
test_that("invalid syntax generates useful warning", {
  block <- "
    #' A
    #' @templateVar
    a <- function() {}

  expect_snapshot(. <- roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(), block))

test_that("can find template from name", {
  base <- test_path("templates/")

    template_find(base, "UCase"),
    file.path(base, "man-roxygen", "UCase.R")

  # On case-insensitive file systems, will find upper case version first
    tolower(template_find(base, "lcase")),
    tolower(file.path(base, "man-roxygen", "lcase.r"))

    template_find(base, "new-path"),
    file.path(base, "man" , "roxygen", "templates", "new-path.R")

    template_find(base, "missing"),
    "Can't find template"

test_that("templates gives useful error if not found", {
  block <- "
    #' @template doesn't-exist
    x <- 10
  expect_snapshot(roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(), block), error = TRUE)

test_that("templates replace variables with their values", {
  out <- roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(), "
    #' @template values
    #' @templateVar x a
    #' @templateVar y b
    #' @templateVar z c
    x <- 10")[[1]]

  expect_equal(out$get_value("title"), "a")
  expect_equal(out$get_value("param"), c(b = "c"))

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roxygen2 documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:11 a.m.