
Defines functions .central_intervals predictive_interval.default predictive_interval

Documented in predictive_interval predictive_interval.default

#' Generic function for predictive intervals
#' See [predictive_interval.stanreg()](https://mc-stan.org/rstanarm/reference/predictive_interval.stanreg.html)
#' in the \pkg{rstanarm} package for an example.
#' @export
#' @template args-object
#' @template args-dots
#' @param prob A number \eqn{p \in (0,1)}{p (0 < p < 1)} indicating the desired
#'   probability mass to include in the intervals.
#' @return `predictive_interval()` methods should return a matrix with two
#'   columns and as many rows as data points being predicted. For a given value
#'   of `prob`, \eqn{p}, the columns correspond to the lower and upper
#'   \eqn{100p}\% interval limits and have the names \eqn{100\alpha/2}\% and
#'   \eqn{100(1 - \alpha/2)}\%, where \eqn{\alpha = 1-p}. For example, if
#'   `prob=0.9` is specified (a \eqn{90}\% interval), then the column names
#'   would be `"5%"` and `"95%"`, respectively.
#'   The default method just takes `object` to be a matrix and computes
#'   quantiles, with `prob` defaulting to `0.9`.
#' @template seealso-rstanarm-pkg
#' @template seealso-vignettes
#' @examples
#' # Default method takes a numeric matrix (of draws from posterior
#' # predictive distribution)
#' ytilde <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 5, sd = 2), 100, 5) # fake draws
#' predictive_interval(ytilde, prob = 0.8)
#' # Also see help("predictive_interval", package = "rstanarm")
predictive_interval <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname predictive_interval
#' @export
predictive_interval.default <- function(object, prob = 0.9, ...) {
  if (!is.matrix(object))
    stop("For the default method 'object' should be a matrix.")
  .central_intervals(object, prob)

# internal ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Compute central intervals
#' @noRd
#' @param object A numeric matrix
#' @param prob Probability mass to include in intervals (in (0,1))
#' @return See above.
#' @importFrom stats quantile
.central_intervals <- function(object, prob) {
  if (length(prob) != 1L || prob <= 0 || prob >= 1)
    stop("'prob' should be a single number greater than 0 and less than 1.",
         call. = FALSE)
  alpha <- (1 - prob) / 2
  probs <- c(alpha, 1 - alpha)
  labs <- paste0(100 * probs, "%")
  out <- t(apply(object, 2, quantile, probs = probs))
  structure(out, dimnames = list(colnames(object), labs))

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