rp.notebook: Define a notebook within an rpanel

View source: R/notebook.r

rp.notebookR Documentation

Define a notebook within an rpanel


A tabbed notebook, the location of which is defined by pos, is created within an rpanel. Further widgets, grids or even notebooks can then be placed within the notebook.


rp.notebook(panel, tabs, tabnames=tabs, width = 600, height = 400, pos = NULL, 
  foreground = NULL, background = "lightgray", font = NULL, 
  parentname = deparse(substitute(panel)),
  name = paste("notebook", .nc(), sep = ""), ...)
rp.notebook.raise(panel, parentname, label)



the panel in which the notebook should appear.


this is a vector of the names to appear on the tabs


this is a vector of the labels to be used internally - used by rp.notebook.raise


the width, in pixels, of the notebook


the height, in pixels, of the notebook


the position of the notebook. see rp.pos


this sets the colour of text e.g. "navy"


this sets the background colour of text e.g. "white"


this sets the text font e.g. "Arial"


this specifies the widget inside which the notebook should appear.


the name of the widget - this is used by rp.widget.dispose


the name of the tab which is to be raised




The role of this function is to specify a notebook. Nesting of notebooks is permitted. rp.notebook.raise is used to bring the contents of a particular tab to the foreground.

These functions make use of the BWidget extension to the Tcl/Tk system. If Bwidget has not been installed on your system, download it from https://sourceforge.net/projects/tcllib/files/BWidget/ and expand the compressed file into a folder. On a Windows machine, this folder should then be copied into the folder containing the Tcl libraries that were installed as part of R. This may be in a location such as C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.2\Tcl\lib (with an obvious change to the version number of R being used). On a Mac, the downloaded folder should be copied into the folder where the main Tcl package is located (note: not inside the Tcl folder but at the same level as the Tcl folder). This may be in a location such as /usr/local/lib.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
panel <- rp.control(title="Notebook example with two notebooks")
rp.notebook(panel, c("File", "Edit"), width=600, height=400,
            pos=list(row=0, column=0), background="lightgray",
            font="Arial", name="n1")
rp.notebook.raise(panel, "n1", "Edit")
rp.button(panel, function(panel){
	                rp.messagebox("Button pressed!"); panel },
	                "Test this", parentname="Edit")
rp.messagebox("A second tabbed notebook can be added to the same window.")
rp.notebook(panel, c("A tab 1", "A tab 2"), width=200, height=200,
            pos=list(row=1, column=1), background="Navy", foreground="White")
rp.messagebox("A tabbed notebook can be placed inside a tabbed notebook.")
rp.notebook(panel, c("Tab within tab", "Another tab"),
            width=200, height=100, parentname="File", name="n3")
rp.notebook.raise(panel, "n1", "File")
rp.notebook.raise(panel, "n3", "Another tab")

## End(Not run)

rpanel documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:37 p.m.

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