
Defines functions apply_right.relop rquery_apply_to_data_frame is_named_list_of_data_frames re_write_table_names replace_all_table_sources find_all_tables

Documented in apply_right.relop rquery_apply_to_data_frame

find_all_tables <- function(op_tree) {
  if("relop_table_source" %in% class(op_tree)) {
  found <- list()
  for(si in op_tree$source) {
    found <- c(found, find_all_tables(si))

replace_all_table_sources <- function(op_tree,
                                      table_key = NULL) {
  wrapr::stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "rquery:::replace_all_table_sources")
  if("relop_table_source" %in% class(op_tree)) {
    if(length(table_key) > 0) {
      if(op_tree$table_name != table_key) {
    missing <- setdiff(column_names(op_tree), column_names(repl))
    if(length(missing)>0) {
      stop(paste("rquery node replacement must include columns:",
                 paste(missing, collapse = ", ")))
  for(i in seq_len(length(op_tree$source))) {
    op_tree$source[[i]] <- replace_all_table_sources(op_tree$source[[i]],
                                                     table_key = table_key)

re_write_table_names <- function(op_tree, new_name) {
  if(!is.null(op_tree$table_name)) {
    op_tree$table_name <- new_name
  for(i in seq_len(length(op_tree$source))) {
    op_tree$source[[i]] <- re_write_table_names(op_tree$source[[i]],

is_named_list_of_data_frames <- function(o) {
  if(!is.list(o)) {
  nms <- names(o)
  if(length(nms)!=length(o)) {
  for(ni in nms) {
    if(!is.data.frame(o[[ni]])) {

#' Execute optree in an environment where d is the only data.
#' Default DB uses RSQLite (so some functions are not supported).
#' @param d data.frame or named list of data.frames.
#' @param optree rquery rel_op operation tree.
#' @param ... force later arguments to bind by name.
#' @param limit integer, if not NULL limit result to no more than this many rows.
#' @param source_limit numeric if not NULL limit sources to this many rows.
#' @param allow_executor logical if TRUE allow any executor set as rquery.rquery_executor to be used.
#' @param env environment to look to.
#' @return data.frame result
#' @examples
#' # WARNING: example tries to change rquery.rquery_db_executor option to RSQLite and back.
#' if (requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
#'   RSQLite::initExtension(db)
#'   old_o <- options(list("rquery.rquery_db_executor" = list(db = db)))
#'   optree <- mk_td("d", c("AUC", "R2", "D")) %.>%
#'   	extend(., c %:=% sqrt(R2)) %.>%
#'     orderby(., cols = "R2", reverse = "R2")
#'   d <- data.frame(AUC = 0.6, R2 = c(0.1, 0.2), D = NA, z = 2)
#'   v <- rquery_apply_to_data_frame(d, optree)
#'   print(v)
#'   # now load up a table without an R2 column,
#'   # want to show this is caught
#'   d <- data.frame(z = 1)
#'   tryCatch(
#'      rquery_apply_to_data_frame(d, optree),
#'      error = function(e) { as.character(e) }
#'     ) %.>%
#'     print(.)
#'   options(old_o)
#'   DBI::dbDisconnect(db)
#' }
#' @export
rquery_apply_to_data_frame <- function(d,
                                       limit = NULL,
                                       source_limit = NULL,
                                       allow_executor = TRUE,
                                       env = parent.frame()) {
  wrapr::stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "rquery::rquery_apply_to_data_frame")
  if(!("relop" %in% class(optree))) {
    stop("rquery::rquery_apply_to_data_frame expect optree to be of class relop")
  if((!is.data.frame(d)) && (!is_named_list_of_data_frames(d)) && (!is.environment(d))) {
    stop("rquery::rquery_apply_to_data_frame d must be a data.frame, a named list of data.frames, or an environment")
  tabNames <- tables_used(optree)
  executor <- NULL
  rquery.rquery_db_executor <- getOption("rquery.rquery_db_executor", default = NULL)
  if(allow_executor) {
    executor <- getOption("rquery.rquery_executor", default = NULL)
    if(is.null(executor) && is.null(rquery.rquery_db_executor) &&
       requireNamespace('rqdatatable', quietly = TRUE)) {
       executor <- list(f = rqdatatable::ex_data_table, name = "rqdatable")
  if(!is.null(executor)) {
    tables <- NULL
    if(is.data.frame(d)) {
      if(length(tabNames)!=1) {
        stop("rquery::rquery_apply_to_data_frame optree must reference exactly one table a non-list is passed to rquery_executor")
      tables <- list(x = d)
      names(tables) <- tabNames
    } else if(is_named_list_of_data_frames(d)) {
      tables <- d
    } else if(is.environment(d)) {
      tables <- as.list(d)
    res <- executor$f(optree = optree,
                      tables = tables,
                      source_limit = source_limit,
                      env = env)
    if((!is.null(limit)) && (limit<nrow(res))) {
      res <- res[seq_len(limit), , drop = FALSE]
  my_db <- NULL
  if(!is.null(rquery.rquery_db_executor)) {
    my_db <- rquery.rquery_db_executor$db
  if(is.null(my_db)) {
    stop("rquery::rquery_apply_to_data_frame no default executor or database (please try library('rqdatatable'))")
  if(length(tabNames)!=1) {
    stop("rquery::rquery_apply_to_data_frame optree must reference exactly one table when rquery.rquery_executor option is not set")
  if(is_named_list_of_data_frames(d) && (length(d)==1)) {
    d <- d[[1]]
  if(!is.data.frame(d)) {
    stop("rquery::rquery_apply_to_data_frame d must be a data.frame or list with one data.frame when rquery.rquery_executor option is not set")
  cols_used <- columns_used(optree)[[tabNames]]
  missing <- setdiff(cols_used, colnames(d))
  if(length(missing)>0) {
    stop(paste("rquery::rquery_apply_to_data_frame d missing required columns:",
         paste(missing, collapse = ", ")))
  d <- d[ , cols_used, drop = FALSE]
  if((!is.null(source_limit)) && (source_limit<nrow(d))) {
    d <- d[seq_len(source_limit), , drop = FALSE]
  tmp_name_source <- mk_tmp_name_source('rqatmp')
  inp_name <- tmp_name_source()
  optree <- re_write_table_names(optree, inp_name)
  dR <- rq_copy_to(my_db,
                    temporary = TRUE,
                    overwrite = FALSE)
  res <- execute(my_db, optree,
                 limit = limit,
                 overwrite = TRUE,
                 temporary = TRUE,
                 allow_executor = allow_executor,
                 env = env)
  rq_remove_table(my_db, inp_name)

