context("LBA race functions: RNG is equivalent to n1")
x <- .Random.seed
tryCatch.W.E <- function(expr)
mc <-
mc2 <- = ks.test, call =[[2]]))
mc2[[1]] <- list
w.handler <- function(w){ # warning handler
W <<- w
list(value = withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e),
warning = w.handler), warning = W,
data = eval(mc2, envir = parent.frame()))
conditional_save_t <- function(t, distribution) {
mc <-
ex_data <- t$data
#if (!is.null(t$warning)) save(ex_data, file = paste0(mc[[2]], "_", distribution, "_problem.Rdata"))
test_that("Norm: n1CDF corresponds to random derivates", {
normalised_n1CDF = function(rt,...) n1CDF(rt,...)/n1CDF(rt=Inf,...)
samples <- 1e3
p_min <- 0.001
p_max <- 0.05
A <- runif(2, 0.3, 0.9)
b <- A+runif(2, 0, 0.5)
t0 <- runif(2, 0.1, 0.7)
v1 <- runif(4, 0.5, 1.5)
v2 <- runif(4, 0.1, 0.5)
st0 <- runif(1, 0.1, 0.5)
r_lba1 <- rLBA(samples, A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = t0[1],
mean_v=v1[1:2], sd_v=v2[1:2])
r_lba2 <- rLBA(samples, A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
mean_v=v1[3:4], sd_v=v2[3:4], st0 = st0[1])
t1 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[1], b=b[1]+0.1, t0 = t0[1],
mean_v=v1[1:2], sd_v=v2[1:2]))
expect_lt(t1$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t1, "norm")
t2 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
mean_v=v1[3:4], sd_v=v2[3:4], st0 = 0))
expect_lt(t2$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t2, "norm")
t3 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
mean_v=v1[3:4], sd_v=v2[3:4], st0 = st0[1]+0.1))
expect_lt(t3$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t3, "norm")
t4 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = t0[1],
mean_v=v1[1:2], sd_v=v2[1:2]))
expect_gt(t4$value$p.value, p_max)
conditional_save_t(t4, "norm")
t5 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
mean_v=v1[3:4], sd_v=v2[3:4], st0 = st0[1]))
conditional_save_t(t5, "norm")
expect_gt(t5$value$p.value, p_max)
#if (any(sapply(list(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5), function(x) !is.null(x$warning)))) browser()
test_that("Gamma: n1CDF corresponds to random derivates", {
normalised_n1CDF = function(rt,...) n1CDF(rt,...)/n1CDF(rt=Inf,...)
samples <- 1e3
p_min <- 0.01
p_max <- 0.05
A <- runif(2, 0.3, 0.9)
b <- A+runif(2, 0, 0.5)
t0 <- runif(2, 0.1, 0.7)
v1 <- runif(4, 0.5, 1.5)
v2 <- runif(4, 0.1, 0.5)
st0 <- runif(1, 0.25, 0.75)
r_lba1 <- rLBA(samples, A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = t0[1],
shape_v=v1[1:2], scale_v=v2[1:2], distribution = "gamma")
r_lba2 <- rLBA(samples, A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1], distribution = "gamma")
t1 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[1]+0.1, b=b[1]+0.2, t0 = t0[1],
shape_v=v1[1:2], scale_v=v2[1:2],
distribution = "gamma"))
expect_lt(t1$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t1, "gamma")
t2 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = 0, distribution = "gamma"))
expect_lt(t2$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t2, "gamma")
t3 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1]+0.5, distribution = "gamma"))
expect_lt(t3$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t3, "gamma")
t4 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = t0[1],
shape_v=v1[1:2], scale_v=v2[1:2],
distribution = "gamma"))
expect_gt(t4$value$p.value, p_max)
conditional_save_t(t4, "gamma")
t5 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1], distribution = "gamma"))
expect_gt(t5$value$p.value, p_max)
conditional_save_t(t5, "gamma")
#if (any(sapply(list(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5), function(x) !is.null(x$warning)))) browser()
test_that("Frechet: n1CDF corresponds to random derivates", {
normalised_n1CDF = function(rt,...) n1CDF(rt,...)/n1CDF(rt=Inf,...)
