
Defines functions weighted.mean.Q4 weighted.mean.SO3 median.Q4 median.SO3 mean.Q4 mean.SO3

Documented in mean.Q4 mean.SO3 median.Q4 median.SO3 weighted.mean.Q4 weighted.mean.SO3

#' Mean rotation
#' Compute the sample geometric or projected mean.
#' This function takes a sample of 3D rotations (in matrix or quaternion form)
#' and returns the projected arithmetic mean denoted \eqn{\widehat{\bm
#' S}_P}{S_P} or geometric mean \eqn{\widehat{\bm S}_G}{S_G} according to the
#' \code{type} option. For a sample of \eqn{n} rotations in matrix form
#' \eqn{\bm{R}_i\in SO(3), i=1,2,\dots,n}{Ri in SO(3), i=1,2,\dots,n}, the
#' mean-type estimator is defined as \deqn{\widehat{\bm{S}}=argmin_{\bm{S}\in
#' SO(3)}\sum_{i=1}^nd^2(\bm{R}_i,\bm{S})}{argmin\sum d^2(Ri,S)} where \eqn{d}
#' is the Riemannian or Euclidean distance. For more on the projected mean see
#' \cite{moakher02} and for the geometric mean see \cite{manton04}. For the
#' projected mean from a quaternion point of view see \cite{tyler1981}.
#' @name mean
#' @param x \eqn{n\times p}{n-by-p} matrix where each row corresponds to a
#'   random rotation in matrix form (\eqn{p=9}) or quaternion (\eqn{p=4}) form.
#' @param type string indicating "projected" or "geometric" type mean estimator.
#' @param epsilon stopping rule for the geometric-mean.
#' @param maxIter maximum number of iterations allowed for geometric-mean.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return Estimate of the projected or geometric mean of the sample in the same
#'   parametrization.
#' @seealso \code{\link{median.SO3}}, \code{\link{bayes.mean}}, \code{\link{weighted.mean.SO3}}
#' @details tyler1981, moakher02, manton04
#' @examples
#' Rs <- ruars(20, rvmises, kappa = 0.01)
#' # Projected mean
#' mean(Rs)
#' # Same as mean(Rs)
#' project.SO3(colMeans(Rs))
#' # Geometric mean
#' mean(Rs, type = "geometric")
#' # Bias of the projected mean
#' rot.dist(mean(Rs))
#' # Bias of the geometric mean
#' rot.dist(mean(Rs, type = "geometric"))
#' # Same thing with quaternion form
#' Qs <- as.Q4(Rs)
#' mean(Qs)
#' mean(Qs, type = "geometric")
#' rot.dist(mean(Qs))
#' rot.dist(mean(Qs, type = "geometric"))

#' @rdname mean
#' @export
mean.SO3 <- function(x,
                     type = "projected",
                     epsilon = 1e-05,
                     maxIter = 2000,
                     ...) {

	if (nrow(Rs)==1) return(Rs)

  type <- try(match.arg(type, c("projected", "geometric")), silent = TRUE)

  if (isa(type, "try-error"))
    stop("Type needs to be one of 'projected' or 'geometric'.")

	if (type == 'projected')
		R <- meanSO3C(Rs)
		R <- gmeanSO3C(Rs, maxIter, epsilon)

  class(R) <- "SO3"

#' @rdname mean
#' @export
mean.Q4 <- function(x,
                    type = "projected",
                    epsilon = 1e-05,
                    maxIter = 2000,
                    ...) {
	Qs <- formatQ4(x)

	if (nrow(Qs) == 1) return(Qs)

	type <- try(match.arg(type, c("projected", "geometric")), silent = TRUE)

	if (isa(type,"try-error"))
	  stop("Type needs to be one of 'projected' or 'geometric'.")

	if (type == 'projected')
		R <- meanQ4C(Qs)
	else {
		Rs <- as.SO3(Qs)
  	R <- gmeanSO3C(Rs, maxIter, epsilon)
		R <- as.Q4.SO3(R)

	class(R) <- "Q4"

