basic_table: Layout with 1 column and zero rows

View source: R/colby_constructors.R

basic_tableR Documentation

Layout with 1 column and zero rows


Every layout must start with a basic table.


  title = "",
  subtitles = character(),
  main_footer = character(),
  prov_footer = character(),
  show_colcounts = FALSE,
  colcount_format = "(N=xx)",
  inset = 0L



character(1). Main title (main_title()) is a single string. Ignored for subtables.


character. Subtitles (subtitles()) can be vector of strings, where every element is printed in a separate line. Ignored for subtables.


character. Main global (non-referential) footer materials (main_footer()). If it is a vector of strings, they will be printed on separate lines.


character. Provenance-related global footer materials (prov_footer()). It can be also a vector of strings, printed on different lines. Generally should not be modified by hand.


logical(1). Should column counts be displayed in the resulting table when this layout is applied to data


character(1). Format for use when displaying the column counts. Must be 1d, or 2d where one component is a percent. See details.


numeric(1). Number of spaces to inset the table header, table body, referential footnotes, and main_footer, as compared to alignment of title, subtitle, and provenance footer. Defaults to 0 (no inset).


colcount_format is ignored if show_colcounts is FALSE (the default). When show_colcounts is TRUE, and colcount_format is 2-dimensional with a percent component, the value component for the percent is always populated with 1 (i.e. 100%). 1d formats are used to render the counts exactly as they normally would be, while 2d formats which don't include a percent, and all 3d formats result in an error. Formats in the form of functions are not supported for colcount format. See formatters::list_valid_format_labels() for the list of valid format labels to select from.


A PreDataTableLayouts object suitable for passing to further layouting functions, and to build_table.


  • Because percent components in colcount_format are always populated with the value 1, we can get arguably strange results, such as that individual arm columns and a combined "all patients" column all list "100%" as their percentage, even though the individual arm columns represent strict subsets of the all patients column.

  • Note that subtitles (subtitles()) and footers (main_footer() and prov_footer()) that spans more than one line can be supplied as a character vector to maintain indentation on multiple lines.


lyt <- basic_table() %>%
  analyze("AGE", afun = mean)

tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)

lyt2 <- basic_table(title = "Title of table",
                   subtitles = c("a number", "of subtitles"),
                   main_footer = "test footer",
                   prov_footer = paste("test.R program, executed at",
                                       Sys.time())) %>%
  split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
  analyze("AGE", mean)

tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM)

lyt3 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE,
                    colcount_format = "xx. (xx.%)") %>%

rtables documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:07 p.m.