poisons: Survival times of animals subjected to different poisons and...

poisonsR Documentation

Survival times of animals subjected to different poisons and treatment


These data record the survival times (in units of 10 hours) of animals in a 3 x 4 factorial experiment. Four animals were allocated to each combination of three poisons and four treatments, using a randomisation procedure.

The data are used in the rp.anova example script.

The data were reported in the paper by Box and Cox (1964) referenced below.


Box, GEP and Cox, DR (1964), An analysis of transformations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B - Statistical Methodology, 26, 211-252.

rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
  with(poisons, {
    rp.anova(1/stime, treatment, poison)

## End(Not run)

rpanel documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:37 p.m.

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