# relop using S3 right distpatch as relop instances have
# more than one S3 class label (not a good S4 practice).

#' Execute pipeline treating pipe_left_arg as local data to
#' be copied into database.
#' @param pipe_left_arg left argument.
#' @param pipe_right_arg pipe_right_arg argument.
#' @param pipe_environment environment to evaluate in.
#' @param left_arg_name name, if not NULL name of left argument.
#' @param pipe_string character, name of pipe operator.
#' @param right_arg_name name, if not NULL name of right argument.
#' @return data.frame
#' @seealso \code{\link{rquery_apply_to_data_frame}}
#' @examples
#' # WARNING: example tries to change rquery.rquery_db_executor option to RSQLite and back.
#' if (requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   # set up example database and
#'   # db execution helper
#'   db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(),
#'                        ":memory:")
#'   RSQLite::initExtension(db)
#'   old_o <- options(list("rquery.rquery_db_executor" = list(db = db)))
#'   # operations pipeline/tree
#'   optree <- mk_td("d", "x") %.>%
#'     extend(., y = x*x)
#'   # wrapr dot pipe apply_right dispatch
#'   # causes this statment to apply optree
#'   # to d.
#'   data.frame(x = 1:3) %.>% optree %.>% print(.)
#'   # remote example
#'   rq_copy_to(db, "d",
#'               data.frame(x = 7:8),
#'               overwrite = TRUE,
#'               temporary = TRUE)
#'   # wrapr dot pipe apply_right dispatch
#'   # causes this statment to apply optree
#'   # to db.
#'   db %.>% optree %.>% print(.)
#'   # clean up
#'   options(old_o)
#'   DBI::dbDisconnect(db)
#' }
#' @export
apply_right.relop <- function(pipe_left_arg,
                              right_arg_name) {
  if(!("relop" %in% class(pipe_right_arg))) {
    stop("rquery::apply_right.relop expect pipe_right_arg to be of class relop")
  if(is.data.frame(pipe_left_arg) || is_named_list_of_data_frames(pipe_left_arg)) {
                                      env = pipe_environment))
  if("relop" %in% class(pipe_left_arg)) {
    # compose pipelines
    if(length(tables_used(pipe_right_arg))!=1) {
      stop("to compose rquery pipelines the right pipeline must be a function of exactly one table")
    res <- replace_all_table_sources(pipe_right_arg, pipe_left_arg)
  # dispatch to executor
  execute(pipe_left_arg, pipe_right_arg, env = pipe_environment)


# Using S4 dispatch for rquery_db_info as we can treat
# rquery_db_info as an S4 class.  using ANY as the
# relop is not an S4 class.

#' Apply pipeline to a database.
#' Apply pipeline to a database with relop %.>% db notation.
#' @param pipe_left_arg relop operation tree
#' @param pipe_right_arg rquery_db_info
#' @param pipe_environment environment to evaluate in.
#' @param left_arg_name name, if not NULL name of left argument.
#' @param pipe_string character, name of pipe operator.
#' @param right_arg_name name, if not NULL name of right argument.
#' @return result
#' @importMethodsFrom wrapr apply_right_S4
#' @export
  signature(pipe_left_arg = "ANY", pipe_right_arg = "rquery_db_info"),
           right_arg_name) {
    if(!("relop" %in% class(pipe_left_arg))) {
      stop("rquery::apply_right_S4('ANY', 'rquery_db_info') pipe_left_arg must be of class relop")
    if(!("rquery_db_info" %in% class(pipe_right_arg))) {
      stop("rquery::apply_right_S4('ANY', 'rquery_db_info') pipe_right_arg must be of class rquery_db_info")
    rquery::execute(pipe_right_arg, pipe_left_arg, env = pipe_environment)

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rquery documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 9:06 a.m.