samples <- 2e2
p_min <- 0.001
p_max <- 0.05
A <- runif(2, 0.3, 0.9)
b <- A+runif(2, 0, 0.5)
t0 <- runif(2, 0.1, 0.7)
v1 <- runif(4, 0.5, 1.5)
v2 <- runif(4, 0.5, 1.5)
st0 <- runif(1, 0.25, 0.5)
r_lba1 <- rLBA(samples, A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = t0[1],
shape_v=v1[1:2], scale_v=v2[1:2], distribution = "frechet")
r_lba2 <- rLBA(samples, A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1], distribution = "frechet")
t1 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[1]+0.4, b=b[1]+0.8, t0 = t0[1],
shape_v=v1[1:2], scale_v=v2[1:2],
distribution = "frechet"))
expect_lt(t1$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t1, "frechet")
t2 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = 0, distribution = "frechet"))
expect_lt(t2$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t2, "frechet")
t3 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1]+0.2, distribution = "frechet"))
expect_lt(t3$value$p.value, p_min+0.01)
conditional_save_t(t3, "frechet")
t4 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = t0[1],
shape_v=v1[1:2], scale_v=v2[1:2],
distribution = "frechet"))
expect_gt(t4$value$p.value, p_max)
conditional_save_t(t4, "frechet")
t5 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1], distribution = "frechet"))
#t5 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1]-t0[2], normalised_n1CDF, A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = 0, shape_v=v1[3:4], scale_v=v2[3:4], st0 = st0[1], distribution = "frechet"))
expect_gt(t5$value$p.value, p_max)
conditional_save_t(t5, "frechet")
#if (any(sapply(list(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5), function(x) !is.null(x$warning)))) browser()
test_that("lnorm: n1CDF corresponds to random derivates", {
normalised_n1CDF = function(rt,...) n1CDF(rt,...)/n1CDF(rt=Inf,...)
samples <- 1e3
p_min <- 0.0001
p_max <- 0.05
A <- runif(2, 0.3, 0.9)
b <- A+runif(2, 0, 0.5)
t0 <- runif(2, 0.1, 0.7)
v1 <- runif(4, 0.5, 1.5)
v2 <- runif(4, 0.1, 0.5)
st0 <- runif(1, 0.1, 0.5)
r_lba1 <- rLBA(samples, A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = t0[1],
meanlog_v=v1[1:2], sdlog_v=v2[1:2],
distribution = "lnorm")
r_lba2 <- rLBA(samples, A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
meanlog_v=v1[3:4], sdlog_v=v2[3:4], st0 = st0[1],
distribution = "lnorm")
t1 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[1], b=b[1]+0.1, t0 = t0[1],
meanlog_v=v1[1:2], sdlog_v=v2[1:2],
distribution = "lnorm"))
expect_lt(t1$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t1, "lnorm")
t2 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
meanlog_v=v1[3:4], sdlog_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = 0, distribution = "lnorm"))
expect_lt(t2$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t2, "lnorm")
t3 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2],
meanlog_v=v1[3:4], sdlog_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1]+0.2, distribution = "lnorm"))
expect_lt(t3$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t3, "lnorm")
#t4 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF, A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = t0[1], meanlog_v=v1[1:2], sdlog_v=v2[1:2], distribution = "lnorm"))
t4 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1]-t0[1],
A=A[1], b=b[1], t0 = 0,
meanlog_v=v1[1:2], sdlog_v=v2[1:2],
distribution = "lnorm"))
expect_gt(t4$value$p.value, p_max)
conditional_save_t(t4, "lnorm")
#t5 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF, A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = t0[2], meanlog_v=v1[3:4], sdlog_v=v2[3:4], st0 = st0[1], distribution = "lnorm"))
t5 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(pmax(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1]-t0[2],0),
A=A[2], b=b[2], t0 = 0,
meanlog_v=v1[3:4], sdlog_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1], distribution = "lnorm"))
expect_gt(t5$value$p.value, p_max)
conditional_save_t(t5, "lnorm")
#if (any(sapply(list(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5), function(x) !is.null(x$warning)))) browser()
test_that("Norm: n1CDF corresponds to random derivates with accumulatorwise parameters", {
normalised_n1CDF = function(rt,...) n1CDF(rt,...)/n1CDF(rt=Inf,...)
