
Defines functions paste.split.labs tweak.splits get.lsplit.rsplit internal.split.labs split_labs_wrapper

# split.labs.R: functions for generating split.labels

split_labs_wrapper <- function(x, split.fun, split.fun.name,
                               split.prefix, split.suffix,
                               right.split.prefix, right.split.suffix,
                               type, clip.facs,
                               clip.left.labs, clip.right.labs, xflip,
                               digits, varlen, faclen, roundint, trace,
                               facsep, eq, lt, ge)
    logical.eq <- eq
        eq <- "|" # special value used as a flag

    labs <- internal.split.labs(x, type,
                                digits, varlen, faclen, roundint,
                                clip.facs, clip.left.labs, clip.right.labs, xflip,
                                facsep, eq, logical.eq, lt, ge,
                                split.prefix, right.split.prefix,
                                split.suffix, right.split.suffix)

    if(!is.null(split.fun)) { # call user's split.fun?
        check.func.args(split.fun, "split.fun",
                        function(x, labs, digits, varlen, faclen) NA)
        labs <- split.fun(x, labs, abs(digits), varlen, faclen)
    # check returned labs because split.fun may be user supplied
    check.returned.labs(x, labs, split.fun.name)
# Modified version of labels.rpart.
# This uses format0 instead of formatg and has various other extensions.
internal.split.labs <- function(x, type,
                                digits, varlen, faclen, roundint,
                                clip.facs, clip.left.labs, clip.right.labs, xflip,
                                facsep, eq, logical.eq, lt, ge,
                                split.prefix, right.split.prefix,
                                split.suffix, right.split.suffix)
    frame <- x$frame
    if(nrow(frame) == 1) # special case, no splits?
        return("root")   # NOTE: return
    is.leaf <- is.leaf(frame)
    split.var.names <- frame$var[!is.leaf]  # variable names for the (primary) splits

    split.var.names <- as.character(split.var.names) # factor levels to character
    clip.left.labs  <- recycle(clip.left.labs,  split.var.names)
    clip.right.labs <- recycle(clip.right.labs, split.var.names)

    # isplit is the row index of the primary split in x$splits
    index <- cumsum(c(1, frame$ncompete + frame$nsurrogate + !is.leaf))
    isplit  <- index[c(!is.leaf, FALSE)]

    split <- get.lsplit.rsplit(x, isplit, split.var.names,
                               type, clip.left.labs, clip.right.labs, xflip,
                               digits, faclen, roundint, trace,
                               facsep, eq, logical.eq, lt, ge)

    # We now have something like this:
    #    split.var.names:   sex   age     pclass     sibsp   pclass
    #    split$lsplit:      mal   >=9.5   =2nd,3rd   >=2.5   =3rd
    #    split$rsplit:      fml   <9.5    =1st       <2.5    =1st,2nd