#' Median rotation
#' Compute the sample projected or geometric median.
#' The median-type estimators are defined as
#' \deqn{\widetilde{\bm{S}}=argmin_{\bm{S}\in
#' SO(3)}\sum_{i=1}^nd(\bm{R}_i,\bm{S}).}{argmin\sum d(Ri,S).} If the choice of
#' distance metric \eqn{d} is Riemannian then the estimator is called the
#' geometric median, and if the distance metric in Euclidean then it is called
#' the projected median. The algorithm used in the geometric case is discussed
#' in \cite{hartley11} and the projected case is in \cite{stanfill2013}.
#' @name median
#' @param x \eqn{n\times p}{n-by-p} matrix where each row corresponds to a
#'   random rotation in matrix form (\eqn{p=9}) or quaternion (\eqn{p=4}) form.
#' @param na.rm a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped
#'   before the computation proceeds.
#' @param type string indicating "projected" or "geometric" type mean estimator.
#' @param epsilon stopping rule.
#' @param maxIter maximum number of iterations allowed before returning most
#'   recent estimate.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return Estimate of the projected or geometric median in the same
#'   parametrization.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mean.SO3}}, \code{\link{bayes.mean}},
#'   \code{\link{weighted.mean.SO3}}
#' @details hartley11 stanfill2013
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @examples
#' Rs <- ruars(20, rvmises, kappa = 0.01)
#' # Projected median
#' median(Rs)
#' # Geometric median
#' median(Rs, type = "geometric")
#' # Bias of the projected median
#' rot.dist(median(Rs))
#' # Bias of the geometric median
#' rot.dist(median(Rs, type = "geometric"))
#' Qs <- as.Q4(Rs)
#' # Projected median
#' median(Qs)
#' # Geometric median
#' median(Qs, type = "geometric")
#' # Bias of the projected median
#' rot.dist(median(Qs))
#' # Bias of the geometric median
#' rot.dist(median(Qs, type = "geometric"))

#' @rdname median
#' @export
median.SO3 <- function(x,
                       na.rm = FALSE,
                       type = "projected",
                       epsilon = 1e-05,
                       maxIter = 2000,
                       ...) {
  Rs <- formatSO3(x)
	n <- nrow(Rs)

	if (nrow(Rs) == 1) return(Rs)

	type <- try(match.arg(type, c("projected", "geometric")), silent = TRUE)

	if (isa(type,"try-error"))
	  stop("Type needs to be one of 'projected' or 'geometric'.")

  if (type == "projected")
  	S <- medianSO3C(Rs, maxIter, epsilon)
		S <- HartmedianSO3C(Rs, maxIter, epsilon)

	class(S) <- "SO3"

#' @rdname median
#' @export
median.Q4 <- function(x,
                      na.rm = FALSE,
                      type = "projected",
                      epsilon = 1e-05,
                      maxIter = 2000,
                      ...) {
	Qs <- formatQ4(x)
	if (length(Qs) == 4) return(Qs)
  Rs <- as.SO3(Qs)
  R <- median(Rs, na.rm, type, epsilon, maxIter, ...)

