
Defines functions plot_cv plot_path plot_resid

Documented in plot_cv plot_path plot_resid

#' Plot residuals estimate from robregcc object
#' S3 methods extracting residuals from the objects generated by
#' \code{robregcc}. 
#' @name plot_resid
#' @param object Object generated by \code{robregcc}.
#' @param type 0/1 residual estimate before/after sanity check
#' @param s 0/1 no/yes 1se rule
#' @return plot estimated residual 
#' @importFrom graphics plot 
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @export
#' @examples  
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(robregcc)
#' data(simulate_robregcc)
#' X <- simulate_robregcc$X;
#' y <- simulate_robregcc$y
#' C <- simulate_robregcc$C
#' n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X); k <-  nrow(C)
#' Xt <- cbind(1,X)                         # accounting for intercept in predictor
#' C <- cbind(0,C)                           # accounting for intercept in constraint
#' bw <- c(0,rep(1,p))                       # weight matrix to not penalize intercept 
#' example_seed <- 2*p+1               
#' set.seed(example_seed) 
#' \donttest{
#' # Breakdown point for tukey Bisquare loss function 
#' b1 = 0.5                    # 50% breakdown point
#' cc1 =  1.567                # corresponding model parameter
#' b1 = 0.25; cc1 =  2.937   
#' # Initialization [PSC analysis for compositional data]
#' control <- robregcc_option(maxiter=1000,tol = 1e-4,lminfac = 1e-7)
#' fit.init <- cpsc_sp(Xt, y,alp = 0.4, cfac = 2, b1 = b1, 
#' cc1 = cc1,C,bw,1,control)  
#' ## Robust model fitting
#' # control parameters
#' control <- robregcc_option()
#' beta.wt <- fit.init$betaR    # Set weight for model parameter beta
#' beta.wt[1] <- 0
#' control$gamma = 1            # gamma for constructing  weighted penalty
#' control$spb = 40/p           # fraction of maximum non-zero model parameter beta
#' control$outMiter = 1000      # Outer loop iteration
#' control$inMiter = 3000       # Inner loop iteration
#' control$nlam = 50            # Number of tuning parameter lambda to be explored
#' control$lmaxfac = 1          # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$lminfac = 1e-8       # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda 
#' control$tol = 1e-20;         # tolrence parameter for converging [inner  loop]
#' control$out.tol = 1e-16      # tolerence parameter for convergence [outer loop]
#' control$kfold = 10           # number of fold of crossvalidation
#' control$sigmafac = 2#1.345
#' # Robust regression using adaptive lasso penalty
#' fit.ada <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C,
#'                        beta.init = beta.wt,  cindex = 1, 
#'                        gamma.init = fit.init$residuals,
#'                        control = control, 
#'                        penalty.index = 1, alpha = 0.95)
#' # Robust regression using lasso penalty [Huber equivalent]   
#' fit.soft <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C, cindex = 1, 
#'                         control = control, penalty.index = 2, 
#'                         alpha = 0.95)
#' # Robust regression using hard thresholding penalty
#' control$lmaxfac = 1e2               # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$lminfac = 1e-3              # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$sigmafac = 2#1.345
#' fit.hard <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C, beta.init = fit.init$betaf, 
#'                         gamma.init = fit.init$residuals,
#'                         cindex = 1, 
#'                         control = control, penalty.index = 3, 
#'                         alpha = 0.95)
#' plot_resid(fit.ada)
#' plot_resid(fit.soft)
#' plot_resid(fit.hard)
#' }
plot_resid = function(object, type = 0, s = 0) {
  ## add line separating outlier from inlier
  if (type == 0) {
    plot(object$residuals0[, s + 1],
         xlab = "Index", ylab = "Residuals",
         pch = 16, cex = 1.5,
         col = (!object$inlier0[, s + 1]) + 1
    title(main = "Residual plot", cex.main = 2.5)
  } else {
    plot(object$residualsE[, s + 1],
         xlab = "Index", ylab = "Residuals",
         pch = 16, cex = 1.5,
         col = (!object$inlierE[, s + 1]) + 1
    title(main = "Residual plot", cex.main = 2.5)

