
Defines functions fisheretal.SO3 optimAxis fisheretal.Q4 fisheretal chang.Q4 chang.SO3 chang cdfuns zhang.Q4 zhang.SO3 zhang prentice.SO3 prentice.Q4 prentice region.SO3 region.Q4 region

Documented in chang chang.Q4 chang.SO3 fisheretal fisheretal.Q4 fisheretal.SO3 prentice prentice.Q4 prentice.SO3 region region.Q4 region.SO3 zhang zhang.Q4 zhang.SO3

#' Confidence and credible regions for the central orientation
#' Find the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence or credible region for
#' the central orientation based on the projected mean or median. For more on
#' the currently available methods see \code{\link{prentice}},
#' \code{\link{fisheretal}}, \code{\link{chang}}, \code{\link{zhang}} and
#' \code{\link{bayesCR}}.
#' @param x \eqn{n\times p}{n-by-p} matrix where each row corresponds to a
#'   random rotation in matrix (\eqn{p=9}) or quaternion (\eqn{p=4}) form.
#' @param method character string specifying which type of interval to report,
#'   "bayes", "transformation" or "direct" based theory.
#' @param type character string, "bootstrap" or "asymptotic" are available.  For
#'   Bayes regions, give the type of likelihood: "Cayley","Mises" or "Fisher."
#' @param estimator character string either "mean" or "median."  Note that not
#'   all method/type combinations are available for both estimators.
#' @param alp the alpha level desired, e.g. 0.05 or 0.10.
#' @param ... additional arguments that are method specific.
#' @return For frequentist regions only the radius of the confidence region
#'   centered at the specified estimator is returned. For Bayes regions the
#'   posterior mode and radius of the credible region centered at that mode is
#'   returned.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bayesCR}}, \code{\link{prentice}},
#'   \code{\link{fisheretal}}, \code{\link{chang}}, \code{\link{zhang}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Rs <- ruars(20, rvmises, kappa = 10)
#' # Compare the region sizes that are currently available
#' region(Rs, method = "transformation", type = "asymptotic", estimator = "mean", alp = 0.1)
#' region(Rs, method = "transformation", type = "bootstrap", estimator = "mean",
#' alp = 0.1, symm = TRUE)
#' region(Rs, method = "direct", type = "bootstrap", estimator = "mean", alp = 0.1, m = 100)
#' region(Rs, method = "direct", type = "asymptotic", estimator = "mean", alp = 0.1)
#' \donttest{
#' region(Rs, method = "Bayes", type = "Mises", estimator = "mean",
#'        S0 = mean(Rs), kappa0 = 10, tuneS = 5000, tuneK = 1, burn_in = 1000, alp = .01, m = 5000)
#' }
region <- function(x, method, type, estimator, alp = NULL, ...) {

#' @rdname region
#' @export
region.Q4 <- function(x, method, type, estimator, alp = NULL, ...) {
  # Allow for upper case arguments
  method <- tolower(method)
  type <- tolower(type)
  # Change the previous method names to the new method names
  if (method == "moment")
    method <- "direct"
  else if (method == "eigen")
    method <- "transformation"
  if (type == "theory") type <- "asymptotic"

  # Allow for abbreviations
  method <- match.arg(method, c("direct", "transformation", "bayes"))
  type <- match.arg(
    arg = type,
    choices = c("asymptotic", "bootstrap", "mises", "cayley", "fisher", "mises")
  Qs <- formatQ4(x)

  if (is.null(alp)) {
    # Take a default alpha=0.1 if no level is specified
    alp <- 0.1
    warning("No alpha-level specified, 0.1 used by default.")

  if (method == "transformation" & type == "asymptotic") {
    if (estimator != "mean")
      stop("The method due to Prentice is only available for the mean estimator.")
    return(prentice.Q4(x = Qs, alp = alp))
  } else if (method == "direct" & type == "bootstrap") {
    return(zhang.Q4(x = Qs, estimator = estimator, alp = alp, ...))
  } else if (method == "transformation" & type == "bootstrap") {
    if (estimator != "mean")
      stop("The method due to Fisher et al. is only available for the mean estimator.")
    return(fisheretal.Q4(x = Qs, alp = alp, ...))
  } else if (method == "direct" & type == "asymptotic") {
    return(chang.Q4(x = Qs, estimator = estimator, alp = alp))
  } else if (method == "bayes") {
    if (estimator != "mean")
      stop("Bayes confidence regions are only available for the mean estimator.")
    return(bayesCR.Q4(x = Qs, type = type, alp = alp, ...))
  } else
    stop("Please choose a correct combination of method, type and estimator. See help file.")