#' Weighted mean rotation
#' Compute the weighted geometric or projected mean of a sample of rotations.
#' This function takes a sample of 3D rotations (in matrix or quaternion form)
#' and returns the weighted projected arithmetic mean \eqn{\widehat{\bm
#' S}_P}{S_P} or geometric mean \eqn{\widehat{\bm S}_G}{S_G} according to the
#' \code{type} option. For a sample of \eqn{n} rotations in matrix form
#' \eqn{\bm{R}_i\in SO(3), i=1,2,\dots,n}{Ri in SO(3), i=1,2,\dots,n}, the
#' weighted mean is defined as \deqn{\widehat{\bm{S}}=argmin_{\bm{S}\in
#' SO(3)}\sum_{i=1}^nw_id^2(\bm{R}_i,\bm{S})}{argmin\sum wi d^2(Ri,S)} where
#' \eqn{d} is the Riemannian or Euclidean distance.  For more on the projected
#' mean see \cite{moakher02} and for the geometric mean see \cite{manton04}.
#' @name weighted.mean
#' @param x \eqn{n\times p}{n-by-p} matrix where each row corresponds to a
#'   random rotation in matrix form (\eqn{p=9}) or quaternion (\eqn{p=4}) form.
#' @param w vector of weights the same length as the number of rows in x giving
#'   the weights to use for elements of x. Default is \code{NULL}, which falls
#'   back to the usual \code{mean} function.
#' @param type string indicating "projected" or "geometric" type mean estimator.
#' @param epsilon stopping rule for the geometric method.
#' @param maxIter maximum number of iterations allowed before returning most
#'   recent estimate.
#' @param ... only used for consistency with mean.default.
#' @return Weighted mean of the sample in the same parametrization.
#' @seealso \code{\link{median.SO3}}, \code{\link{mean.SO3}}, \code{\link{bayes.mean}}
#' @details moakher02
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @examples
#' Rs <- ruars(20, rvmises, kappa = 0.01)
#' # Find the equal-weight projected mean
#' mean(Rs)
#' # Use the rotation misorientation angle as weight
#' wt <- abs(1 / mis.angle(Rs))
#' weighted.mean(Rs, wt)
#' rot.dist(mean(Rs))
#' # Usually much smaller than unweighted mean
#' rot.dist(weighted.mean(Rs, wt))
#' # Can do the same thing with quaternions
#' Qs <- as.Q4(Rs)
#' mean(Qs)
#' wt <- abs(1 / mis.angle(Qs))
#' weighted.mean(Qs, wt)
#' rot.dist(mean(Qs))
#' rot.dist(weighted.mean(Qs, wt))

#' @rdname weighted.mean
#' @export
weighted.mean.SO3 <- function(x,
                              w = NULL,
                              type = "projected",
                              epsilon = 1e-05,
                              maxIter = 2000,
                              ...) {
  if (is.null(w)) return(mean(x, type, epsilon, maxIter, ...))


	if (nrow(Rs) == 1) return(Rs)

	if (length(w) != nrow(Rs))
		stop("'Rs' and 'w' must have same length.")

	type <- try(match.arg(type, c("projected", "geometric")), silent = TRUE)

	if (isa(type, "try-error"))
	  stop("Type needs to be one of 'projected' or 'geometric'.")

	if (any(w < 0))
		warning("Negative weights were given. Their absolute value is used.")

	w <- abs(w / sum(w))

	wRs <- w * Rs

	R <- as.SO3(project.SO3(matrix(colSums(wRs), 3, 3)))

	if (type == "geometric") {
		n <- nrow(Rs)
		d <- 1
		iter <- 0
		s <- matrix(0, 3, 3)

		while (d >= epsilon) {
			R <- R %*% skew.exp(s)
			s <- matrix(colSums(w * t(apply(Rs, 1, tLogMat, S = R))), 3, 3)
			d <- norm(s, type = "F")
			iter <- iter + 1

			if (iter >= maxIter) {
				warning(paste("No convergence in ", iter, " iterations."))
        class(R) <- "SO3"
    class(R) <- "SO3"


#' @rdname weighted.mean
#' @export
weighted.mean.Q4 <- function(x,
                             w = NULL,
                             type = "projected",
                             epsilon = 1e-05,
                             maxIter = 2000,
                             ...) {
  if (is.null(w)) return(mean(x, type, epsilon, maxIter, ...))
	Qs <- formatQ4(x)
	if (nrow(Qs) == 1) return(Qs)
	Rs <- as.SO3(Qs)
	R <- weighted.mean(Rs, w, type, epsilon, maxIter)

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