
Defines functions npn_get_custom_agdd_raster npn_get_custom_agdd_time_series get_additional_rasters npn_check_point_cached resolve_agdd_raster npn_merge_geo_data resolve_six_raster npn_get_point_data npn_get_agdd_point_data npn_get_layer_details

Documented in get_additional_rasters npn_check_point_cached npn_get_agdd_point_data npn_get_custom_agdd_raster npn_get_custom_agdd_time_series npn_get_layer_details npn_get_point_data npn_merge_geo_data resolve_six_raster

#'  Get Geospatial Data Layer Details
#'  This function will return information about the various data layers available via the NPN's geospatial web services.
#'  Specifically, this function will query the NPN's GetCapabilities endpoint and parse the information on that page
#'  about the layers. For each layer, this function will retrieve the layer name (as to be specified elsewhere programmatically),
#'  the title (human readable), the abstract, which describes the data in the layer, the dimension name and dimension range for
#'  specifying specific date values from the layer.
#'  Information about the layers can also be viewed at the getCapbilities page directly:
#'  https://geoserver.usanpn.org/geoserver/wms?request=GetCapabilities
#' @return Data frame containing all layer details as specified in function description.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' layers <- npn_get_layer_details()
#' }
npn_get_layer_details <- function(){

  doc <- GET("http://geoserver.usanpn.org/geoserver/ows?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities", list())
  doc <- httr::content(doc, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
  doc.data <- XML::xmlParse(file = doc)

  capability.list <- XML::xmlToList(doc.data)[["Capability"]]

  layer.list <- capability.list$Layer
  layers <- layer.list[names(layer.list) == "Layer"]

  name.vector <- unlist(lapply(X = layers, FUN = function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x$Name)) {
    } else NA

  title.vector <- unlist(lapply(X = layers, FUN = function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x$Title)) {
    } else NA

  abstract.vector <- unlist(lapply(X = layers, FUN = function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x$Abstract)) {
    } else NA

  dimension.range.vector <- unlist(lapply(X = layers, FUN = function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x$Dimension)) {
    } else NA

  dimension.name.vector <- unlist(lapply(X = layers, FUN = function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x$Dimension)) {
    } else NA

  return (data.frame(name=name.vector,title=title.vector,abstract=abstract.vector,dimension.name=dimension.name.vector,dimension.range=dimension.range.vector))
    message("Geodata service not available. Please try again later")


#'  Download Geospatial Data
#'  Function for directly downloading any arbitrary Geospatial layer data from the NPN Geospatial web services.
#'  Information about the layers can also be viewed at the getCapbilities page directly:
#'  https://geoserver.usanpn.org/geoserver/wms?request=GetCapabilities
#' @return Raster object meeting the coverage_id, date and format parameters specified.
#' @export
#' @param coverage_id The coverage id (machine name) of the layer for which to retrieve.
#' Applicable values can be found via the npn_get_layer_details() function under the 'name' column.
#' @param date Specify the date param for the layer retrieved. This can be a calendar
#' date formatted YYYY-mm-dd or it could be a string integer representing day of year.
#' It can also be NULL in some cases. Which to use depends entirely on the layer being
#' requested. More information available from the npn_get_layer_details() function.
#' @param format The output format of the raster layer retrieved. Defaults to GeoTIFF.
#' @param output_path Optional value. When set, the raster will be piped to the file
#' path specified. When left unset, this function will return a raster object.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' ras<-npn_download_geospatial("si-x:30yr_avg_six_bloom","255")
#' }
#' @export
npn_download_geospatial <- function (
  format = "geotiff",
  output_path = NULL

  z = NULL

    z <- tempfile()

  s <- "&"
  if(!is.null(date) && toString(date) != ""){
    param <- tryCatch({
    param <- ""

  url <- paste0(base_geoserver(), "format=", format , "&coverageId=",coverage_id,param)
      download.file(url,z,method="libcurl", mode="wb")

      ras <- raster::raster(z)

      download.file(url,destfile=output_path,method="libcurl", mode="wb")
    message("There was an issue downloading data from the Geoservice. It's possible the server is temporarily down. Please try again later.")


