
# --- Test readNCL.R ---

### Get all the test files
if (Sys.getenv("RCMDCHECK") == FALSE) {
    pth <- file.path(getwd(), "..", "inst", "nexusfiles")
    pth_nw_good <- file.path(getwd(), "..", "inst", "newick_good")

} else {
    pth <- system.file(package="rncl", "nexusfiles")
    pth_nw_good <- system.file(package="rncl", "newick_good")

## co1.nex -- typical output from MrBayes. Contains 2 identical trees, the first
## one having posterior probabilities as node labels
co1File <- file.path(pth, "co1.nex")

## MultiLineTrees.nex -- 2 identical trees stored on several lines
multiLinesFile <- file.path(pth, "MultiLineTrees.nex")

## Newick trees
newick <- file.path(pth, "newick.tre")

## treeWithDiscreteData.nex -- Mesquite file with discrete data
treeDiscDt <- file.path(pth, "treeWithDiscreteData.nex")

## Nexus files where trees only contain subset of taxa listed in TAXA block
taxsub <- file.path(pth, "test_subset_taxa.nex")

## NEXUS file to test for underscores
tr_under <- file.path(pth, "test_underscores.nex")

## NEXUS file with no tree block
tr_empty <- file.path(pth, "test_empty.nex")


## function (file, simplify=TRUE, type=c("all", "tree", "data"),
##   char.all=FALSE, polymorphic.convert=TRUE, levels.uniform=TRUE,
##   check.node.labels=c("keep", "drop", "asdata"))

## ########### CO1 -- MrBayes file -- tree only

## Tree properties
## Labels
labCo1 <- c("Cow", "Seal", "Carp", "Loach", "Frog", "Chicken", "Human",
            "Mouse", "Rat", "Whale") #, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
#names(labCo1) <- 1:18
## Edge lengths
eLco1 <- c(0.143336, 0.225087, 0.047441, 0.055934, 0.124549, 0.204809, 0.073060, 0.194575,
           0.171296, 0.222039, 0.237101, 0.546258, 0.533183, 0.154442, 0.134574, 0.113163,
names(eLco1) <- c("11-1", "11-2", "11-12", "12-13", "13-14", "14-15", "15-16", "16-17", "17-3",
                  "17-4", "16-5", "15-6", "14-7", "13-18", "18-8", "18-9", "12-10")
## Node types
nTco1 <-  c("tip", "tip", "tip", "tip", "tip", "tip", "tip", "tip", "tip",
            "tip", "internal", "internal", "internal", "internal", "internal",
            "internal", "internal", "internal")
names(nTco1) <- 1:18
## Label values
lVco1 <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.93, 0.88, 0.99, 1.00,
           0.76, 1.00, 1.00)

context("rncl can deal with simple NEXUS files (tree only)")
test_that("file with 2 trees (warning normal)", {
    ## Read trees
    co1 <- read_nexus_phylo(file=co1File)
    ## Check files are named
    expect_equal(names(co1), c("con 50 majrule", "con 50 majrule"))
    ## Tree 1
    co1Tree1 <- co1[[1]]
    target_edgeLength <- unname(eLco1[paste(co1Tree1$edge[,1], co1Tree1$edge[,2], sep="-")])
    expect_equal(typeof(co1Tree1$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(co1Tree1$tip.label, labCo1)     # check labels
    expect_equal(co1Tree1$edge.length, target_edgeLength)  # check edge lengths
    expect_equal(co1Tree1$node.label, c("", "0.93", "0.88", "0.99", "1.00", "0.76", "1.00", "1.00"))
    ## Tree 2
    co1Tree2 <- co1[[2]]
    expect_equal(typeof(co1Tree2$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(co1Tree2$tip.label, labCo1)     # check labels
    expect_equal(co1Tree2$edge.length, target_edgeLength)  # check edge lengths
    expect_equal(co1Tree2$node.label, NULL)

test_that("test option simplify", {
    ## Check option simplify
    co1 <- read_nexus_phylo(file=co1File, simplify=TRUE)
    target_edgeLength <- unname(eLco1[paste(co1$edge[,1], co1$edge[,2], sep="-")])
    expect_equal(typeof(co1$edge), "integer")
    expect_true(inherits(co1, "phylo"))        # make sure there is only one tree
    expect_equal(co1$tip.label, labCo1)     # check labels
    expect_equal(co1$edge.length, target_edgeLength)  # check edge lengths
    expect_equal(co1$node.label, c("", "0.93", "0.88", "0.99", "1.00", "0.76", "1.00", "1.00"))

