Man pages for rliger
Linked Inference of Genomic Experimental Relationships

calcAgreementCalculate agreement metric
calcAlignmentCalculate alignment metric
calcAlignmentPerClusterCalculate alignment for each cluster
calcARICalculate adjusted Rand index
calcDatasetSpecificityCalculate a dataset-specificity score for each factor
calcGeneVarsCalculate variance of gene expression across cells in an...
calcNormLoadingsCalculate loadings for each factor
calcPurityCalculate purity
convertOldLigerConvert older liger object into most current version (based...
createLigerCreate a liger object.
getFactorMarkersFind shared and dataset-specific markers
getGeneValuesGet gene expression values from list of expression matrices.
getProportionMitoCalculate proportion mitochondrial contribution
imputeKNNImpute the query cell expression matrix
liger-classThe LIGER Class
liger-demodatadgCMatrix object of PBMC subsample data with Control and...
ligerToSeuratCreate a Seurat object containing the data from a liger...
linkGenesAndPeaksLinking genes to putative regulatory elements
louvainClusterLouvain algorithm for community detection
makeFeatureMatrixFast calculation of feature count matrix
makeInteractTrackExport predicted gene-pair interaction
makeRiverplotGenerate a river (Sankey) plot
mergeH5Merge hdf5 files
normalizeNormalize raw datasets to column sums
online_iNMFPerform online iNMF on scaled datasets
optimizeALSPerform iNMF on scaled datasets
optimizeNewDataPerform factorization for new data
optimizeNewKPerform factorization for new value of k
optimizeNewLambdaPerform factorization for new lambda value
optimizeSubsetPerform factorization for subset of data
plotByDatasetAndClusterPlot t-SNE coordinates of cells across datasets
plotClusterFactorsPlot heatmap of cluster/factor correspondence
plotClusterProportionsPlot cluster proportions by dataset
plotFactorsPlot scatter plots of unaligned and aligned factor loadings
plotFeaturePlot specific feature on t-SNE coordinates
plotGenePlot gene expression on dimensional reduction (t-SNE)...
plotGeneLoadingsGenerate t-SNE plots and gene loading plots
plotGenesPlot expression of multiple genes
plotGeneViolinPlot violin plots for gene expression
plotWordCloudsGenerate word clouds and t-SNE plots
quantileAlignSNFQuantile align (normalize) factor loadings
quantile_normQuantile align (normalize) factor loadings
read10XRead 10X alignment data (including V3)
readSubsetSample data for plotting
removeMissingObsRemove cells/genes with no expression across any genes/cells
reorganizeLigerConstruct a liger object organized by another feature
restoreOnlineLigerRestore links (to hdf5 files) for reloaded online Liger...
runGSEAAnalyze biological interpretations of metagene
runTSNEPerform t-SNE dimensionality reduction
runUMAPPerform UMAP dimensionality reduction
runWilcoxonPerform Wilcoxon rank-sum test
scaleNotCenterScale genes by root-mean-square across cells
selectGenesSelect a subset of informative genes
seuratToLigerCreate liger object from one or more Seurat objects
show-methodsshow method for liger
subsetLigerConstruct a liger object with a specified subset
suggestKVisually suggest appropiate k value
suggestLambdaVisually suggest appropriate lambda value
rliger documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 1:07 a.m.