#' Get AGDD Point Value
#' This function is for requesting AGDD point values. Because the NPN has a separate
#' data service that can provide AGDD values which is more accurate than Geoserver
#' this function is ideal when requested AGDD point values.
#' As this function only works for AGDD point values, if it's necessary to retrieve point values
#' for other layers please try the npn_get_point_data function.
#' @param layer The name of the queried layer.
#' @param lat The latitude of the queried point.
#' @param long The longitude of the queried point.
#' @param date The queried date.
#' @param store_data Boolean value. If set TRUE then the value retrieved will be stored in a global variable named point_values for
#' later use
#' @return Returns a numeric value of the AGDD value at the specified lat/long/date. If no value can be retrieved, then -9999 is returned.
#' @export
npn_get_agdd_point_data <- function(

  # If we already have this value stored in global memory then
  # pull it from there.
  cached_value <- npn_check_point_cached(layer,lat,long,date)
    url <- paste0(base(), "stations/getTimeSeries.json?latitude=", lat, "&longitude=", long, "&start_date=", as.Date(date) - 1, "&end_date=", date, "&layer=", layer)
    data = httr::GET(url,
                     query = list(),
    message("Unable to download AGDD data. The service is temporarily down, please try again later.")

  # If the server returns an error then in that case,
  # just return the -9999 value.
  json_data <- tryCatch({
    jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(data, as = "text"))
    message("Unable to parse server response. Please try again later.")

  # If the server returns an unexpected value, also return
  # -9999.
  v <- tryCatch({
    message("Unable to parse server response. Please try again later.")

  # Once the value is known, then cache it in global memory so the script doesn't try to ask for the same
  # data point more than once.
  # TODO: Break this into it's own function
      pkg.env$point_values <- data.frame(layer=layer,lat=lat,long=long,date=date,value=v)
      pkg.env$point_values <- rbind(pkg.env$point_values, data.frame(layer=layer,lat=lat,long=long,date=date,value=v))



#' Get Point Data Value
#' This function can get point data about any of the NPN geospatial layers.
#' Please note that this function pulls this from the NPN's WCS service so the data may not be totally precise. If
#' you need precise AGDD values try using the npn_get_agdd_point_data function.
#' @param layer The coverage id (machine name) of the layer for which to retrieve.
#' Applicable values can be found via the npn_get_layer_details() function under the 'name' column.
#' @param lat The latitude of the point.
#' @param long The longitude of the point.
#' @param date The date for which to get a value.
#' @param store_data Boolean value. If set TRUE then the value retrieved will be stored in a global variable named point_values for
#' later use.
#' @return Returns a numeric value for any NPN geospatial data layer at the specified lat/long/date. If no value can be retrieved, then -9999 is returned.
#' @export
npn_get_point_data <- function(

  cached_value <- npn_check_point_cached(layer,lat,long,date)
    url <- paste0(base_geoserver(), "coverageId=",layer,"&format=application/gml+xml&subset=http://www.opengis.net/def/axis/OGC/0/Long(",long,")&subset=http://www.opengis.net/def/axis/OGC/0/Lat(",lat,")&subset=http://www.opengis.net/def/axis/OGC/0/time(\"",date,"T00:00:00.000Z\")")
    data = httr::GET(url,
                     query = list(),
    message("Geoserver is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.")
  #Download the data as XML and store it as an XML doc
  xml_data <- httr::content(data, as = "text")
  doc <- XML::xmlInternalTreeParse(xml_data)

  df <- XML::xmlToDataFrame(XML::xpathApply(doc, "//gml:RectifiedGridCoverage/gml:rangeSet/gml:DataBlock/tupleList"))

  v <- as.numeric(as.list(strsplit(gsub("\n","",df[1,"text"]),' ')[[1]])[1])

      pkg.env$point_values <- data.frame(layer=layer,lat=lat,long=long,date=date,value=v)
      pkg.env$point_values <- rbind(pkg.env$point_values, data.frame(layer=layer,lat=lat,long=long,date=date,value=v))