test_that("readNCL can handle multi line files", {
    ## ########### Mutli Lines -- tree only
    multiLines <- read_nexus_phylo(file=multiLinesFile)
    ## load correct representation and make sure that the trees read
    ## match it
    ml <- ape::read.nexus(file = multiLinesFile)
    expect_equal(typeof(multiLines[[1]]$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(typeof(multiLines[[2]]$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(multiLines[[1]], ml[[1]])
    expect_equal(multiLines[[2]], ml[[2]])

## ########### Newick files
context("test with Newick files")
## Tree representation
labNew <- c("a", "b", "c")
eLnew <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)

test_that("check.node.labels='drop' with readNCL", {
    newTr <- read_newick_phylo(file=newick)
    expect_equal(newTr$tip.label, labNew)
    expect_equal(typeof(newTr$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(newTr$edge.length, eLnew)
    expect_equal(newTr$node.label, c("yy", "xx"))

## weird files
test_that("weird files",{
    tr <- read_newick_phylo(file=file.path(pth_nw_good, "Gudrun.tre"))
    expect_equal(typeof(tr$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(length(tr$tip.label), 68)
    expect_equal(tr$Nnode, 42)

test_that("simple tree with singletons",  {
    expect_warning(simple_tree <- read_newick_phylo(file=file.path(pth_nw_good, "simpleTree.tre")),
    expect_equal(typeof(simple_tree$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(simple_tree$tip.label, c("A_1", "B__2", "C", "D"))
    expect_equal(simple_tree$node.label, c("mammals", "cats", "dogs"))

test_that("tree with singletons", {
    expect_warning(sing_tree <- read_newick_phylo(file=file.path(pth_nw_good, "singleton_tree.tre")),
    expect_equal(typeof(sing_tree$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(sing_tree$tip.label, c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
    expect_equal(sing_tree$node.label, c("life", "tetrapods", "dogs", "mammals"))

test_that("tree with singletons", {
    expect_warning(sing_tree <- read_newick_phylo(file=file.path(pth_nw_good, "singleton_with_edge_length.tre")),
    expect_equal(typeof(sing_tree$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(length(sing_tree$edge.length), nrow(sing_tree$edge))
    expect_equal(sing_tree$tip.label, c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
    expect_equal(sing_tree$node.label, c("life", "tetrapods", "dogs", "mammals"))

test_that("tree with tip and node labels", {
    tr1 <- read_newick_phylo(file=file.path(pth_nw_good, "tree1.tre"))
    expect_equal(typeof(tr1$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(length(tr1$edge.length), nrow(tr1$edge))
    expect_equal(tr1$tip.label, c("A", "B", "C", "D"))
    expect_equal(tr1$node.label, c("F", "E"))
    expect_equal(tr1$edge.length, seq(.1, .5, by=.1))

test_that("tree with tip and node labels 2", {
    tr2 <- read_newick_phylo(file=file.path(pth_nw_good, "tree2.tre"))
    expect_equal(typeof(tr2$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(tr2$tip.label, LETTERS[1:4])
    expect_equal(tr2$node.label, "E")
    expect_equal(tr2$Nnode, 1)

## missing edge lengths                                                   ##

test_that("file with missing edge lengths (default behavior)", {
    expect_warning(tr <- read_newick_phylo(file = file.path(pth_nw_good, "missing_edge_lengths.tre")),
                   "All removed")
    expect_equal(typeof(tr$edge), "integer")

test_that("file with missing edge lengths specify missing value", {
    expect_warning(tr <- read_newick_phylo(file = file.path(pth_nw_good, "missing_edge_lengths.tre"),
                                           missing_edge_length = -99),
                   "replaced by")
    expect_true(sum(tr$edge.length == -99) > 0)
    expect_equal(typeof(tr$edge), "integer")

test_that("missing_edge_length is a single numeric value", {
    expect_error(tr <- read_newick_phylo(file = file.path(pth_nw_good, "missing_edge_lengths.tre"),
                                           missing_edge_length = "test"),
                 "single numerical value")
    expect_error(tr <- read_newick_phylo(file = file.path(pth_nw_good, "missing_edge_lengths.tre"),
                                           missing_edge_length = c(0, 1)),
                 "single numerical value")
    expect_error(tr <- read_newick_phylo(file = file.path(pth_nw_good, "missing_edge_lengths.tre"),
                                           missing_edge_length = c(NA, 1)),
                 "single numerical value")
    expect_error(tr <- read_newick_phylo(file = file.path(pth_nw_good, "missing_edge_lengths.tre"),
                                           missing_edge_length = c(TRUE)),
                 "single numerical value")

