
Defines functions Easy.getChart Easy.getPlot Easy.Run Easy.RunExperiment Easy.Stability Easy.Morris Easy.Sobol Easy.Setup Easy.Calibration Easy.ShowModelParameters Results.GetExperiment Results.GetObject Results.GetCharts GoToWorkDir GoToPreviousDir

Documented in Easy.Calibration Easy.getChart Easy.getPlot Easy.Morris Easy.Run Easy.RunExperiment Easy.Setup Easy.ShowModelParameters Easy.Sobol Easy.Stability GoToPreviousDir GoToWorkDir Results.GetCharts Results.GetExperiment Results.GetObject

## This file is part of the R/Repast package - R/Repast
## (C)2016, 2017 Antonio Prestes Garcia <@>
## For license terms see DESCRIPTION and/or LICENSE
## @file: rrepast-easyapi.R
## This file contains the easy api methods.

#' @title Easy.getChart
#' @description Returns the chart instance
#' @param obj A reference to the output of Easy.Stability
#' @param key The param name
#' @return The plot instance
#' @export
Easy.getChart<- function(obj, key) {
  if(is.null(obj$charts)) {
    stop("Not an instance of Easy API result!")
  charts<- obj$charts
  chart<- charts[charts[,1] ==  key,]

#' @title Easy.getPlot
#' @description Returns the chart instance
#' @param obj A reference to the output of an "Easy" API method
#' @param c The output name
#' @param key The param name
#' @return The plot instance
#' @export
Easy.getPlot<- function(obj, c, key) {
  if(is.null(obj$charts)) {
    stop("Not an instance of Easy API result!")
  p<- NULL
  ## ----- It is a Morris plot
  if(colnames(obj$charts)[2] %in% c("mu.star","mu","mumu")) {
    i<- as.numeric(which(obj$charts[,"criteria"] == c))  
    p<- obj$charts[i, key]  


#' @title Easy API for running a model
#' @description This function provides a simple wrapper for performing a single 
#' or replicated model execution with a single set of parameters.
#' @param m.dir The installation directory of some repast model
#' @param m.ds The name of any model aggregate dataset
#' @param m.time The total simulated time
#' @param r The number of replications
#' @param default The alternative values for the default model parameters
#' @export
Easy.Run<- function(m.dir, m.ds, m.time=300, r=1, default=NULL) {
  # --> my.model<- Model(modeldir= m.dir, maxtime = m.time, dataset= m.ds, load=TRUE)  
  ## --- Update if needed the default parameters
  # --> if(!is.null(default)) {
  # -->   UpdateDefaultParameters(my.model, default)  
  # --> }
  # --> v<- Run(my.model, r)
  # --> v
  v<- WrapperRun(m.dir, m.ds, m.time, r, c(), NULL, default)
  ## --- Returns to the previous setting of work directory
  ## returns the model dataset

#' @title Easy API for Runnning Experiments
#' @description This function provides a simple wrapper for performing experimental
#' setups using a design matrix
#' @param m.dir The installation directory of some repast model
#' @param m.ds The name of any model aggregate dataset
#' @param m.time The total simulated time
#' @param r The number of replications
#' @param design The design matrix holding parameter sampling
#' @param FUN The objective or cost function. A function defined over the model output.
#' @param default The alternative values for parameters which should be kept fixed
#' @return The experiment results
#' @export
Easy.RunExperiment<- function(m.dir, m.ds, m.time=300, r=1, design, FUN, default=NULL) {
  exp<- WrapperRunExperiment(m.dir, m.ds, m.time, r, design, FUN, default)
  ## --- Returns to the previous setting of work directory