#' Resolve SIX Raster
#' Utility function used to resolve the appropriate SI-x layer to use
#' based on the year being retrieved, the phenophase and sub-model being
#' requested.
#' If the year being requested is more than two years older than the current year
#' then use the prism based layers rather than the NCEP based layers.
#' This is because the PRISM data is not available in whole until midway through
#' the year after it was initially recorded. Hence, the 'safest' approach is to only
#' refer to the PRISM data when we knows for sure it's available in full, i.e. two years
#' prior.
#' Sub-model and phenophase on the other hand are appended to the name of the layer
#' to request, no special logic is present in making the decision which layer to retrieve
#' based on those parameters.
#' @param year String representation of the year being requested.
#' @param phenophase The SI-x phenophase being requested, 'leaf' or 'bloom'; defaults to 'leaf'.
#' @param sub_model The SI-x sub model to use. Defaults to NULL (no sub-model).
#' @return Returns a raster object of the appropriate SI-x layer.
#' @keywords internal
resolve_six_raster <- function(
  phenophase = "leaf",
  sub_model = NULL
  current_year <- as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), '%Y'))
  num_year <- as.numeric(year)
  src <- NULL
  date <- NULL

  if(num_year < current_year - 1){
    src <- "prism"
    date <- paste0(year,"-01-01")
    src <- "ncep"
    if(num_year != current_year){
      date <- paste0(year,"-12-29")
      date <- Sys.Date()

    sub_model = "average"

  if(is.null(phenophase) || (phenophase != 'leaf'  && phenophase != 'bloom')){
    phenophase = 'leaf'

  layer_name = paste0("si-x:", sub_model, "_", phenophase, "_", src)

  raster <- npn_download_geospatial(layer_name, date,"tiff")

#' Merge Geo Data
#' Utility function to intersect point based observational data with Geospatial
#' data values. This will take a data frame and append a new column to it.
#' @param ras Raster containing geospatial data
#' @param col_label The name of the column to append to the data frame
#' @param df The data frame which to append the new column of geospatial point values. For
#' this function to work, df must contain two columns: "longitude", and "latitude"
#' @return The data frame, now appended with a new column for geospatial data numeric values.
#' @keywords internal
npn_merge_geo_data <- function(

  # Convert the lat/long coordinates, presumed present in the input data frame
  # into coordinate objects
  coords <- data.frame(lon=df[,"longitude"],lat=df[,"latitude"])

  # Use the raster library's extract function to pull out the relevant
  # geospatial values, then add them to the the data frame as a new column.
  values <- raster::extract(x=ras,y=coords)

  df <- cbind(df,values)
  names(df)[names(df) == "values"] <- col_label


resolve_agdd_raster <- function(

    if(agdd_layer == 32){
      agdd_layer <- "gdd:agdd"
    }else if(agdd_layer == 50){
      agdd_layer <- "gdd:agdd_50f"


#' Check Point Cached
#' Checks in the global variable "point values" to see if the exact data point being requested
#' has already been asked for and returns the value if it's already saved.
#' @param layer The name of the queried layer.
#' @param lat The latitude of the queried point.
#' @param long The longitude of the queried point.
#' @param date The queried date.
#' @return The numeric value of the cell located at the specified coordinates and date if the value has been queried, otherwise NULL.
#' @keywords internal
npn_check_point_cached <- function(
  val = NULL
    val <- pkg.env$point_values[pkg.env$point_values$layer == layer & pkg.env$point_values$lat == lat & pkg.env$point_values$long == long & pkg.env$point_values$date == date,]['value']
    if(!is.null(val) && nrow(val) == 0){
      val <- NULL

#' Get Additional Layers
#' Utility function to easily take arbitrary layer name parameters as a data frame and
#' return the raster data from NPN Geospatial data services.
#' @param data Data frame with first column named 'name' and containing the names of the layer for which to retrieve data and the second column
#' named 'param' and containing string representations of the time/elevation subset parameter to pass.
#' @return Returns a data frame containing the raster objects related to the specified layers.
#' @keywords internal
get_additional_rasters <- function(data){

