Man pages for rtables
Reporting Tables

add_colcountsAdd the column population counts to the header
add_combo_facetAdd a combination facet in post-processing
add_combo_levelsAdd combination levels to split
add_existing_tableAdd an already calculated table to the layout
additional_fun_paramsAdditional parameters within analysis and content functions...
add_overall_colAdd overall column
add_overall_levelAdd a virtual "overall" level to split
analyzeGenerate rows analyzing variables across columns
analyze_colvarsGenerate rows analyzing different variables across columns
append_topleftAppend a description to the 'top-left' materials for the...
as_htmlConvert an 'rtable' object to a 'shiny.tag' HTML object
asvecConvert to a vector
avarsplDefine a subset tabulation/analysis
basic_tableLayout with 1 column and zero rows
bracketsRetrieve and assign elements of a 'TableTree'
build_tableCreate a table from a layout and data
cbind_rtablesColumn-bind two 'TableTree' objects
CellValueConstructor for Cell Value
cell_valuesRetrieve cell values by row and column path
cinfoInstantiated column info
clear_imodsClear all indent modifiers from a table
col_accessorsColumn information/structure accessors
colcount_visibleValue and Visibility of specific column counts by path
collect_leavesCollect leaves of a 'TableTree'
coltree_structureDisplay column tree structure
compare_rtablesCompare two rtables
compat_argsCompatibility argument conventions
constr_argsConstructor argument conventions
content_tableRetrieve or set content table from a 'TableTree'
counts_wpctsAnalysis function to count levels of a factor with percentage...
custom_split_funsCustom split functions
cutsplitsSplits for cutting by values of a numeric variable
data.frame_exportGenerate a result data frame
df_to_ttCreate an 'ElementaryTable' from a 'data.frame'
dimensionsTable dimensions
do_base_splitApply basic split (for use in custom split functions)
drop_facet_levelsPre-processing function for use in 'make_split_fun'
EmptyColInfoEmpty table, column, split objects
export_as_docxExport as word document
facet_colcountGet or set column count for a facet in column space
facet_colcounts_visible-setSet visibility of column counts for a group of sibling facets
find_degen_structFind degenerate (sub)structures within a table
format_rcellFormat 'rcell' objects
formatters_methodsMethods for generics in the 'formatters' package
gen_argsGeneral argument conventions
gfcGet formatted cells
head_tailHead and tail methods
horizontal_sepAccess or recursively set header-body separator for tables
indentChange indentation of all 'rrows' in an 'rtable'
indent_stringIndent strings
in_rowsCreate multiple rows in analysis or summary functions
insert_row_at_pathInsert row at path
insert_rrowInsert 'rrow's at (before) a specific location
int_methodsCombine 'SplitVector' objects
is_rtableCheck if an object is a valid 'rtable'
label_at_pathLabel at path
length-CellValue-methodLength of a Cell value
list_wrapReturns a function that coerces the return values of a...
lyt_argsLayouting function argument conventions
make_afunCreate a custom analysis function wrapping an existing...
make_col_dfColumn layout summary
make_col_row_dfGet a list of table row/column paths
make_split_funCreate a custom splitting function
make_split_resultConstruct split result object
manual_colsManual column declaration
ManualSplitManually defined split
matrix_form-VTableTree-methodTransform an 'rtable' to a list of matrices which can be used...
MultiVarSplitSplit between two or more different variables
namesNames of a 'TableTree'
no_infoExported for use in 'tern'
paginatePagination of a 'TableTree'
prune_tableRecursively prune a 'TableTree'
qtable_layoutGeneralized frequency table
rbindRow-bind 'TableTree' and related objects
rcellCell value constructors
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
ref_fnotesReferential footnote accessors
rheaderCreate a header
rm_all_colcountsSet all column counts at all levels of nesting to NA
row_accessorsRow attribute accessors
rowclassesRow classes and constructors
row_paths_summaryPrint row/column paths summary
rrowCreate an 'rtable' row
rrowlCreate an 'rtable' row from a vector or list of values
rtableCreate a table
rtables-packagertables: Reporting Tables
rtinnerDefault tabulation
sanitize_table_structSanitize degenerate table structures
score_funsScore functions for sorting 'TableTrees'
section_divSection dividers accessor and setter
sf_argsSplit function argument conventions
sort_at_pathSorting a table at a specific path
spl_context.spl_context within analysis and split functions
spl_context_to_disp_pathTranslate spl_context to a path to display in error messages
split_cols_byDeclaring a column-split based on levels of a variable
split_cols_by_multivarAssociate multiple variables with columns
split_funcsSplit functions
split_rows_byAdd rows according to levels of a variable
split_rows_by_multivarAssociate multiple variables with rows
spl_variableVariable associated with a split
summarize_row_groupsAdd a content row of summary counts
tabclasses'TableTree' classes
table_shellTable shells
table_structureSummarize table
top_leftTop left material
tostringConvert an 'rtable' object to a string
tree_childrenRetrieve or set the direct children of a tree-style object
trim_levels_in_facetsTrim levels of another variable from each facet...
trim_levels_to_mapTrim levels to map
trim_prune_funsTrimming and pruning criteria
trim_rowsTrim rows from a populated table without regard for table...
tsv_ioCreate enriched flat value table with paths
ttapAccess or set table elements at specified path
tt_to_flextableCreate a 'flextable' from an 'rtables' table
update_ref_indexingUpdate footnote indices on a built table
validate_table_structValidate and assert valid table structure
value_formatsValue formats
varcutsSplit on static or dynamic cuts of the data
VarLevelSplitSplit on levels within a variable
ViewerDisplay an 'rtable' object in the Viewer pane in RStudio or...
vilList variables required by a pre-data table layout
rtables documentation built on June 27, 2024, 9:06 a.m.