#' @title Easy API for output stability
#' @description This functions run model several times in order to determine 
#' how many experiment replications are required for model's output being stable
#' (i.e. the convergence of standard deviation)
#' @param m.dir The installation directory of some repast model
#' @param m.ds The name of any model aggregate dataset
#' @param m.time The total simulated time
#' @param parameters The factors or model's parameter list
#' @param samples The number of factor samples.
#' @param tries The number of experiment replications
#' @param vars The model's output variables for compute CoV
#' @param FUN The objective or cost function. A function defined over the model output.
#' @param default The alternative values for parameters which should be kept fixed
#' @return A list with holding experiment, object and charts 
#' @export
Easy.Stability<- function(m.dir, m.ds, m.time=300, parameters, samples=1, tries=100, vars= c(), FUN, default=NULL) {
  # (2019/01/19) -----> my.model<- Model(modeldir=m.dir,maxtime = m.time, dataset=m.ds)
  # (2019/01/19) -----> Load(my.model)
  ## --- Update if needed the default parameters
  # (2019/01/19) -----> if(!is.null(default)) {
  # (2019/01/19) ----->   UpdateDefaultParameters(my.model, default)  
  # (2019/01/19) -----> }
  ## --- Sample the parameter space
  sampling<- AoE.RandomSampling(samples, parameters)
  ## --- Get the model declared paramters
  # (2019/01/19) -----> parms<- GetSimulationParameters(my.model)
  ## --- Build the experimental parameter set
  # (2019/01/19) -----> exp.design<- BuildParameterSet(sampling, parms)
  ## --- Run the experimental setup
  # (2019/01/19) -----> exp<- RunExperiment(my.model,r=tries,exp.design,FUN)
  exp<- WrapperRunExperiment(m.dir, m.ds, m.time, tries, sampling, FUN, default)
  ## --- Get the raw data set for evaluate the Coefficient of Variation
  d<- getExperimentDataset(exp)
  ## --- Calculate the coefficient of variation
  rsd<- AoE.Stability(d, vars)
  charts<- c()
  for(group in unique(rsd$group)) {
    chart<- Plot.Stability(rsd[rsd$group == group, ],"Simulation output stability")  
    charts<- rbind(charts, list(group=group,plot=chart))
  if(length(vars) != 0) {
    chart<- Plot.Stability(rsd,"Simulation output stability")
    charts<- rbind(charts, list(group="all",plot=chart))

  ## --- Returns to the previous setting of work directory
  results<- list(experiment=exp, object=rsd, charts=charts)

#' @title Easy API for Morris's screening method
#' @description This function wraps all calls to perform Morris method.
#' @param m.dir The installation directory of some repast model
#' @param m.ds The name of any model aggregate dataset
#' @param m.time The total simulated time
#' @param parameters The factors for morris screening.
#' @param mo.p The number of levels for the model's factors.
#' @param mo.r Repetitions. The number of random sampling points of Morris Method.
#' @param exp.r The number of experiment replications
#' @param FUN The objective or cost function. A function defined over the model output.
#' @param default The alternative values for parameters which should be kept fixed
#' @return A list with holding experimnt, object and charts 
#' @importFrom sensitivity tell
#' @export
Easy.Morris<- function(m.dir, m.ds, m.time=300, parameters, mo.p, mo.r, exp.r, FUN, default=NULL) {
  # (2019/01/19) -----> my.model<- Model(modeldir=m.dir,maxtime = m.time, dataset=m.ds)
  # (2019/01/19) -----> Load(my.model)
  ## --- Update if needed the default parameters
  # (2019/01/19) -----> if(!is.null(default)) {
  # (2019/01/19) ----->   UpdateDefaultParameters(my.model, default)  
  # (2019/01/19) -----> }

  ## --- Create Morris object
  v.morris<- AoE.Morris(parameters,p=mo.p,r=mo.r)
  ## --- Get the model declared paramters
  # (2019/01/19) -----> parms<- GetSimulationParameters(my.model)
  ## --- Build the experimental parameter set
  # (2019/01/19) -----> exp.design<- BuildParameterSet(v.morris$X,parms)
  ## --- Run the experimental setup
  # (2019/01/19) -----> exp<- RunExperiment(my.model,r=exp.r,exp.design,FUN)
  exp<- WrapperRunExperiment(m.dir, m.ds, m.time, exp.r, v.morris$X, FUN, default)
  charts<- c()
  o<- getExperimentOutput(exp)
  for(k in colnames(o)) {
    if(k != "pset") {
      m<- as.vector(df2matrix(getExperimentOutput(exp),c(k)))
      ## --- Plot Morris output
      mustar<- Plot.Morris(v.morris,"mu*sigma", sprintf("output(%s)",k))
      musigma<- Plot.Morris(v.morris,"musigma", sprintf("output(%s)",k))
      mumu<- Plot.Morris(v.morris,"mu*mu", sprintf("output(%s)",k))
      charts<- rbind(charts,list(criteria=k,mu.star=mustar,mu=musigma,mumu=mumu))
    ### ---> results<- list(experiment=exp, object=v.morris, charts=charts)
  ## --- Returns to the previous setting of work directory
  results<- list(experiment=exp, object=v.morris, charts=charts)