  rasters <- apply(data,1,function(df){

#' Get Custom AGDD Time Series
#' This function takes a series of variables used in calculating AGDD and returns an AGDD time series,
#' based on start and end date, for a given location in the continental US.
#' This function leverages the USA-NPN geo web services
#' @param method Takes "simple" or "double-sine" as input. This is the AGDD calculation method to use for each
#' data point. Simple refers to simple averaging.
#' @param start_date Date at which to begin the AGDD calculations
#' @param end_date Date at which to end the AGDD calculations
#' @param base_temp This is the lowest temperature for each day  for it to be considered in the calculation.
#' @param upper_threshold This parameter is only applicable for the double-sine method. This sets the highest temperature
#' to be considered in any given day's AGDD calculation
#' @param climate_data_source Specified the climate data set to use. Takes either "PRISM" or "NCEP" as input.
#' @param temp_unit The unit of temperature to use in the calculation. Takes either "Fahrenheit" or "Celsius" as input.
#' @param lat The latitude of the location for which to calculate the time series
#' @param long The longitude of the location for which to calculate the time series
#' @return A data frame containing the numeric AGDD values for each day for the specified time period/location/method/base temp/data source.
#' @export
npn_get_custom_agdd_time_series <- function(

  base_url <- ""
  climate_data_source <- toupper(climate_data_source)
  temp_unit <- tolower(temp_unit)
  method <- tolower(method)

  if(method == "simple"){
    base_url <- paste0(base_data_domain(), "geo-services/v1/agdd/simple/pointTimeSeries?")
    base_url <- paste0(base_data_domain(), "geo-services/v1/agdd/double-sine/pointTimeSeries?")

  url <- paste0(base_url, "climateProvider=", climate_data_source)

  url <- paste0(url,"&temperatureUnit=",temp_unit)

  url <- paste0(url,"&startDate=",start_date)

  url <- paste0(url,"&endDate=",end_date)

  url <- paste0(url, "&latitude=",lat)

  url <- paste0(url, "&longitude=", long)

  if(method == "simple"){

    url <- paste0(url,"&base=",base_temp)


    url <- paste0(url, "&lowerThreshold=",base_temp)

      url <- paste0(url, "&upperThreshold=", upper_threshold)



    data = httr::GET(url,
                     query = list(),
    message("Service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.")

  return(jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(data, as = "text"))$timeSeries)


#' Get Custom AGDD Raster Map
#' This function takes a series of variables used in calculating AGDD and returns
#' a raster of the continental USA with each pixel representing the calculated AGDD value
#' based on start and end date.
#' This function leverages the USA-NPN geo web services.

#' @param method Takes "simple" or "double-sine" as input. This is the AGDD calculation method to use for each
#' data point. Simple refers to simple averaging.
#' @param start_date Date at which to begin the AGDD calculations.
#' @param end_date Date at which to end the AGDD calculations.
#' @param base_temp This is the lowest temperature for each day  for it to be considered in the calculation.
#' @param upper_threshold This parameter is only applicable for the double-sine method. This sets the highest temperature
#' to be considered in any given day's AGDD calculation.
#' @param climate_data_source Specified the climate data set to use. Takes either "PRISM" or "NCEP" as input.
#' @param temp_unit The unit of temperature to use in the calculation. Takes either "Fahrenheit" or "Celsius" as input.
#' @return A raster object of each calculated AGDD numeric values based on specified time period/method/base temp/data source.
#' @export
npn_get_custom_agdd_raster <- function(

  base_url <- ""
  climate_data_source <- toupper(climate_data_source)
  temp_unit <- tolower(temp_unit)
  method <- tolower(method)
  ras <- NULL

  if(method == "simple"){
    base_url <- paste0(base_data_domain(),"geo-services/v1/agdd/simple/map?")
    base_url <- paste0(base_data_domain(),"geo-services/v1/agdd/double-sine/map?")

  url <- paste0(base_url, "climateProvider=", climate_data_source)

  url <- paste0(url,"&temperatureUnit=",temp_unit)

  url <- paste0(url,"&startDate=",start_date)

  url <- paste0(url,"&endDate=",end_date)

  if(method == "simple"){

    url <- paste0(url,"&base=",base_temp)


    url <- paste0(url, "&lowerThreshold=",base_temp)


      url <- paste0(url, "&upperThreshold=", upper_threshold)



    data = httr::GET(url,
                     query = list(),
    message("Data service is currently unavailable, please try again later.")

  mapURL <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(data, as = "text"))$mapUrl

    z <- tempfile()
    h <- function(w) if( any( grepl( "Discarded datum", w) ) ) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
    download.file(mapURL,z,method="libcurl", mode="wb")
    ras <- withCallingHandlers( raster::raster(z), warning = h )



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rnpn documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:54 p.m.