samples <- 1e3
p_min <- 0.001
p_max <- 0.05
A <- runif(4, 0.3, 0.9)
b <- A+runif(4, 0, 0.5)
t0 <- runif(4, 0.1, 0.7)
v1 <- runif(4, 0.5, 1.5)
v2 <- runif(4, 0.1, 0.5)
st0 <- runif(1, 0.1, 0.5)
r_lba1 <- rLBA(samples, A=list(A[1], A[2]), b=list(b[1], b[2]),
t0 = list(t0[1], t0[2]), mean_v=v1[1:2], sd_v=v2[1:2])
r_lba2 <- rLBA(samples, A=list(A[3], A[4]), b=list(b[3], b[4]),
t0 = list(t0[3], t0[4]), mean_v=v1[3:4], sd_v=v2[3:4],
st0 = st0[1])
t1 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=list(A[1], A[2]), b=list(b[1], b[2]),
t0 = list(t0[1]+0.1, t0[2]+0.1),
mean_v=v1[1:2], sd_v=v2[1:2]))
expect_lt(t1$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t1, "norm")
t2 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=list(A[3], A[4]), b=list(b[3], b[4]),
t0 = list(t0[3], t0[4]), mean_v=v1[3:4],
sd_v=v2[3:4], st0 = 0))
expect_lt(t2$value$p.value, p_min)
conditional_save_t(t2, "norm")
t3 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=list(A[3], A[4]), b=list(b[3], b[4]),
t0 = list(t0[3], t0[4]),
mean_v=v1[3:4], sd_v=v2[3:4], st0 = st0[1]+0.1))
expect_lt(t3$value$p.value, p_min) #+0.003
conditional_save_t(t3, "norm")
t4 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba1$rt[r_lba1$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=list(A[1], A[2]), b=list(b[1], b[2]),
t0 = list(t0[1], t0[2]),
mean_v=v1[1:2], sd_v=v2[1:2]))
expect_gt(t4$value$p.value, p_max)
conditional_save_t(t4, "norm")
t5 <- tryCatch.W.E(ks.test(r_lba2$rt[r_lba2$response==1], normalised_n1CDF,
A=list(A[3], A[4]), b=list(b[3], b[4]),
t0 = list(t0[3], t0[4]),
mean_v=v1[3:4], sd_v=v2[3:4], st0 = st0[1]))
conditional_save_t(t5, "norm")
expect_gt(t5$value$p.value, p_max)
#if (any(sapply(list(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5), function(x) !is.null(x$warning)))) browser()
test_that("rLBA works with trial wise input", {
rt1 <- rLBA(100, A=rep(c(0.5, 0.4), each = 50), b=rep(c(1, 1.4), each = 50),
t0 = rep(c(0.2, 0.4), each = 50),
mean_v=list(rep(c(1.5, 0.9), each = 50),
rep(c(0.9, 1.5), each = 50)),
sd_v=list(rep(c(0.2, 0.4), each = 50),
rep(c(0.3, 0.5), each = 50)),
st0 = rep(c(0.1, 0.2), each = 50))
rt2a <- rLBA(50, A=0.5, b=1, t0 = 0.2,
mean_v=c(1.5, 0.9), sd_v=list(0.2, 0.3), st0 = 0.1)
rt2b <- rLBA(50, A=0.4, b=1.4, t0 = 0.4,
mean_v=c(0.9, 1.5), sd_v=c(0.4, 0.5), st0 = 0.2)
expect_identical(rt1, rbind(rt2a, rt2b))
.Random.seed <<- x
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