#' @rdname region
#' @export
region.SO3 <- function(x, method, type, estimator, alp = NULL, ...) {
  # Allow for upper case arguments
  method <- tolower(method)
  type <- tolower(type)

  # Change the previous method names to the new method names
  if (method == "moment")
    method <- "direct"
  else if (method == "eigen")
    method <- "transformation"
  if (type == "theory") type <- "asymptotic"

  Rs <- formatSO3(x)

  # Allow for abbreviations
  method <- match.arg(method, c("direct", "transformation", "bayes"))
  type <- match.arg(
    arg = type,
    choices = c("asymptotic", "bootstrap", "mises", "cayley", "fisher", "mises")

  if (is.null(alp)) {
    # Take a default alpha=0.1 if no level is specified
    alp <- 0.1
    warning("No alpha-level specified, 0.1 used by default.")

  if (method == "transformation" & type == "asymptotic") {
    if (estimator != "mean")
      stop("The method due to Prentice is only available for the mean estimator.")
    return(prentice.SO3(x = Rs, alp = alp))
  } else if (method == "direct" & type == "bootstrap") {
    return(zhang.SO3(x = Rs, estimator = estimator, alp = alp, ...))
  } else if (method == "transformation" & type == "bootstrap") {
    if (estimator != "mean")
      stop("The method due to Fisher et al. is only available for the mean estimator.")
    return(fisheretal.SO3(x = Rs, alp = alp, ...))
  } else if (method == "direct" & type == "asymptotic") {
    return(chang.SO3(x = Rs, estimator = estimator, alp = alp))
  } else if (method == "bayes") {
    if (estimator != "mean")
      stop("Bayes confidence regions are only available for the mean estimator.")
    return(bayesCR.SO3(x = Rs, type = type, alp = alp, ...))
  } else
    stop("Please choose a correct combination of method, type and estimator.  See ?region for more details.")

#' Transformation based asymptotic confidence region
#' Find the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence region for the
#' projected mean based on a result from directional statistics.
#' Compute the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence region for the
#' central orientation based on the projected mean estimator using the method
#' due to \cite{prentice1986}.  For a rotation specific version see
#' \cite{rancourt2000}. The variability in each axis is different so each axis
#' will have its own radius.
#' @param x \eqn{n\times p}{n-by-p} matrix where each row corresponds to a
#'   random rotation in matrix (\eqn{p=9}) or quaternion (\eqn{p=4}) form.
#' @param alp alpha level desired, e.g. 0.05 or 0.10.
#' @return Radius of the confidence region centered at the projected mean for
#'   each of the x-, y- and z-axes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bayesCR}}, \code{\link{fisheretal}},
#'   \code{\link{chang}}, \code{\link{zhang}}
#' @details prentice1986, rancourt2000
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Qs<-ruars(20, rcayley, kappa = 100, space = 'Q4')
#' # The prentice method can be accessed from the "region" function or the "prentice" function
#' region(Qs, method = "transformation", type = "asymptotic", alp = 0.1, estimator = "mean")
#' prentice(Qs, alp = 0.1)
prentice <- function(x, alp) {

#' @rdname prentice
#' @export
prentice.Q4 <- function(x, alp = NULL) {
  # This takes a sample qs and returns the radius of the confidence region
  # centered at the projected mean
  if (is.null(alp)) {
    # Take a default alpha=0.1 if no level is specified
    alp <- 0.1
    warning("No alpha-level specified, 0.1 used by default.")

  Qs <- x
  n <- nrow(Qs)
  Shat <- mean(Qs)
  Phat <- pMat(Shat)
  Rhat <- Qs %*% Phat
  resids <- matrix(0, n, 3)
  VarShat <- matrix(0, 3, 3)
  resids <- 2 * Rhat[, 1] * matrix(Rhat[, 2:4], n, 3)
  VarShat <- (t(resids) %*% resids) / (n - 1)
  RtR <- t(Rhat) %*% Rhat
  Ahat <- (diag(RtR[1, 1], 3, 3) - RtR[-1, -1]) / n
  Tm <- diag(n * Ahat %*% solve(VarShat) %*% Ahat)
  sqrt(stats::qchisq((1 - alp), 3) / Tm)

#' @rdname prentice
#' @export
prentice.SO3 <- function(x, alp = NULL) {
  Qs <- as.Q4(x)
  prentice(Qs, alp)