#' @title Easy API for Sobol's SA method
#' @description This functions wraps all required calls to perform 
#' Sobol method for global sensitivity analysis.
#' @param m.dir The installation directory of some repast model
#' @param m.ds The name of any model aggregate dataset
#' @param m.time The total simulated time
#' @param parameters The input factors
#' @param exp.n The experiment sample size
#' @param exp.r The number of experiment replications
#' @param bs.size The bootstrap sample size for sobol method
#' @param FUN The objective or cost function. A function defined over the model output.
#' @param default The alternative values for parameters which should be kept fixed
#' @param fsobol The alternative function for calculating sobol indices
#' @param fsampl The function for sampling data
#' @return A list with holding experimnt, object and charts 
#' @importFrom stats IQR quantile
#' @importFrom sensitivity tell
#' @importFrom sensitivity sobol sobol2002 sobol2007 sobolmartinez soboljansen
#' @export
Easy.Sobol<- function(m.dir, m.ds, m.time=300, parameters,exp.n = 500, bs.size = 200, exp.r=1, FUN, default=NULL, fsobol=sobol2002, fsampl=AoE.LatinHypercube) {
  ## --- Instantiate the model
  # (2017/06/10) -----> my.model<- Model(modeldir=m.dir,maxtime = m.time, dataset=m.ds)
  # (2017/06/10) -----> Load(my.model)
  ## --- Update if needed the default parameters
  # (2017/06/10) -----> if(!is.null(default)) {
  # (2017/06/10) ----->   UpdateDefaultParameters(my.model, default)  
  # (2017/06/10) -----> }
  fix.outliers<- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
    qnt<- quantile(x, probs=c(.5, .95), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
    H<- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
    y<- x
    y[x < (qnt[1] - H)]<- (qnt[1] - H)
    y[x > (qnt[2] + H)]<- (qnt[2] + H)
  if(!is.function(FUN)) { stop("Invalid objective function!") }
  if(!is.function(fsobol)) { stop("Invalid sobol function!") }  
  ## --- Get the model declared paramters
  # (2017/06/10) -----> parms<- GetSimulationParameters(my.model)
  ## --- Create a Sobol object
  my.obj<- AoE.Sobol(n= exp.n, parameters, nb=bs.size, fun.doe = AoE.LatinHypercube, fun.sobol=fsobol)
  # Build the experimental parameter set
  # (2017/06/10) -----> exp.design<- BuildParameterSet(my.obj$X,parms)
  ## --- Run the experimental setup
  # (2017/06/10) -----> exp<- RunExperiment(my.model,r=exp.r,exp.design,FUN)
  exp<- WrapperRunExperiment(m.dir, m.ds, m.time, exp.r, my.obj$X, FUN, default)
  charts<- c()
  o<- getExperimentOutput(exp)
  for(k in colnames(o)) {
    if(k != "pset") {
      m<- t(df2matrix(getExperimentOutput(exp),c(k)))
      #tell(my.obj,  fix.outliers(m))
      #tell(my.obj, (m-mean(m))/sd(m))
      tell(my.obj, m)
      # -- First order indexes
      chart_0<- Plot.Sobol(my.obj, 1, paste("Sobol indexes for", k))
      # -- Total order indexes
      chart_1<- Plot.Sobol(my.obj, 2, paste("Sobol indexes for", k))
      charts<- rbind(charts,list(chart=chart_0))
      charts<- rbind(charts,list(chart=chart_1))
    ### ---> results<- list(experiment=exp, object=my.obj, charts=charts)
  ## --- Returns to the previous setting of work directory
  results<- list(experiment=exp, object=my.obj, charts=charts)

#' @title Easy.Setup
#' @description This function configures the deployment directory 
#' where logs and output dataset will be generated.  By default 
#' the deployment directory will be created under the model 
#' installation directory. The output generated by the Repast model 
#' will be redirected to the SystemOut.log file.  
#' @details If the deployment directory is empty the installation 
#' directory given by the parameter \code{model} is used instead as 
#' the base directory. The deployment directory is \code{/rrepast-deployment/}.
#' @param model The base directory where Repast model is installed.
#' @param multicore Bolean flag indicating to use multiplecore.
#' @param deployment The directory to save the output and logs.
#' @export
Easy.Setup<- function(model, multicore=FALSE, deployment=c()){
  ## Check if model has been configured with the integration code
  if(!config.check(model)) {
    if(!config.copylib(model)) {
      stop("Error deploying integration libraries!")
    if(!config.scenario(model)) {
      stop("Unable to configure integration code!")
  ## Multicore selection
  if(length(deployment) == 0) {
    deployment<- paste0(model,"/rrepast-deployment/")
  ## -- Create output dir if required
  ## --- Change work directory
  ## -- Reset stats
  ## -- Show cores in use