#' Plot solution path at different value of lambda
#' S3 methods plotting solution path of model parameter and mean shift using the object obtained from \code{robregcc}. 
#' @name plot_path
#' @param object Object generated by \code{robregcc}.
#' @param ptype path type 0/1 for Gamma/Beta path respectvely
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom graphics arrows
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics matplot
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics plot 
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @return plot solution path
#' @export
#' @examples  
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(robregcc)
#' data(simulate_robregcc)
#' X <- simulate_robregcc$X;
#' y <- simulate_robregcc$y
#' C <- simulate_robregcc$C
#' n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X); k <-  nrow(C)
#' Xt <- cbind(1,X)                         # accounting for intercept in predictor
#' C <- cbind(0,C)                           # accounting for intercept in constraint
#' bw <- c(0,rep(1,p))                       # weight matrix to not penalize intercept 
#' example_seed <- 2*p+1               
#' set.seed(example_seed) 
#' \donttest{
#' # Breakdown point for tukey Bisquare loss function 
#' b1 = 0.5                    # 50% breakdown point
#' cc1 =  1.567                # corresponding model parameter
#' b1 = 0.25; cc1 =  2.937   
#' # Initialization [PSC analysis for compositional data]
#' control <- robregcc_option(maxiter=1000,tol = 1e-4,lminfac = 1e-7)
#' fit.init <- cpsc_sp(Xt, y,alp = 0.4, cfac = 2, b1 = b1, 
#' cc1 = cc1,C,bw,1,control)  
#' ## Robust model fitting
#' # control parameters
#' control <- robregcc_option()
#' beta.wt <- fit.init$betaR    # Set weight for model parameter beta
#' beta.wt[1] <- 0
#' control$gamma = 1            # gamma for constructing  weighted penalty
#' control$spb = 40/p           # fraction of maximum non-zero model parameter beta
#' control$outMiter = 1000      # Outer loop iteration
#' control$inMiter = 3000       # Inner loop iteration
#' control$nlam = 50            # Number of tuning parameter lambda to be explored
#' control$lmaxfac = 1          # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$lminfac = 1e-8       # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda 
#' control$tol = 1e-20;         # tolrence parameter for converging [inner  loop]
#' control$out.tol = 1e-16      # tolerence parameter for convergence [outer loop]
#' control$kfold = 10           # number of fold of crossvalidation
#' control$sigmafac = 2#1.345
#' # Robust regression using adaptive lasso penalty
#' fit.ada <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C,
#'                        beta.init = beta.wt,  cindex = 1, 
#'                        gamma.init = fit.init$residuals,
#'                        control = control, 
#'                        penalty.index = 1, alpha = 0.95)
#' # Robust regression using lasso penalty [Huber equivalent]   
#' fit.soft <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C, cindex = 1, 
#'                         control = control, penalty.index = 2, 
#'                         alpha = 0.95)
#' # Robust regression using hard thresholding penalty
#' control$lmaxfac = 1e2               # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$lminfac = 1e-3              # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$sigmafac = 2#1.345
#' fit.hard <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C, beta.init = fit.init$betaf, 
#'                         gamma.init = fit.init$residuals,
#'                         cindex = 1, 
#'                         control = control, penalty.index = 3, 
#'                         alpha = 0.95)
#' plot_path(fit.ada)
#' plot_path(fit.soft)
#' plot_path(fit.hard)
#' }
plot_path <- function(object, ptype = 0) {
    gind <- ((apply(abs(object$gammapath) > 0, 2, sum) != 0) *
               (apply(abs(object$betapath) > 0, 2, sum) != 0)) != 0
    gind <- which(gind)
    Gamma <- object$gammapath[, gind]
    Beta <- object$betapath[, gind]
    Lambda <- object$lampath # cv[gind]
    xls <- object$lampath[object$selInd]
    # xl <- abs(log(Lambda / max(Lambda)))
    xl <- log(Lambda / max(Lambda))
    xl <- xl[gind]
    # xls <- abs(log(xls / max(Lambda)))
    xls <- log(xls / max(Lambda))
    # par(mfrow=c(2,1))
    par(font.axis = 2, cex.axis = 2.5, cex.lab = 2.5)
    if (ptype == 0) {
      matplot(xl, t(Gamma),
              # main = "Soluton path",
              lty = 1, type = "l",
              xlab = expression(" log(" * lambda / lambda [max] ~ ") "),
              ylab = expression(gamma)
      title(main = "Soluton path", cex.main = 2.5)
      abline(v = xls, lty = 4,  lwd = 2)
    } else {
      matplot(xl, t(Beta),
              # main = "Soluton path",
              lty = 1, type = "l",
              xlab = expression(" log(" * lambda / lambda [max] ~ ") "),
              ylab = expression(beta)
      title(main = "Soluton path", cex.main = 2.5)
      abline(v = xls, lty = 4, lwd = 2)