## Files where trees contain a subset of the taxa listed in TAXA block    ##

context("Tree with subset of taxa listed in TAXA block")

test_that("taxa subset", {
    tr <- read_nexus_phylo(file = taxsub)
    ncl <- rncl(file = taxsub, file.format = "nexus")
    expect_equal(ncl$trees[1], "(2,((3,1),(5,4)))")
    expect_equal(ncl$trees[2], "(2:6,((3:2,1:1):4,(5:10,4:9):7):3)")
    expect_equal(ncl$trees[3], "(2,(3,(6,(5,4))))")
    expect_equal(ncl$trees[4], "(5,(4,(2,(3,(1,6)))))")
    expect_equal(typeof(tr[[1]]$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(tr[[1]]$edge, cbind(c(6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 6, 7, 7),
    expect_equal(tr[[2]]$edge, cbind(c(6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 6, 7, 7),
    expect_equal(tr[[3]]$edge, cbind(c(6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 6, 7, 8),
    expect_equal(tr[[4]]$edge, cbind(c(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10),
                 c(6, 2, 1, 10, 9, 3, 4, 7))
    expect_equal(tr[[1]]$edge.length, NULL)
    expect_equal(tr[[1]]$tip.label, c("porifera", "ctenophora", "cnidaria", "deuterostomia", "protostomia"))
    expect_equal(tr[[2]]$tip.label, c("porifera", "ctenophora", "cnidaria", "deuterostomia", "protostomia"))
    expect_equal(tr[[3]]$tip.label, c("porifera", "ctenophora", "xeno", "deuterostomia", "protostomia"))
    expect_equal(tr[[4]]$tip.label, c("deuterostomia", "protostomia", "porifera", "ctenophora", "cnidaria", "xeno"))
    expect_equal(names(tr), paste0("hyp", 1:4))

## Test roundtrip with Myrmecus file                                      ##

context("Compare output from ape read file and phylobase")

test_that("compare read.nexus and read_nexus_phylo", {
    tr_ape <- ape::read.nexus(file = treeDiscDt)
    tr_ph4 <- read_nexus_phylo(file = treeDiscDt)
    expect_equal(typeof(tr_ph4$edge), "integer")
    expect_equal(tr_ape, tr_ph4)

## Test spacesAsUnderscores                                               ##

context("test spacesAsUnderscores")

test_that("spacesAsUnderscores is TRUE",  {
    ncl <- rncl(file = tr_under, file.format = "nexus", spacesAsUnderscores = TRUE)
    expect_equal(typeof(ncl$parentVector[[1]]), "integer")
    expect_true(any(grepl("\\_", ncl$taxaNames)))
    expect_true(all(sapply(ncl$taxonLabelVector, function(x) any(grepl("_", x)))))
    expect_true(any(grepl("_", ncl$charLabels)))
    expect_true(any(grepl("_", ncl$stateLabels)))

test_that("spacesAsUnderscores is FALSE",  {
    ncl <- rncl(file = tr_under, file.format = "nexus", spacesAsUnderscores = FALSE)
    expect_equal(typeof(ncl$parentVector[[1]]), "integer")
    expect_false(any(grepl("\\_", ncl$taxaNames)))
    expect_false(all(sapply(ncl$taxonLabelVector, function(x) any(grepl("_", x)))))
    expect_false(any(grepl("_", ncl$charLabels)))
    expect_false(any(grepl("_", ncl$stateLabels)))

## Test on non - existing file                                            ##

context("non existing file")

test_that("non existing file",
          expect_error(rncl(file = "foo"), "doesn't exist")

## Test on an empty file                                                  ##

context("test on empty file")

test_that("empty file (no trees)",
          expect_equal(read_nexus_phylo(file = tr_empty),

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rncl documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 1:28 a.m.