#' @title Easy.Calibration
#' @description Search for the best set of parameters trying to 
#' minimize the calibration function provided by the user. The function 
#' has to operational models, the first based on the experimental setup 
#' where all parameters are defined a priori and the second using 
#' optimization techniques. Currently the only supported optimization 
#' technique is the particle swarm optimization.
#' @param m.dir The installation directory of some repast model
#' @param m.ds The name of any model aggregate dataset
#' @param m.time The total simulated time
#' @param parameters The input factors
#' @param exp.n The experiment sample size
#' @param exp.r The number of experiment replications
#' @param smax The number of solutions to be generated
#' @param design The sampling scheme ["lhs"|"mcs"|"ffs"]
#' @param FUN The objective or cost function. A function defined over the model output.
#' @param default The alternative values for parameters which should be kept fixed
#' @return A list with holding experiment, object and charts 
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'  my.cost<- function(params, results) {
#'    criteria<- c()
#'    Rate<- AoE.RMSD(results$X.Simulated,results$X.Experimental)
#'    G<- AoE.RMSD(results$G.T.,52)
#'    total<- Rate + G
#'    criteria<- cbind(total,Rate,G)
#'    return(criteria)
#'  }
#'  Easy.Setup("/models/BactoSim")
#'  v<- Easy.Calibration("/models/BactoSim","ds::Output",360,
#'                        f,exp.n = 1000, exp.r=1, smax=4, 
#'                        design="mcs", my.cost)
#' }
#' @export
Easy.Calibration<- function(m.dir, m.ds, m.time=300, parameters, exp.n = 100, exp.r=1, smax=4, design="lhs", FUN, default=NULL) {
  ## --- Sample the parameter space
           lhs = {
             sampling<- AoE.LatinHypercube(exp.n, parameters)  
           mcs = {
             sampling<- AoE.RandomSampling(exp.n, parameters)
           ffs = {
             sampling<- AoE.FullFactorial(exp.n, parameters)
           stop("Valid sampling types are [mcs|lhs|ffs]")

    exp<- WrapperRunExperiment(m.dir, m.ds, m.time, exp.r, sampling, FUN, default)
    ## --- Add a totalization column
    exp$output<- col.sum(exp$output)
    tbl.theme<- gridExtra::ttheme_default(colhead=list(fg_params = list(parse=TRUE)))
    charts<- c()
    obj<- c()
    fittest.max<- smax 
    o<- getExperimentOutput(exp)
    for(k in colnames(o)) {
      if(k != "pset") {
        p<- getExperimentParamSet(exp)
        best<- dffilterby(o,"pset",pick.fittest(o,goals=c(k),fittest.max)$pset)
        chart<- Plot.Calibration(best,k,paste0("Best parameters for ", k))
        best.p<- dffilterby(p,"pset",pick.fittest(o,goals=c(k),fittest.max)$pset)
        tbl.data<- best.p[,c("pset",parameters[,"name"])]
        tbl.data<- dfround(tbl.data,2)
        tbl.table<- gridExtra::tableGrob(tbl.data, rows=NULL, theme= tbl.theme)
        my.chart<- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(chart, tbl.table, nrow=2, as.table=TRUE, heights=c(3,1))
        charts<- rbind(charts,list(variable=k,both=my.chart,chart=chart,table=tbl.table))
        obj<- rbind(obj,list(variable=k,parameters=best.p,objective=best))
  ## --- Build the list with calibration results   
  v<- list(experiment=exp, object=obj, charts=charts)
  ## --- Returns to the previous setting of work directory

#' @title Easy.ShowModelParameters
#' @description Returns the list current model parameters
#' @param v The installation directory of some repast model
#' @return The model parameters
#' @export
Easy.ShowModelParameters<- function(v) {
  e<- Model(modeldir=v, maxtime=10, dataset="ds::Output", load=TRUE)

## ----- Functions for accessing result object members

#' @title Results.GetExperiment
#' @description Simplify the access to the experiment member
#' @param obj An instance of the object returned by \code{Easy} methods
#' @return The experiment element inside results
#' @export
Results.GetExperiment<- function(obj) {
  if(is.null(obj$experiment)) {
    stop("Not an instance of Easy API result!")

#' @title Results.GetObject
#' @description Simplify the access to the object member
#' @param obj An instance of the object returned by \code{Easy} methods
#' @return The object element inside results
#' @export
Results.GetObject<- function(obj) {
  if(is.null(obj$object)) {
    stop("Not an instance of Easy API result!")

#' @title Results.GetCharts
#' @description Simplify the access to the charts member
#' @param obj An instance of the object returned by \code{Easy} methods
#' @return The charts element inside results
#' @export
Results.GetCharts<- function(obj) {
  if(is.null(obj$charts)) {
    stop("Not an instance of Easy API result!")

#' @title GoToWorkDir
#' @description Changes the current work directory saving the previous one 
#' which is used in \code{\link{GoToPreviousDir}}. This function is called 
#' by \code{\link{Easy.Setup}}
#' @export
GoToWorkDir<- function() {
  assign("pkg.cwd", getwd(), pkg.globals)

#' @title GoToPreviousDir
#' @description Returns to the saved work directory
#' @export
GoToPreviousDir<- function() {
  if(!is.na(get("pkg.cwd", pkg.globals))) {
    setwd(get("pkg.cwd", pkg.globals))

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