.Kriging Man page Source code
logMargPostFun.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
new_Kriging Source code
new_KrigingFit Source code
new_NoiseKriging Source code
new_NoiseKrigingFit Source code
new_NuggetKriging Source code
new_NuggetKrigingFit Source code
noisekriging_F Source code
noisekriging_M Source code
noisekriging_T Source code
noisekriging_X Source code
noisekriging_beta Source code
noisekriging_centerX Source code
noisekriging_centerY Source code
noisekriging_copy Source code
noisekriging_fit Source code
noisekriging_is_beta_estim Source code
noisekriging_is_sigma2_estim Source code
noisekriging_is_theta_estim Source code
noisekriging_kernel Source code
noisekriging_load Source code
noisekriging_logLikelihood Source code
noisekriging_logLikelihoodFun Source code
noisekriging_model Source code
noisekriging_noise Source code
noisekriging_normalize Source code
noisekriging_objective Source code
noisekriging_optim Source code
noisekriging_predict Source code
noisekriging_regmodel Source code
noisekriging_save Source code
noisekriging_scaleX Source code
noisekriging_scaleY Source code
noisekriging_sigma2 Source code
noisekriging_simulate Source code
noisekriging_summary Source code
noisekriging_theta Source code
noisekriging_update Source code
noisekriging_y Source code
noisekriging_z Source code
nuggetkriging_F Source code
nuggetkriging_M Source code
nuggetkriging_T Source code
nuggetkriging_X Source code
nuggetkriging_beta Source code
nuggetkriging_centerX Source code
nuggetkriging_centerY Source code
nuggetkriging_copy Source code
nuggetkriging_fit Source code
nuggetkriging_is_beta_estim Source code
nuggetkriging_is_nugget_estim Source code
nuggetkriging_is_sigma2_estim Source code
nuggetkriging_is_theta_estim Source code
nuggetkriging_kernel Source code
nuggetkriging_load Source code
nuggetkriging_logLikelihood Source code
nuggetkriging_logLikelihoodFun Source code
nuggetkriging_logMargPost Source code
nuggetkriging_logMargPostFun Source code
nuggetkriging_model Source code
nuggetkriging_normalize Source code
nuggetkriging_nugget Source code
nuggetkriging_objective Source code
nuggetkriging_optim Source code
nuggetkriging_predict Source code
nuggetkriging_regmodel Source code
nuggetkriging_save Source code
nuggetkriging_scaleX Source code
nuggetkriging_scaleY Source code
nuggetkriging_sigma2 Source code
nuggetkriging_simulate Source code
nuggetkriging_summary Source code
nuggetkriging_theta Source code
nuggetkriging_update Source code
nuggetkriging_y Source code
nuggetkriging_z Source code
optim_get_gradient_tolerance Source code
optim_get_max_iteration Source code
optim_get_objective_rel_tolerance Source code
optim_get_theta_lower_factor Source code
optim_get_theta_upper_factor Source code
optim_is_reparametrized Source code
optim_log Source code
optim_set_gradient_tolerance Source code
optim_set_max_iteration Source code
optim_set_objective_rel_tolerance Source code
optim_set_theta_lower_factor Source code
optim_set_theta_upper_factor Source code
optim_use_reparametrize Source code
optim_use_variogram_bounds_heuristic Source code
optim_variogram_bounds_heuristic_used Source code
plot(s2, Man page
plot(t, Man page
points(k$theta(),k$sigma2(),col='blue') Man page
predict,KM-method Man page
predict,NoiseKM-method Man page
predict,NuggetKM-method Man page
predict.KM Source code
predict.Kriging Man page Source code
predict.NoiseKM Source code
predict.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
predict.NuggetKM Source code
predict.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
print(k) Man page
print.Kriging Man page Source code
print.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
print.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
random_randu Source code
random_randu_mat Source code
random_randu_vec Source code
random_reset_seed Source code
regmodel2formula Source code
s2 Man page
save Man page Source code
save,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
save,NoiseKriging,NoiseKriging-method Man page
save,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
save.Kriging Man page Source code
save.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
save.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
seq(from Man page
set.seed(123) Man page
sigma20 Man page
simulate,KM-method Man page
simulate,NoiseKM-method Man page
simulate,NuggetKM-method Man page
simulate.KM Source code
simulate.Kriging Man page Source code
simulate.NoiseKM Source code
simulate.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
simulate.NuggetKM Source code
simulate.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
t Man page
theta0 Man page
theta_sigma2)$logLikelihood Man page
to Man page
type Man page
update,KM-method Man page
update,NoiseKM-method Man page
update,NuggetKM-method Man page
update.KM Source code
update.Kriging Man page Source code
update.NoiseKM Source code
update.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
update.NuggetKM Source code
update.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
warnOnDots Source code
x) Man page
x^5 Man page
y Man page
rlibkriging documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:40 a.m.