Man pages for rliger
Linked Inference of Genomic Experimental Relationships

alignFactorsAlign factor loadings to get final integration
as.ligerConverting other classes of data to a liger object
as.ligerDatasetConverting other classes of data to a ligerDataset object
bmmcliger object of bone marrow subsample data with RNA and ATAC...
calcAgreementCalculate agreement metric after integration
calcAlignmentCalculate alignment metric after integration
calcARICalculate adjusted Rand index (ARI) by comparing two cluster...
calcDatasetSpecificityCalculate a dataset-specificity score for each factor
calcNMICalculate Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) by comparing...
calcPurityCalculate purity by comparing two cluster labeling variables
centroidAlign*[Experimental]* Align factor loading by centroid alignment...
closeAllH5Close all links (to HDF5 files) of a liger object
commandDiffCheck difference of two liger command
convertOldLigerConvert old liger object to latest version
coordinateAccess ligerSpatialDataset coordinate data
createH5LigerDatasetCreate on-disk ligerDataset Object
createLigerCreate liger object
createLigerDatasetCreate in-memory ligerDataset object
deg.markerData frame for example marker DEG test result
deg.pwData frame for example pairwise DEG test result
dot-complexHeatmapDotPlotGenerate dot plot from input matrix with ComplexHeatmap
dot-ggCellViolinProduce single violin plot with data frame passed from...
dot-ggplotLigerThemeGeneric ggplot theme setting for rliger package
dot-ggScatterProduce single scatter plot with data frame passed from...
dot-plotHeatmapGeneral heatmap plotting with prepared matrix and data.frames
downsampleDownsample datasets
exportInteractTrackExport predicted gene-pair interaction
getFactorMarkersFind shared and dataset-specific markers
getProportionMitoCalculate proportion mitochondrial contribution
H5ApplyApply function to chunks of H5 data in ligerDataset object
importVignetteDataImport prepared dataset publically available
imputeKNNImpute the peak counts from gene expression data referring to...
isH5LigerCheck if a liger or ligerDataset object is made of HDF5 file
is.newLigerCheck if given liger object if under new implementation
ligerATACDataset-classSubclass of ligerDataset for ATAC modality
liger-classliger class
ligerCommand-classligerCommand object: Record the input and time of a LIGER...
ligerDataset-classligerDataset class
liger-DEGFind DEG between groups
ligerMethDataset-classSubclass of ligerDataset for Methylation modality
ligerRNADataset-classSubclass of ligerDataset for RNA modality
ligerSpatialDataset-classSubclass of ligerDataset for Spatial modality
ligerToSeuratConvert between liger and Seurat object
linkGenesAndPeaksLinking genes to putative regulatory elements
louvainCluster-deprecated*[Superseded]* Louvain algorithm for community detection
makeFeatureMatrixFast calculation of feature count matrix
makeInteractTrack-deprecated*[Deprecated]* Export predicted gene-pair interaction
makeRiverplot-deprecated*[Deprecated]* Generate a river (Sankey) plot
mapCellMetaCreate new variable from categories in cellMeta
mergeH5Merge hdf5 files
mergeSparseAllMerge matrices while keeping the union of rows
modalOfReturn preset modality of a ligerDataset object or that of...
normalizeNormalize raw counts data
online_iNMF-deprecated*[Deprecated]* Perform online iNMF on scaled datasets
optimizeALS-deprecated*[Deprecated]* Perform iNMF on scaled datasets
optimizeNewDataPerform factorization for new data
optimizeNewKPerform factorization for new value of k
optimizeNewLambdaPerform factorization for new lambda value
optimizeSubsetPerform factorization for subset of data
pbmcliger object of PBMC subsample data with Control and...
pbmcPlotliger object of PBMC subsample data with plotting information...
peakAccess ligerATACDataset peak data
plotBarcodeRankCreate barcode-rank plot for each dataset
plotCellViolinGenerate violin/box plot(s) using liger object
plotClusterFactorDotMake dot plot of factor loading in cell groups
plotClusterGeneDotMake dot plot of gene expression in cell groups
plotClusterGeneViolinCreate violin plot for multiple genes grouped by clusters
plotDensityDimRedCreate density plot basing on specified coordinates
plotDimRedGenerate scatter plot(s) using liger object
plotEnhancedVolcanoCreate volcano plot with EnhancedVolcano
plotGeneLoadingsVisualize factor expression and gene loading
plotGODotVisualize GO enrichment test result in dot plot
plotGroupClusterDimRedComprehensive group splited cluster plot on dimension...
plotHeatmapPlot Heatmap of Gene Expression or Factor Loading
plotMarkerHeatmapCreate heatmap for showing top marker expression in...
plotPairwiseDEGHeatmapCreate heatmap for pairwise DEG analysis result
plotProportionVisualize proportion across two categorical variables
plotProportionBoxBox plot of cluster proportion in each dataset, grouped by...
plotSankeyMake Riverplot/Sankey diagram that shows label mapping across...
plotSpatialVisualize a spatial dataset
plotVarFeaturesPlot the variance vs mean of feature expression
plotViolinVisualize gene expression or cell metadata with violin plot
plotVolcanoCreate volcano plot for Wilcoxon test result
quantileAlignSNF*[Superseded]* Quantile align (normalize) factor loadings
quantileNormQuantile Align (Normalize) Factor Loadings
quantile_norm-deprecated*[Superseded]* Quantile align (normalize) factor loading
read10XLoad in data from 10X
read10XFilesRead 10X cellranger files (matrix, barcodes and features)...
readLigerRead liger object from RDS file
readSubset*[Superseded]* See 'downsample'
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
removeMissingRemove missing cells or features from liger object
restoreH5LigerRestore links (to HDF5 files) for reloaded liger/ligerDataset...
retrieveCellFeatureRetrieve a single matrix of cells from a slot
reverseMethDataCreate "scaled data" for DNA methylation datasets
rliger-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'rliger'.
rliger-packagerliger: Linked Inference of Genomic Experimental...
runCINMFPerform consensus iNMF on scaled datasets
runClusterSNN Graph Based Community Detection
runDoubletFinderDoublet detection with DoubletFinder
runGeneralQCGeneral QC for liger object
runGOEnrichRun Gene Ontology enrichment analysis on differentially...
runGSEAAnalyze biological interpretations of metagene
runINMFPerform iNMF on scaled datasets
runIntegrationIntegrate scaled datasets with iNMF or variant methods
runOnlineINMFPerform online iNMF on scaled datasets
runTSNEPerform t-SNE dimensionality reduction
runUINMFPerform Mosaic iNMF (UINMF) on scaled datasets with unshared...
runUMAPPerform UMAP Dimensionality Reduction
scaleNotCenterScale genes by root-mean-square across cells
selectGenesSelect a subset of informative genes
selectGenesVSTSelect variable genes from one dataset with Seurat VST method
sub-ligerSubset liger with brackets
sub-ligerDatasetSubset ligerDataset object
subsetLigerSubset liger object
subsetLigerDatasetSubset ligerDataset object
sub-sub-ligerGet cell metadata variable
updateLigerObjectUpdate old liger object to up-to-date structure
writeH5Write in-memory data into H5 file
rliger documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.