
Defines functions os os_install_sysreqs os_install os_requirements

os_requirements <- function() {
  get(paste0(os()$id, "_requirements"))()

os_install <- function(pkgs) {
  get(paste0(os()$id, "_install"))(pkgs)

os_install_sysreqs <- function(libs) {
  get(paste0(os()$id, "_install_sysreqs"))(libs)

os <- function() {
  if (!file.exists("/etc/os-release"))
    stop("OS not supported", call.=FALSE)
  os <- utils::read.table("/etc/os-release", sep="=", col.names=c("var", "val"),
  os <- stats::setNames(as.list(os$val), os$var)
  code <- switch(
    id <- strsplit(os$ID, "-")[[1]][1],
    "debian" = , "ubuntu" = , "pop" = os$VERSION_CODENAME,
    "centos" = , "rocky"  = , "almalinux" = , "ol" = , "rhel" =
      paste0(if ((ver <- safe_version(os$VERSION_ID)$major) < 9)
        "centos" else "rhel", ver),
    "amzn"   = switch(
      "2"    = "centos7",
      "2023" = "rhel9",
      stop("OS not supported", call.=FALSE)),
    "sles"   = , "opensuse" =
      paste0("opensuse", sub("\\.", "", os$VERSION_ID)),
    stop("OS not supported", call.=FALSE)
  list(id = id, code = code)

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rspm documentation built on Oct. 29, 2024, 5:07 p.m.