#' M-estimator theory pivotal bootstrap confidence region
#' Compute the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence region for the
#' central orientation based on M-estimation theory.
#' Compute the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence region for the
#' central orientation based on the projected mean estimator using the method
#' due to Zhang & Nordman (2009) (unpublished MS thesis).  By construction each
#' axis will have the same radius so the radius reported is for all three axis.
#' A normal theory version of this procedure uses the theoretical chi-square
#' limiting distribution and is given by the \code{\link{chang}} option.  This
#' method is called "direct" because it used M-estimation theory for SO(3)
#' directly instead of relying on transforming a result from directional
#' statistics as \code{\link{prentice}} and \code{\link{fisheretal}} do.
#' @param x \eqn{n\times p}{n-by-p} matrix where each row corresponds to a
#'   random rotation in matrix (\eqn{p=9}) or quaternion (\eqn{p=4}) form.
#' @param estimator character string either "mean" or "median."
#' @param alp alpha level desired, e.g. 0.05 or 0.10.
#' @param m number of replicates to use to estimate the critical value.
#' @return Radius of the confidence region centered at the specified estimator.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bayesCR}}, \code{\link{prentice}},
#'   \code{\link{fisheretal}}, \code{\link{chang}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Rs <- ruars(20, rcayley, kappa = 100)
#' # The zhang method can be accesed from the "region" function or the "zhang" function
#' # They will be different because it is a bootstrap.
#' region(Rs, method = "direct", type = "bootstrap", alp = 0.1, estimator = "mean")
#' zhang(Rs, estimator = "mean", alp = 0.1)
zhang <- function(x, estimator, alp = NULL, m = 300) {

#' @rdname zhang
#' @export
zhang.SO3 <- function(x,
                      alp = NULL,
                      m = 300) {
  # Rs is a n-by-9 matrix where each row is an 3-by-3 rotation matrix m is the
  # number of resamples to find q_1-a alp is the level of confidence desired,
  # e.g. 0.95 or 0.90 pivot logical; should the pivotal (T) bootstrap be used or
  # nonpivotal (F)

  Rs <- formatSO3(x)

  if (estimator == "median") {
    if (is.null(alp)) {
      # Take a default alpha=0.1 if no level is specified
      alp <- 0.1
      warning("No alpha-level specified, 0.1 used by default.")

    n <- nrow(Rs)
    stats <- zhangMedianC(Rs, m)
    cdtilde <- cdfunsCSO3(Rs, median(Rs))
    rad <- sqrt(as.numeric(stats::quantile(stats, 1 - alp, na.rm = TRUE)) * cdtilde[1] / (2 * n * cdtilde[2] ^ 2))
  } else if (estimator == "mean") {
    Qs <- as.Q4(Rs)
    rad <- zhang.Q4(Qs, estimator, alp, m)
  } else
    stop("Please choose an estimator mean or median.")

  min(rad, pi)

#' @rdname zhang
#' @export
zhang.Q4 <- function(x,
                     alp = NULL,
                     m = 300) {
  if (estimator == "mean") {
    if (is.null(alp)) {
      # Take a default alpha=0.1 if no level is specified
      alp <- .1
      warning("No alpha-level specified, 0.1 used by default.")

    Qs <- formatQ4(x)
    n <- nrow(Qs)
    stats <- zhangQ4(Qs, m)
    cdhat <- cdfuns(Qs, estimator)
    rad <- sqrt(as.numeric(stats::quantile(stats, 1 - alp, na.rm = TRUE)) * cdhat$c / (2 * n * cdhat$d ^ 2))
  } else if (estimator == "median") {
    Rs <- as.SO3(Qs)
    rad <- zhang.SO3(Rs, estimator, alp, m)
  } else
    stop("Please choose an estimator mean or median.")

  min(rad, pi)

cdfuns <- function(Qs, estimator) {
  if (estimator == 'mean') {
    Shat <- mean(Qs)
    cd <- cdfunsC(Qs, Shat)
  } else if (estimator == 'median') {
    Shat <- median(Qs)
    cd <- cdfunsCMedian(Qs, Shat)
  } else
    stop("Please choose an estimator mean or median.")

  list(c = cd[1], d = cd[2])

#' M-estimator asymptotic confidence region
#' Compute the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence region for the
#' central orientation based on M-estimation theory.
#' Compute the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence region for the
#' central orientation centered at the projected mean or median based on a
#' result due to \cite{chang2001} among others.  By construction each axis will
#' have the same radius so the radius reported is for all three axes.  This
#' method is called "direct" because it uses M-estimation theory for SO(3)
#' directly instead of relying on the transformation of a result from
#' directional statistics like \code{\link{prentice}} and
#' \code{\link{fisheretal}} do.
#' @param x \eqn{n\times p}{n-by-p} matrix where each row corresponds to a
#'   random rotation in matrix (\eqn{p=9}) or quaternion (\eqn{p=4}) form.
#' @param estimator character string either "mean" or "median."
#' @param alp alpha level desired, e.g. 0.05 or 0.10.
#' @return Radius of the confidence region centered at the specified estimator.
#' @details chang2001
#' @seealso \code{\link{bayesCR}}, \code{\link{prentice}},
#'   \code{\link{fisheretal}}, \code{\link{zhang}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Rs <- ruars(20, rcayley, kappa = 100)
#' # The chang method can be accesed from the "region" function or the "chang" function
#' region(Rs, method = "direct", type = "asymptotic", alp = 0.1, estimator = "mean")
#' chang(Rs, estimator = "mean", alp = 0.1)
chang <- function(x, estimator, alp = NULL) {

