
setMethod("names", "Cov", function(x) slotNames(x))
setMethod("$", "Cov",  function(x, name) slot(x, name))
##  setMethod("$<-", "Cov",  function(x, name, value) {slot(x, name) <- value; slot(x, name)} )

setMethod("isClassic", "Cov", function(obj) TRUE)
setMethod("isSingular", "Cov", function(obj) .isSingular(getCov(obj)))

##  Here we want to add some getters/setters (i.e. accessor methods).
##  The first problem is a name clash: in R the accessors are usually
##  named as the member variables(slots);
##  we need a generic with this name; if there is a function with
##  this name, it will not work (other signature for example) -
##  like in the example below with cov
##      slot: cov
##      generic: cov(object), method: cov(object)
##      x <- cov(object)
##      cov(object) <- x
##  An alternative would be the way it is done in Java:
##  getCov(object), setCov(object, matrix)
setMethod("getCenter", "Cov", function(obj) obj@center)
setMethod("getCov", "Cov", function(obj) obj@cov)
setMethod("getCorr", "Cov", function(obj) cov2cor(obj@cov))
setMethod("getData", "Cov", function(obj) obj@X)
setMethod("getEvals", "Cov", function(obj)
    eigen(getCov(obj), symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values)

setMethod("getDistance", "Cov", function(obj){

    if(is(getData(obj), "NULL"))
        stop("Cannot compute distances: no data provided")

    dd <- mahalanobis(obj@X, obj@center, obj@cov)

    ## check if the method is called on an object - i.e. cc=CovMcd(xxx); getDistance(cc)
    ##  or on the constructor call - i.e. getDistance(CovMcd(xxx))
    ## Do nothing in the second case
    ## Our expression is 'obj@mah <- dd' and the parse tree is
    ##  (as a string array) will be c("<-", "obj@mah", "dd")
    ## We are interested if there are () in the second element
    expr <- substitute(obj@mah <- dd)
    ss <- as.character(expr)
    if(length(grep(pattern="(", x=ss[2], fixed=TRUE)) == 0)


setMethod("getDet", "Cov", function(obj){
    if(obj@det > 0)

    dd <- if(isSingular(obj)) 0 else det(obj@cov)

    ## check if the method is called on an object - i.e. cc=CovMcd(xxx); getDet(cc)
    ##  or on the constructor call - i.e. getDet(CovMcd(xxx))
    ## Do nothing in the second case
    ## Our expression is 'obj@det <- dd' and the parse tree is
    ##  (as a string array) will be c("<-", "obj@det", "dd")
    ## We are interested if there are () in the second element
    expr <- substitute(obj@det <- dd)
    ss <- as.character(expr)
    if(length(grep(pattern="(", x=ss[2], fixed=TRUE)) == 0)


setMethod("getShape", "Cov", function(obj){
    p <- ncol(getCov(obj))
    return(if((dd <- getDet(obj)) > 0) dd^(-1/p)*getCov(obj) else getCov(obj))

setMethod("getFlag", "Cov", function(obj, prob=0.975){
    if(!is(obj@flag,"NULL") && missing(prob))

    p <- ncol(getCov(obj))

##    dd <- getDistance(obj)
        dd <- obj@mah
    else if(is(getData(obj), "NULL"))
        stop("Cannot compute distances: no data provided")
        dd <- mahalanobis(obj@X, obj@center, obj@cov)

    chi <- qchisq(prob, p)
    fl <- sqrt(dd) < sqrt(chi)

    ## check if the method is called on an object - i.e. cc=CovMcd(xxx); getFlag(cc)
    ##  or on the constructor call - i.e. getFlag(CovMcd(xxx))
    ## Do nothing in the second case
    ## Our expression is 'obj@flag <- fl' and the parse tree is
    ##  (as a string array) will be c("<-", "obj@flag", "fl")
    ## We are interested if there are () in the second element
    expr <- substitute(obj@flag <- fl)
    ss <- as.character(expr)
    if(length(grep(pattern="(", x=ss[2], fixed=TRUE)) == 0)

## Follow the standard methods: show, summary, plot
setMethod("show", "Cov", function(object){
    cat("-> Method: ", object@method, "\n")
        cat(strwrap(.MCDsingularityMsg(object@singularity, object@n.obs)), sep ="\n")

    digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)
    cat("\nEstimate of Location: \n")
    print.default(format(object@center, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
    cat("\nEstimate of Covariance: \n")
    print.default(format(object@cov, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)

setMethod("summary", "Cov", function(object, ...){

    new("SummaryCov", covobj=object, evals=eigen(object@cov)$values)


setMethod("isClassic", "SummaryCov", function(obj) TRUE)
setMethod("getCenter", "SummaryCov", function(obj) getCenter(obj@covobj))
setMethod("getCov", "SummaryCov", function(obj) getCov(obj@covobj))
setMethod("getDistance", "SummaryCov", function(obj) getDistance(obj@covobj))
setMethod("getEvals", "SummaryCov", function(obj) obj@evals)

setMethod("show", "SummaryCov", function(object){


    digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)
    cat("\nEstimate of Location: \n")
    print.default(format(getCenter(object), digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
    cat("\nEstimate of Covariance: \n")
    print.default(format(getCov(object), digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)

    cat("\nEigenvalues of covariance matrix: \n")
    print.default(format(getEvals(object), digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)

    cat("\nMahalanobis Distances: \n")
    print.default(format(as.vector(getDistance(object)), digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)

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rrcov documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:13 a.m.