

# Comparison of the output of C-level functions in rngSetSeed
# with AES implemented in a (slow) R script below prepared using
# the description from
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard
# Petr Savicky 2012

# Prepare tables for AES

m <- 8
M <- 2^m

vect <- unname(as.matrix(rev(expand.grid(rep(list(0:1), times=m)))))
weight <- 2^((m - 1):0)
xor <- matrix(nrow=M, ncol=M)
for (i in seq.int(length.out=M)) {
	for (j in seq.int(length.out=M)) {
		xor[i, j] <- sum(((vect[i, ] + vect[j, ]) %% 2)*weight)

h <- c("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f")
hh <- rev(expand.grid(h, h))
hexa <- 0:255
names(hexa) <- paste(hh[, 1], hh[, 2], sep="")

mult.x <- unname(hexa[c(

s.box <- unname(hexa[c(

rcon <- unname(hexa[c(

# Functions implementing AES

sched.core <- function(t,i)
	t <- t[c(2,3,4,1)]
	t <- s.box[t+1]
	t[1] <- xor[t[1]+1,rcon[i]+1]

mix.col <- function(a)
	c1 <- mult.x[a+1]
	c2 <- a[c(4,1:3)]
	c3 <- a[c(3,4,1,2)]
	c4 <- a[c(2:4,1)]
	c5 <- mult.x[a[c(2:4,1)]+1]
	c45 <- xor[cbind(c4,c5) + 1]
	c23 <- xor[cbind(c2,c3) + 1]
	c123 <- xor[cbind(c1,c23) + 1]
	xor[cbind(c123,c45) + 1]

key.schedule <- function(key.len,key)
	if (key.len == 128) {
		n <- 16
		b <- 176
	} else if(key.len == 192) {
		n <- 24
		b <- 208
	} else if(key.len == 256) {
		n <- 32
		b <- 240
	} else {
		stop("chyba key.len")
	curr <- n
	i <- 1
	while (curr < b) {
		t <- key[(curr-3):curr]
		t <- sched.core(t,i)
		i <- i+1
		s <- key[(curr+1-n):(curr+4-n)]
		key[(curr+1):(curr+4)] <- xor[cbind(t,s) + 1]
		curr <- curr+4
		for (k in 1:3) {
			t <- key[(curr-3):curr]
			s <- key[(curr+1-n):(curr+4-n)]
			key[(curr+1):(curr+4)] <- xor[cbind(t,s) + 1]
			curr <- curr+4
		if (key.len == 256) {
			t <- key[(curr-3):curr]
			t <- s.box[t+1]
			s <- key[(curr+1-n):(curr+4-n)]
			key[(curr+1):(curr+4)] <- xor[cbind(t, s) + 1]
			curr <- curr+4
		if (key.len == 128) {
			kk <- c()
		} else if (key.len == 192) {
			kk <- 1:2
		} else if (key.len == 256) {
			kk <- 1:3
		} else stop()
		for (k in kk) {
			t <- key[(curr-3):curr]
			s <- key[(curr+1-n):(curr+4-n)]
			key[(curr+1):(curr+4)] <- xor[cbind(t, s) + 1]
			curr <- curr+4

encrypt <- function(exp.key,input)
	key <- matrix(exp.key,ncol=16,byrow=TRUE)
	rounds <- nrow(key)
	# Initial step
	input <- xor[cbind(input, key[1, ]) + 1]
	# Cycle
	for (k in 2:(rounds-1)) {
		input <- s.box[input+1]
		input <- input[c(1,6,11,16,5,10,15,4,9,14,3,8,13,2,7,12)]
		for (j in 1:4) {
			input[4*(j-1)+(1:4)] <- mix.col(input[4*(j-1)+(1:4)])
		input <- xor[cbind(input, key[k, ]) + 1]
	# Final round
	input <- s.box[input+1]
	input <- input[c(1,6,11,16,5,10,15,4,9,14,3,8,13,2,7,12)]
	xor[cbind(input, key[rounds, ]) + 1]

# R script implementation of the algorithm used by C-level functions
# in generateInitialization(vseed) and the comparison between the results of
# C and R implementation.

N <- 624
NN <- ceiling(N/4)

for (n in c(1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 47, 48)) {
    vseed <- seq.int(from=floor(0.35*n), length.out=n)
    cat("length(vseed) =", length(vseed), "\n")
    v <- vseed
    v <- c(v, length(v))
    s <- numeric(8*ceiling(length(v)/8))
    s[seq.int(along.with=v)] <- v
    key <- rep(NA, times=32)
    plainText <- rep(0, times=16)
    outBytes <- rep(0, times=16*NN)
    j <- 0
    for (i in seq.int(along.with=s)) { # length(s) is a multiple of 8
        j <- j + 1
        key[j] <- (s[i] %/% 2^24) %% 2^8
        j <- j + 1
        key[j] <- (s[i] %/% 2^16) %% 2^8
        j <- j + 1
        key[j] <- (s[i] %/% 2^8) %% 2^8
        j <- j + 1
        key[j] <- s[i] %% 2^8
        if (j == 32) {
            expandedKey <- key.schedule(256, key)
            u <- (i - 1) %/% 8
            plainText[1] <- (u %/% 2^24) %% 2^8
            plainText[2] <- (u %/% 2^16) %% 2^8
            plainText[3] <- (u %/% 2^8) %% 2^8
            plainText[4] <-  u %% 2^8
            k <- 0
            while (k < length(outBytes)) { # length(outBytes) is a multiple of 16
                u <- k %/% 16
                plainText[5] <- (u %/% 2^24) %% 2^8
                plainText[6] <- (u %/% 2^16) %% 2^8
                plainText[7] <- (u %/% 2^8) %% 2^8
                plainText[8] <-  u %% 2^8
                cipher <- encrypt(expandedKey, plainText)
                outBytes[k + 1:16] <- xor[cbind(outBytes[k + 1:16], cipher) + 1]
                k <- k + 16
            j <- 0
    stopifnot(j == 0)
    out <- c(rbind(2^c(24, 16, 8, 0)) %*% matrix(outBytes, nrow=4, ncol=4*NN))
    out <- out[seq.int(length.out=N)]
    out[out >= 2^31] <- out[out >= 2^31] - 2^32
    OK <- identical(as.integer(out), generateInitialization(vseed, N))

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rngSetSeed documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 9:06 a.m.