#' @rdname chang
#' @export
chang.SO3 <- function(x, estimator, alp = NULL) {
  # Rs is a n-by-9 matrix where each row is an 3-by-3 rotation matrix
  # alp is the level of confidence desired, e.g. 0.95 or 0.90
  # pivot logical; should the pivotal (T) bootstrap be used or nonpivotal (F)

  Rs <- formatSO3(x)
  Qs <- as.Q4(Rs)
  return(chang.Q4(Qs, estimator, alp))

#' @rdname chang
#' @export
chang.Q4 <- function(x, estimator, alp = NULL) {
  if (is.null(alp)) {
    # Take a default alpha=0.1 if no level is specified
    alp <- .1
    warning("No alpha-level specified, 0.1 used by default.")

  Qs <- formatQ4(x)
  n <- nrow(Qs)
  cdhat <- cdfuns(Qs, estimator)
  rad <- sqrt(as.numeric(stats::qchisq(1 - alp, 3)) * cdhat$c / (2 * n * cdhat$d^2))
  min(rad, pi)

#' Transformation based pivotal bootstrap confidence region
#' Find the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence region for the central
#' orientation based on  transforming a result from directional statistics.
#' Compute the radius of a \eqn{100(1-\alpha)}\% confidence region for the
#' central orientation based on the projected mean estimator using the method
#' for the mean polar axis as proposed in \cite{fisher1996}.  To be able to
#' reduce their method to a radius requires the additional assumption of
#' rotational symmetry, equation (10) in \cite{fisher1996}.
#' @param x \eqn{n\times p}{n-by-p} matrix where each row corresponds to a
#'   random rotation in matrix (\eqn{p=9}) or quaternion (\eqn{p=4}) form.
#' @param alp alpha level desired, e.g. 0.05 or 0.10.
#' @param boot should the bootstrap or normal theory critical value be used.
#' @param m number of bootstrap replicates to use to estimate critical value.
#' @param symm logical; if TRUE (default), a symmetric region is constructed.
#' @return Radius of the confidence region centered at the projected mean.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bayesCR}}, \code{\link{prentice}}, \code{\link{chang}},
#'   \code{\link{zhang}}
#' @details fisher1996
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Qs<-ruars(20, rcayley, kappa = 100, space = 'Q4')
#' # The Fisher et al. method can be accesed from the "region" function or the "fisheretal" function
#' region(Qs, method = "transformation", type = "bootstrap", alp = 0.1,
#' symm = TRUE, estimator = "mean")
#' fisheretal(Qs, alp = 0.1, boot = TRUE, symm = TRUE)
fisheretal <- function(x,
                       alp = NULL,
                       boot = TRUE,
                       m = 300,
                       symm = TRUE) {

#' @rdname fisheretal
#' @export
fisheretal.Q4 <- function(x,
                          alp = NULL,
                          boot = TRUE,
                          m = 300,
                          symm = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(alp)) {
    # Take a default alpha=0.1 if no level is specified
    alp <- .1
    warning("No alpha-level specified, 0.1 used by default.")

  Qs <- formatQ4(x)

  if (boot) {
    Tstats <- fisherBootC(Qs, m, symm)
    qhat <- as.numeric(stats::quantile(Tstats, 1 - alp, na.rm = TRUE))
  } else
    qhat <- stats::qchisq(1 - alp, 3)

  rsym <- stats::optim(
    par = .05,
    fn = optimAxis,
    Qs = Qs,
    cut = qhat,
    symm = TRUE,
    method = 'Brent',
    lower = 0,
    upper = pi

  min(rsym, pi)

optimAxis <- function(r, Qs, cut, symm) {
  Shat <- as.Q4(mis.axis(mean(Qs)), r)
  if (symm)
    Tm <- fisherAxisC(Qs, Shat)
    Tm <- fisherAxisCSymmetric(Qs, Shat)
  (Tm - cut)^2

#' @rdname fisheretal
#' @export
fisheretal.SO3 <- function(x,
                           alp = NULL,
                           boot = TRUE,
                           m = 300,
                           symm = TRUE) {
  Qs <- as.Q4(x)
  fisheretal(Qs, alp, boot, m, symm)

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