
Defines functions arc2_read arc2_base_ftp arc2_base arc2_GET_write arc2_get asdate todate arc2_lint_date filter_split arc2

Documented in arc2

#' Arc2 - Africa Rainfall Climatology version 2
#' @export
#' @param date (character/date) one or more dates of the form YYYY-MM-DD
#' @param box (numeric) vector of length 4, of the form
#' `xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax`. optional. If not given, no spatial filtering
#' is done. If given, we use `dplyr::filter()` on a combined set of all dates,
#' then split the output into tibbles by date
#' @param ... curl options passed on to [crul::verb-GET]
#' @references docs:
#' https://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/fews/fewsdata/africa/arc2/ARC2_readme.txt
#' @note See [arc2_cache] for managing cached files
#' @section box parameter:
#' The `box` parameter filters the arc2 data to a bounding box you supply.
#' The function that does the cropping to the bounding box is `dplyr::filter`.
#' You can do any filtering you want on your own if you do not supply
#' `box` and then use whatever tools you want to filter the data by 
#' lat/lon, date, precip values.
#' @return a list of tibbles with columns:
#' - date: date (YYYY-MM-DD)
#' - lon: longitude
#' - lat: latitude
#' - precip: precipitation (mm)
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' x = arc2(date = "1983-01-01")
#' arc2(date = "2017-02-14")
#' # many dates
#' arc2(date = c("2019-05-27", "2019-05-28"))
#' arc2(seq(as.Date("2019-04-21"), by = "day", length.out = 5))
#' ## combine outputs 
#' x <- arc2(seq(as.Date("2019-05-20"), as.Date("2019-05-25"), "days"))
#' dplyr::bind_rows(x)
#' # bounding box filter
#' box <- c(xmin = 9, ymin = 4, xmax = 10, ymax = 5)
#' arc2(date = "2017-02-14", box = box)
#' arc2(date = c("2019-05-27", "2019-05-28"), box = box)
#' arc2(seq(as.Date("2019-05-20"), as.Date("2019-05-25"), "days"), box = box)
#' }
arc2 <- function(date, box = NULL, ...) {
  assert(date, c("character", "Date"))
  dates <- str_extract_all_(date, "[0-9]+")
  invisible(lapply(dates, arc2_lint_date))
  res <- lapply(dates, function(w) {
    path <- arc2_get(year = w[1], month = w[2], day = w[3], ...)
    arc2_read(path, w)
  if (is.null(box)) {
    res <- stats::setNames(res, vapply(dates, asdate, ""))
  assert(box, "numeric")
  tmpdf <- dplyr::bind_rows(res)
  filter_split(tmpdf, box)

filter_split <- function(x, box) {
  df <- dplyr::filter(x, dplyr::between(lon, box[1], box[3]),
    dplyr::between(lat, box[2], box[4]))
  split(df, df$date)

arc2_lint_date <- function(x) {
  assert_range(x[1], 1979:format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))
  assert_range(as.numeric(x[2]), 1:12)
  assert_range(as.numeric(x[3]), 1:31)

todate <- function(year, month, day) paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")
asdate <- function(z) todate(z[1], z[2], z[3])

arc2_get <- function(year, month, day, cache = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, ...) {
  date <- paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")
  key <- file.path(arc2_base_ftp(arc2_base(), date))
  file <- file.path(arc2_cache$cache_path_get(), basename(key))
  date <- todate(year, month, day)
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    res <- suppressMessages(
      arc2_GET_write(sub("/$", "", key), file, date, overwrite, ...))
    file <- res$content
  } else {

arc2_GET_write <- function(url, path, date, overwrite = TRUE, ...) {
  cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url)
  if (!overwrite) {
    if (file.exists(path)) {
      stop("file exists and ovewrite != TRUE", call. = FALSE)
  res <- tryCatch(cli$get(disk = path, ...), error = function(e) e)
  if (inherits(res, "error")) {
    warning(res$message, ": ", date, call. = FALSE)

arc2_base <- function() {

arc2_base_ftp <- function(x, y) sprintf("%s/daily_clim.bin.%s.gz", x,
                                        gsub("-", "", y))

arc2_read <- function(x, w) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(tibble::tibble())
  date <- todate(w[1], w[2], w[3])
  conn <- gzcon(file(x, open = "rb"))

  # lats/longs
  lats <- seq(from = -40, to = 40, by = 0.1)
  longs <- seq(from = -20, to = 55, by = 0.1)

  # read data
  res <- readBin(conn, numeric(), n = 751*801, size = 4, endian = "big")

  # make data.frame
  df <- tibble::as_tibble(
      cbind(expand.grid(longs, lats), res),
      c('lon', 'lat', 'precip')
  tibble::tibble(date = date, df)

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rnoaa documentation built on April 27, 2023, 9:08 a.m.