
# This file contains the functions that parse the log file

# Take log and return processed results
plexos_log_parser <- function(txt) {
  out <- list()
  if (length(txt) == 1L) {
    try(out$log_info  <- log_info(txt),  silent = !is_debug_rplexos())
    try(out$log_steps <- log_steps(txt), silent = !is_debug_rplexos())

    if (!"log_info" %in% names(out))
      rplexos_message("Log parsing failed when creating summary for each step (log_info)")
    if (!"log_steps" %in% names(out))
      rplexos_message("Log parsing failed when reading the step solution times (log_steps)")
  } else {
    # TODO: Parse log files that are read in multiple pieces
    rplexos_message("Log file not parsed because it is large")


# Look for a phase in the log output and extract time (and infeasibilities)
get_time <- function(pattern, txt, add.inf = FALSE) {
  dotall <- stringi::stri_opts_regex(dotall = TRUE)

  if (add.inf) {
    pat <- paste0(pattern, ".*?(?:\n|\r\n)", ".*?",
                  "Infeasibilities", ".*?(?:\n|\r\n)")
  } else {
    pat <- paste0(pattern, ".*?(?:\n|\\r\n)")

  chunk <- stringi::stri_extract_first_regex(txt, pat, dotall)

  data.frame(phase        = gsub(" Completed", "", pattern),
             time         = extract_number(chunk, pattern),
             rel_gap_perc = extract_number(chunk, "Relative Gap"),
             infeas       = extract_number(chunk, "Infeasibilities"),
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Find the line of text that includes 'pattern' and extract the number
extract_number <- function(txt, pattern) {
  pat <- paste0(pattern, ".*")
  line <- stringi::stri_extract_first_regex(txt, pat)
  line.sp <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(line, " ")[[1]]
  line.sp[stringi::stri_detect(line.sp, regex = "[0-9]")]

# Get summary for each step
log_info <- function(txt) {
  bind_rows(get_time("Primary Compilation Completed", txt),
            get_time("Secondary Compilation Completed", txt),
            get_time("PASA Completed", txt, TRUE),
            get_time("MT Schedule Completed", txt, TRUE),
            get_time("ST Schedule Completed", txt, TRUE))


# Get duration of steps
log_steps <- function(txt) {
  dotall <- stringi::stri_opts_regex(dotall = TRUE)
  caseins <- stringi::stri_opts_regex(case_insensitive = TRUE)

  steps <- stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(txt,
                                  "Completed .*? Step +[0-9]+ of [0-9]+.*?(?:\n|\r\n)",
                                  opts_regex = dotall)
  steps2 <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(steps[[1]], "Completed |\r\n|\n", "")
  steps3 <- stringi::stri_split_regex(steps2, " step | of |[.] time: |[.] elapsed:? |[.] remaining:? ", n_max = 5, opts_regex = caseins)

  steps4 <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(steps3), ncol=6, byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # steps4 <- do.call("bind_rows", steps3)
  # steps4 <- data.frame(steps4, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(steps4) <- c("phase", "step", "total_step", "time", "elapsed", "remaining")

  steps4$step       <- as.numeric(steps4$step)
  steps4$total_step <- as.numeric(steps4$total_step)
  steps4$time       <- sub(" [.]$|[.] $|[.]$", "", steps4$time) %>% to_seconds
  steps4$elapsed    <- sub(" [.]$|[.] $|[.]$", "", steps4$elapsed) %>% to_seconds

# Convert an HH:MM:SS to seconds
to_seconds <- function(x) {
  x2 <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(x, ":", 3) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    matrix(ncol=3, byrow=T) %>%
    data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    mutate_each(funs = 'as.numeric')
  3600 * x2[, 1] + 60 * x2[, 2] + x2[, 3]

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rplexos documentation built on Jan. 15, 2017, 11:37 a.m.