#' Plot cross-validation error plot
#' S3 methods plotting crossvalidation error using the object obtained from \code{robregcc}. 
#' @name plot_cv
#' @param object robregcc fitted onject
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom graphics arrows
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics matplot
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @return generate cv error plot
#' @export
#' @examples  
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(robregcc)
#' data(simulate_robregcc)
#' X <- simulate_robregcc$X;
#' y <- simulate_robregcc$y
#' C <- simulate_robregcc$C
#' n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X); k <-  nrow(C)
#' Xt <- cbind(1,X)                         # accounting for intercept in predictor
#' C <- cbind(0,C)                           # accounting for intercept in constraint
#' bw <- c(0,rep(1,p))                       # weight matrix to not penalize intercept 
#' example_seed <- 2*p+1               
#' set.seed(example_seed) 
#' \donttest{
#' # Breakdown point for tukey Bisquare loss function 
#' b1 = 0.5                    # 50% breakdown point
#' cc1 =  1.567                # corresponding model parameter
#' b1 = 0.25; cc1 =  2.937   
#' # Initialization [PSC analysis for compositional data]
#' control <- robregcc_option(maxiter=1000,tol = 1e-4,lminfac = 1e-7)
#' fit.init <- cpsc_sp(Xt, y,alp = 0.4, cfac = 2, b1 = b1, 
#' cc1 = cc1,C,bw,1,control)  
#' ## Robust model fitting
#' # control parameters
#' control <- robregcc_option()
#' beta.wt <- fit.init$betaR    # Set weight for model parameter beta
#' beta.wt[1] <- 0
#' control$gamma = 1            # gamma for constructing  weighted penalty
#' control$spb = 40/p           # fraction of maximum non-zero model parameter beta
#' control$outMiter = 1000      # Outer loop iteration
#' control$inMiter = 3000       # Inner loop iteration
#' control$nlam = 50            # Number of tuning parameter lambda to be explored
#' control$lmaxfac = 1          # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$lminfac = 1e-8       # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda 
#' control$tol = 1e-20;         # tolrence parameter for converging [inner  loop]
#' control$out.tol = 1e-16      # tolerence parameter for convergence [outer loop]
#' control$kfold = 10           # number of fold of crossvalidation
#' control$sigmafac = 2#1.345
#' # Robust regression using adaptive lasso penalty
#' fit.ada <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C,
#'                        beta.init = beta.wt,  cindex = 1, 
#'                        gamma.init = fit.init$residuals,
#'                        control = control, 
#'                        penalty.index = 1, alpha = 0.95)
#' # Robust regression using lasso penalty [Huber equivalent]   
#' fit.soft <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C, cindex = 1, 
#'                         control = control, penalty.index = 2, 
#'                         alpha = 0.95)
#' # Robust regression using hard thresholding penalty
#' control$lmaxfac = 1e2               # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$lminfac = 1e-3              # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
#' control$sigmafac = 2#1.345
#' fit.hard <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C, beta.init = fit.init$betaf, 
#'                         gamma.init = fit.init$residuals,
#'                         cindex = 1, 
#'                         control = control, penalty.index = 3, 
#'                         alpha = 0.95)
#' plot_cv(fit.ada)
#' plot_cv(fit.soft)
#' plot_cv(fit.hard)
#' }
plot_cv <- function(object) {
  gind <- ((apply(abs(object$gammapath) > 0, 2, sum) != 0) *
             (apply(abs(object$betapath) > 0, 2, sum) != 0)) != 0
  avger <- apply(object$cver, 2, mean, na.rm = T)
  avger <- avger * gind
  avger[avger == 0] <- NA
  sderr <- apply(object$cver, 2, sd, na.rm = T) / sqrt(nrow(object$cver))
  sderr <- sderr * gind
  sderr[sderr == 0] <- NA
  xls <- object$lampath[object$selInd]
  Lambda <- object$lampath
  xl <- log(Lambda / max(Lambda))
  gind <- which(gind)
  xl <- xl[gind]
  xls <- log(xls / max(Lambda))
  avger <- avger[gind]
  sderr <- sderr[gind]
  Index <- 1:length(object$lampath)
  dm <- range(avger)
  par(font.axis = 2, cex.axis = 2.1, cex.lab = 2.1)
  plot(xl, avger,
       # main = "Cross-validation error",
       type = "o", ylab = "Error", col = 2,
       ylim = c(0, 5 * dm[2] / 4),
       xlab = expression(" log(" * lambda / lambda [max] ~ ") ")
  title(main = "Cross-validation", cex.main = 2.5)
  arrows(xl, avger - sderr, xl,
         avger + sderr,
         length = 0.05, angle = 90, code = 3
  # axis(
  #   side = 3, at = xl, labels = paste(Index[gind]),
  #   tick = FALSE, line = 0
  # )
  abline(v = xls, lty = 4, lwd = 2)

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robregcc documentation built on July 26, 2020, 1:07 a.m.