    if(clip.facs) {
        is.eq.l <- substr(split$lsplit, 1, 1) == "|" # special value used a flag
        is.eq.r <- substr(split$rsplit, 1, 1) == "|"
        split.var.names[is.eq.l | is.eq.r] <- ""                     # drop var name
        split$lsplit[is.eq.l] <- substring(split$lsplit[is.eq.l], 2) # drop leading |
        split$rsplit[is.eq.r] <- substring(split$rsplit[is.eq.r], 2)
                     split.var.names, split$lsplit, split$rsplit,
                     type, clip.facs,
                     clip.left.labs, clip.right.labs, xflip, varlen,
                     split.prefix, right.split.prefix,
                     split.suffix, right.split.suffix)
get.lsplit.rsplit <- function(x, isplit, split.var.names,
                              type, clip.left.labs, clip.right.labs, xflip,
                              digits, faclen, roundint, trace,
                              facsep, eq, logical.eq, lt, ge)
    frame <- x$frame
    is.leaf <- is.leaf(frame)
    splits <- tweak.splits(x, roundint, digits, trace)
    ncat  <- splits[isplit, "ncat"]
    lsplit <- rsplit <- character(length=length(isplit))
    is.con <- ncat <= 1             # continuous vars (a logical vector)
    if(any(is.con)) {               # any continuous vars?
        cut <- splits[isplit[is.con], "index"]
        formatted.cut <- format0(cut, digits)
        is.less.than <- ncat < 0
        lsplit[is.con] <- paste0(ifelse(is.less.than, lt, ge)[is.con], formatted.cut)
        rsplit[is.con] <- paste0(ifelse(is.less.than, ge, lt)[is.con], formatted.cut)
        # print logical and 01 predictors as "Survived = 1" or "Survived = 0"
        islogical <- x$varinfo$islogical[isplit]
        is01      <- x$varinfo$is01[isplit]
        if(!anyNA(islogical) && !anyNA(is01) && (any(islogical) || any(is01))) {
            isbool <- islogical | (roundint & is01)
            eq0 <- paste0(logical.eq, "0")
            eq1 <- paste0(logical.eq, "1")
            lsplit[isbool] <- paste0(ifelse(is.less.than, eq0, eq1)[isbool])
            rsplit[isbool] <- paste0(ifelse(is.less.than, eq1, eq0)[isbool])
    is.cat <- ncat > 1              # categorical variables (a logical vector)
    if(any(is.cat)) {               # any categorical variables?
        # jrow is the row numbers of factors within lsplit and rsplit
        # cindex is the index on the "xlevels" list
        jrow <- seq_along(ncat)[is.cat]
        crow <- splits[isplit[is.cat], "index"] # row number in csplit
        xlevels <- attr(x, "xlevels")
        cindex <- match(split.var.names, names(xlevels))[is.cat]
        # decide if we must add a "=" prefix
        paste.left.eq  <- !is.fancy(type) | (if(xflip) !clip.right.labs else !clip.left.labs)
        paste.right.eq <- !is.fancy(type) | (if(xflip) !clip.left.labs  else !clip.right.labs)
        for(i in 1:length(jrow)) {
            node.xlevels <- my.abbreviate(xlevels[[cindex[i]]],
                                          faclen, one.is.special=TRUE)
            j <- jrow[i]
            splits <- x$csplit[crow[i],]
            # splits is 1=left 2=neither 3=right
            left  <- (1:length(splits))[splits == 1]
            right <- (1:length(splits))[splits == 3]
            collapse <- if(faclen==1) "" else facsep
            lsplit[j] <- paste(node.xlevels[left],   collapse=collapse)
            rsplit[j] <- paste0(node.xlevels[right], collapse=collapse)
                lsplit[j] <- paste0(eq, lsplit[j])
                rsplit[j] <- paste0(eq, rsplit[j])
    list(lsplit=lsplit, rsplit=rsplit)
# If roundint is TRUE then round up the entries in splits$index for
# variables that are integral. (All values in the input data for the
# variable must be integral, not just the entry in splits$index.)
# Add verysmall to all other cuts where verysmall is something like 1e-10.
# This is so format(cut, digits=digits) always rounds up (rather than the
# default behaviour of format which is to round to even when the last digit
# is even).
# This gives more easily interpretable results, especially because split
# cuts ending in .5 are common for integer predictors.
# Thus "nbr.family.members < 2.5" is now rounded to "nbr.family.members < 3"
# (rather than "nbr.family.members < 2", which was misleading).
# e.g. format(1234.5,       digits=2) is 1234   rounds down (not what we want)
#      format(1235.5,       digits=2) is 1236   rounds up
#      format(1234.5+1e-10, digits=2) is 1235   rounds up
#      format(1235.5+1e-10, digits=2) is 1236   rounds up
# Note that if roundint is FALSE then we still bump all entries by verysmall.

tweak.splits <- function(obj, roundint, digits, trace)
    splits <- obj$splits
    if(is.null(splits))               # semtree object (from package semtree)
    if(!is.numeric(splits[,"index"])) # paranoia

    verysmall <- floor(log10(abs(splits[,"index"])))
    verysmall[verysmall > 0] <- 0
    verysmall <- exp10(-abs(verysmall) - 10)

    splits[,"index"] <- splits[,"index"] + verysmall

    # Because rpart.model.frame() may fail or give warnings, we do
    # processing here only if the roundint argument is TRUE.
    if(roundint) {
        isroundint <- obj$varinfo$isroundint # vector of bools
        if(anyNA(isroundint)) # couldn't get the isroundint vector
        for(varname in names(isroundint)) if(isroundint[varname]) {
            i <- rownames(splits) %in% varname
            if(length(i) > 0)
                splits[,"index"][i] <- ceiling(splits[,"index"][i] - verysmall[i])
# Paste the various constituents to create the split labels vector.
# On entry we have something like this:
#    split.var.names sex   age     pclass     sibsp   pclass
#    lsplit:         mal   >=9.5   =2nd,3rd   >=2.5   =3rd
#    rsplit:         fml   <9.5    =1st       <2.5    =1st,2nd

paste.split.labs <- function(frame, split.var.names, lsplit, rsplit,
                             type, clip.facs,
                             clip.left.labs, clip.right.labs, xflip, varlen,
                             split.prefix, right.split.prefix,
                             split.suffix, right.split.suffix)
    nodes <- as.numeric(row.names(frame))
    is.right <- nodes %% 2 == 1
    is.leaf <- is.leaf(frame)
    parent <- match(nodes %/% 2, nodes[!is.leaf])
    split.var.names <- my.abbreviate(split.var.names, varlen)
    left.names <- right.names <- split.var.names

    if(is.fancy(type)) {
            right.names[clip.left.labs] <- ""
            left.names[clip.left.labs] <- ""
            left.names[clip.right.labs] <- ""
            right.names[clip.right.labs] <- ""
        right.split.prefix <- split.prefix
        right.split.suffix <- split.suffix

    # the heart of this function

    labs  <- paste0(split.prefix, left.names[parent], lsplit[parent], split.suffix)
    labs[is.right] <- paste0(right.split.prefix,
    labs[1] <- "root" # was "NANA" because of above paste0

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