
Defines functions rbing.O2

Documented in rbing.O2

#' Simulate a 2*2 Orthogonal Random Matrix
#' Simulate a 2*2 random orthogonal matrix from the Bingham distribution using
#' a rejection sampler.
#' @param A a symmetric matrix.
#' @param B a diagonal matrix with decreasing entries.
#' @param a sum of the eigenvalues of A, multiplied by the difference in
#' B-values.
#' @param E eigenvectors of A.
#' @return A random 2x2 orthogonal matrix simulated from the Bingham
#' distribution.
#' @author Peter Hoff
#' @references Hoff(2009)
#' @examples
#' ## The function is currently defined as
#' function (A, B, a = NULL, E = NULL) 
#' {
#'     if (is.null(a)) {
#'         trA <- A[1, 1] + A[2, 2]
#'         lA <- 2 * sqrt(trA^2/4 - A[1, 1] * A[2, 2] + A[1, 2]^2)
#'         a <- lA * (B[1, 1] - B[2, 2])
#'         E <- diag(2)
#'         if (A[1, 2] != 0) {
#'             E <- cbind(c(0.5 * (trA + lA) - A[2, 2], A[1, 2]), 
#'                 c(0.5 * (trA - lA) - A[2, 2], A[1, 2]))
#'             E[, 1] <- E[, 1]/sqrt(sum(E[, 1]^2))
#'             E[, 2] <- E[, 2]/sqrt(sum(E[, 2]^2))
#'         }
#'     }
#'     b <- min(1/a^2, 0.5)
#'     beta <- 0.5 - b
#'     lrmx <- a
#'     if (beta > 0) {
#'         lrmx <- lrmx + beta * (log(beta/a) - 1)
#'     }
#'     lr <- -Inf
#'     while (lr < log(runif(1))) {
#'         w <- rbeta(1, 0.5, b)
#'         lr <- a * w + beta * log(1 - w) - lrmx
#'     }
#'     u <- c(sqrt(w), sqrt(1 - w)) * (-1)^rbinom(2, 1, 0.5)
#'     x1 <- E %*% u
#'     x2 <- (x1[2:1] * c(-1, 1) * (-1)^rbinom(1, 1, 0.5))
#'     cbind(x1, x2)
#'   }
#' @export rbing.O2
rbing.O2 <-
  ### assumes B is a diagonal matrix with *decreasing* entries 
    lA<-2*sqrt(trA^2/4-A[1,1]*A[2,2]+A[1,2]^2 )
    E<-diag(2) ; if(A[1,2]!=0)
      E<-cbind(c(.5*(trA+lA)-A[2,2],A[1,2]), c(.5*(trA-lA)-A[2,2],A[1,2]) )
      E[,1]<-E[,1]/sqrt(sum(E[,1]^2)) ; E[,2]<-E[,2]/sqrt(sum(E[,2]^2))

  b<-min(1/a^2,.5) ; beta<- .5-b
  lrmx<- a
  if(beta>0) { lrmx<-lrmx + beta*(log(beta/a)-1) }
  lr<- -Inf
  while(lr< log(runif(1)))
    lr<- a*w + beta*log(1-w)   - lrmx
  u<-c(sqrt(w),sqrt(1-w) )*(-1)^rbinom(2,1,.5)
  x1<-E%*%u ; x2<-(x1[2:1]*c(-1,1)*(-1)^rbinom(1,1,.5))

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rstiefel documentation built on June 15, 2021, 5:07 p.m.